A Bit of Fun

"What did he say?"

"Aren't you afraid of Arturo?"

Arturo ignored the glances of the people around him. Instead, he coldly stared at Gilgamesh, who was standing in front of him, looking him in the eyes with a mocking expression.

Gilgamesh, as if uninterested in continuing these childish games, said, "A clever dog doesn't block the path of someone who could be its owner. Arturo, if you don't want to be a bad dog, get out of my way right now."

After hearing this, the boy who had spoken up to stop the harassment of Gilgamesh knew that everything had gone awry. Especially when he saw the demon-like eyes of Arturo, he knew that this wouldn't end well at all.

One of the students who had distanced himself felt slighted by a stranger, as he was a student of the Water God Style. So he said, "Don't you like this place? The Water God Style Academy has strict rules that dictate that no one unaffiliated with the academy can enter the training grounds. Does a clown like you dare to come to our house and step on us like this?"

Gilgamesh was about to respond when a voice stopped him and whispered, "Please, don't cause any more trouble here. Everyone is a bit on edge because the fourth prince will be here to challenge some students to a formal combat. So it's best to put an end to this now."

The intention of that student was to remind Gilgamesh that they didn't usually behave this way, and he also insinuated that Gilgamesh couldn't afford to be arrogant here. If he takes the initiative to cause trouble here, the students in this place are allowed to respond with a formal duel.

Arturo didn't make any move and said, "You must be from some noble family, but not influential enough to be recognized by anyone else. Even if you're a student from another academy, you're still a guest. We would all like to treat you with the proper courtesy according to our situation. However, you're disrupting our training routine, so you can leave this place quietly if you apologize for your comments."

"Furthermore, we don't want our things to be stolen or used by others."

"What do you mean by 'stealing'?" asked the student who had been speaking up for Gilgamesh until now with a strange expression. "You clearly know that entry to the academy is restricted for certain people, so stop insinuating that someone might steal from this place, as you know it's not the case."

Arturo clearly wanted to imply that he didn't like strangers and that Gilgamesh might covet their treasures. This situation didn't affect just one person, as it also greatly influenced the family behind Gilgamesh. Even someone as cunning as Arturo had to understand what his words meant.

"You must also know that this academy is not reserved solely for students from noble families but also for commoners who can be sponsored by families. Who can guarantee that etiquette and behavior are well ingrained in someone outside of our academy? If this stranger calls us dogs, that speaks very poorly of his status," Arturo pointed out with a cold voice.

After finishing his words, Arturo glared coldly at Gilgamesh. The other members of the nobility smiled and agreed with the words that had been spoken, while others chose not to get involved in this issue that was not their concern.

The one speaking up for Gilgamesh was filled with anger, and it seemed that he already had certain issues with Arturo. However, Gilgamesh remained calm, and after a few seconds, he responded calmly.

"No treasure in my sight falls into the category of things I care about having. Besides, if I truly like something, I can take it without any of you being able to do anything about it. 'Steal'? You should feel proud to possess something I like; that's how things work if any of you get in my way."

"And as for all of you," Gilgamesh proclaimed with a deep voice, "you're all so conceited that it disgusts me. I've never seen a living being dare to stand in my way. This place is much more interesting than I imagined. Of course, by recommendation, you should step aside and take a moment to rest."

"You damn idiot! If you wish to be arrogant, then I'll teach you to respect me by force." Arturo, infuriated by Gilgamesh's words, unsheathed his sword.

"Arturo, if you want to fight someone, fight me," said the boy next to Gilgamesh.

Having witnessed Gilgamesh's arrogance, he knew that Gilgamesh was not an ordinary person, so he decided to step forward and stop this problem that had escalated to incredible levels. At the same time, he believed that Gilgamesh had never held a sword before, so he took a step forward and assumed a defensive stance.

Fury exploded in Arturo's eyes. Being called a dog and having his possessions called trash were things he could not accept under any circumstances. But Gilgamesh in front of him dared to insult him in this manner, so he would give him an unforgettable lesson.

Gilgamesh slowly pushed the boy next to him, who seemed ready to fight for him, so he calmly said, "Your name is Arturo, right? I can see those eyes ready to kill, so you must be prepared to die as well."

"Well! Well! This is excellent!" Arturo, who seemed to have heard a joke, burst into laughter. "This is the funniest thing I've ever heard. Can a stranger like you kill someone who is in the advanced standard stage of the Water God Style, like me? So be it; I'll give you that chance to prove otherwise!"

Knowing that Gilgamesh was just a stranger who had come to insult them, they knew they could do this, while other students lamented the outcome of this battle.

"Do you want to fight as an advanced standard practitioner against someone whose strength you don't know? You don't even know who he is; your arrogance is certainly a testament to the titles Arturo has received."

Gilgamesh didn't seem upset; on the contrary, he was being entertained in this way, so he said, "Very well, everyone can bear witness to this battle."

After saying this, Gilgamesh headed toward the combat stage.

"Listen! This is impossible! Arturo is just steps away from leveling up in swordsmanship. Even if you are... even if you're here to assess his skills, you won't be able to do anything if you accept a formal duel with so many witnesses."

"It's okay; he's just an advanced standard practitioner! However, even a sword saint in this place dares to challenge me. Depending on my mood, I might run them through with a sword as well!" Gilgamesh pushed the kind-hearted young man who had spoken up for him from the beginning and asked, "By the way, what's your name?"

"My name is Lorian, no last name or affiliation other than being a student of this academy." Lorian had recognized Gilgamesh, but since he hadn't introduced himself as the prince, he decided to remain silent.

"A good name, so just watch from the sidelines what true desperation looks like for people who can't recognize the strong."

Lorian's head began to buzz. His first thought was that this prince had gone mad. Gilgamesh wasn't recognized for strength or appearance, but he definitely wasn't stronger than Arturo, who had been training in the Water God Style for over seven years.

At most, Prince Gilgamesh could be in the early stages of an advanced standard practitioner in some martial art, but he wasn't comparable to someone who surpassed him in experience and age.

Lorian immediately regained his reasoning and went to find an instructor. He knew that if this fight continued, someone would likely be seriously injured, and there was even a danger of death.