
Part 9.3: The Debriefing, POV Andrew’s Voice

"Sorry I'm late everyone." Quinn slammed his right hand on the table and opened his hand. There was a hard drive in his palms, "Let's start this debriefing."

"What's the point of making it seem cool like that?" I mocked, "Just plug in the hard drive and show us what there is to show. I wanna go and fix my grapplers."

Sheila rolled her eyes.

I was sat to the right of Sage, "C'mon man, this'll be fun." she said. These things are tedious and boring. I just need a skimmed down version so I can keep working. 

There were a couple of faces I didn't recognize, one of the new ones said, "So what happen' over the whole' battle? Oh the names Cyrus by the way." 

"Settle down," Quinn said and then plugged in the hard drive into the table. It was a holographic map of the park, "I had a bunch of sensors set down not long after Xeno, Sage and Zack joined the fight. Andrew went ahead of all of them, and Sam and Sheila were already there when it started so I couldn't plant them all immediately to capture the full scale of the battle. My men have gathered that civilian casualties are zero and first responder's casualties are listed as seven injuries: six minor and one major. I'd like to see those numbers lowered," the only way to lower those numbers is to not HAVE them there and let us handle it better…

As I thought that Quinn kept on going on about possibilities at lowering casualties and suggestions until the Purple One's Zack's sibling, at least I assume they're related since they look the same. Either way he put his hand up and asked, "Will we be joining in the next fight?" 

Xeno responded with, "Your current use in magic is still very… how do I put it, childlike?"

"Xeno you could've phrased that a bit better," Quinn commented, "But Xeno is still right. Some of y'all's powers just aren't developed far enough and there are also a number of variables we don't know yet like for example: when the next battle will be or when I am able to finish the next set of suits and their weapons." 

"It's possible to eliminate some of the variables, such as when the next skirmish will take place." Xeno stated. 

I leaned forward, "How so?" 

"Extreme convenience!" Sam shouted, "sorry I was.. Joking I guess." 

"Ahem," Xeno cleared his throat, "When I was a stowaway, I managed to plant hearing devices in important chambers of the commander Mael's ship."

I leaned back into my chair again, "Yeah Sam's right, that is an 'extreme convenience' as he put it. So, how do we use said 'hearing devices'?"

Zack stated, "Lemme guess. It's in YOUR escape pod, isn't it?" he pointed at Xeno.

"That would be correct. Unfortunately ever since landing, I have never been able to make the systems online anymore." 

"That's on me to fix." Quinn pulled up a hologram picture of the crashed escape pod, "I had my team grab the pod and bring it here. It's in one of the rooms here and I have been tinkering to get all of its systems back online so we can study the technology and use it to our fullest capabilities. But right now I have no luck and instead should probably be focusing on fixing up the current suits and tailoring the new ones."

"Can't you condense your speech down, like at all?" Zack's sibling complained. 

"Sorry, it's a bit of a habit." Quinn knocked on his own head. 

"Any more questions before I can move on to the play-by-play of the battle?" 

Everyone was nodding their heads no or looking around the room. Sam asked, "You told us there were nine members before. When are we finding out WHO the ninth is!?" 

"First I've heard of it." The longhaired non-female one said.

"He mentioned it a couple of times before," I stated, "uhhhh," I snapped my fingers a couple of times, "Yeah I don't know your name-"

"It's Adam, nice to meet you?" He extended his hand out to I'm guessing shake my hand.

"No." I swatted his hand away, "Cut your hair. I don't shake hands with anyone unless they're serious about battle. And having long hair that covers one of your eyes is not taking a battle seriously." 

"Okay… jeez well I haven't even fought once. I don't even have a suit and weapon yet." he reasoned. 

"Perfect. You can cut your hair ASAP before getting your gear!" I scoffed. 

"Andrew cut him some slack you fucking micromanager!" Sheila shouted from a few spots to my left. 

"I'm just optimal." I shrugged. 

"Y'all SHUT UP!" Sam shouted, there was a piercing silence, "... Just answer my question and then go on to the play-by-play Quinn." 

"Thanks for that Sam… To be honest, quite soon. He was actually found outside of New York City and will be joining us shortly, how short I don't know but I'd say within the upcoming week. Now for the play-by-play, " Quinn expanded the holographic map of the park, "We'll need both you and Sheila, soon Andrew, to explain the first portion where my sensors didn't capture the events."

"That's fine with me." Sam stood up and spun the holographic map, "We were around here," he pointed at a part in the forest, "looking for Cyrus and that's when the big ass ship hovered on top of the park…" yeah yeah he just kept rambling on about the battle. I wasn't particularly listening because to be frank, I don't care. The newbies may need to listen up but I don't. 

Eventually the play-by-play ended and then Quinn asked, "Okay NOW I have about ten minutes to answer any questions right now." 

Zack's sibling raised his left hand and asked, "When will we," he pointed at himself, Cyrus and Adam, "Get our own weapons and suits?" 

"For you, Will," oh so his name is Will,  "and Adam, I expect tomorrow or two days from now and considering Cyrus has a solid zero experience with magic… maybe within a week or so." Quinn explained. 

"Oh right!" Sage shouted, "we should go do the spell to see what Cyrus's element should be!" 

"Oohhh Sage is right. I need to know Cyrus's element to efficiently teach him." Xeno agreed. 

"Is that the one where I collapsed to the ground covered in Ice?" Will asked. 

Adam and Sage nodded. 

Cyrus frantically asked "Wait WHAT!? Are y'all sure this is safe!?" 

Then Sam and Sheila nodded.

"I'm not sticking around for this." I stood up and was about to leave… and then Sheila twisted my shoulder and she said "C'mon it'll only be a couple of minutes." she said with a deep grin. 

"I suppose I have a couple of minutes." I stopped on my path to the door. 

"Perfect!" Quinn canceled the hologram and stood up, "Let's head to one of the gyms then!" 

We all walked a short walk across the hall, Xeno created the magic circle and had Cyrus step into the center, "Again, shit is safe right?" Everyone in the room nodded. Xeno cast the spell.

"WOAHHH!!" Cyrus shouted while his eyes lit up a bright yellow. Rocks started to protrude out of his arms and some off the ground for about a minute and a half and then he collapsed to the ground sweating, "So, what power do I have?" 

"It's pretty clear that it's earth or something like that." Zack commented. 

"He's right, Earth is your power." Xeno stated. 

"Cool," I clapped, "We're done here." And I left the room and went to my personal quarters, shut the door and tossed my gear onto my work table. 

I need to rest my body…