Overwhelming Power

Gilgamesh took a step forward, not bothering to look at Elion. He turned his head as if surveying the area and said, "I don't care if you're a King-ranked swordsman, I don't care who's behind you, or if my father shares my thoughts. A God of the sword or of magic, it matters not to me. If you wish to step forward, be my guest. But expect to receive twice the cruelty in return, for I will not only kill you and all those necessary but also ensure that future problems are dealt with regarding those who are part of your family."

"Well, well, well! I'll cut you into pieces, sever your tendons, and then spit on your corpse. At that moment, I'd like to see how you plan to kill me."

Elion had lost his temper. As if losing a son wasn't enough, he couldn't bear the arrogance of Gilgamesh's threats, and he had to do it in front of his son's lifeless body. At forty years old, this was a comical scene he had witnessed at an unimaginable moment in his life. In all his battles that he had won, it was the first time he had encountered someone so arrogant, someone who looked down on him no matter who he was.

At that moment, everyone on the scene wanted to sew Gilgamesh's mouth shut to stop his nonsense. However, since the fourth prince was eager to die, there was nothing they could do.

Gilgamesh slowly walked toward Elion and extended his hand forward, ready to summon a decent weapon to face this man who seemed to want an equal footing.

"You foolish boy, meet your death!"

Elion took a step back to create some distance between himself and Simón, and the tip of his sword aimed at Gilgamesh.

"Halt!" A voice, like thunder, echoed throughout the academy. No one could contain their battle fervor upon hearing that tone and coldness in the voice; it made them feel like their very souls were being pierced.

Because of that voice, Simón, who had already drawn his sword, breathed a sigh of relief; only now did his tense muscles relax.

"Commander Ragnar!"

Elion, who was about to attack, instinctively stopped, a sense of impending death coursing through his body.

"It was a fair competition. When one dies, only oneself should blame for being foolish enough not to see someone more powerful than they could handle!" Ragnar's voice continued to resonate in the surroundings.

Rumors had it that Ragnar was just one step away from becoming a Sword God in the Water God style, but many disagreed with this, as the last male Sword God had died a long time ago, and it was hard to believe that another one existed. Nevertheless, everyone held great respect for Ragnar, who was a commander in the imperial forces of the Asura Kingdom.

"Our loyalty lies with the Kingdom that supported us from the very beginning, protected us as we grew, and will take care of us when we pass," Ragnar said, ignoring Elion's son's death, letting his cold words leave an impression on everyone's thoughts.

"However, we will consider if the young fourth prince wishes to challenge someone more powerful to gauge his true sword skills."

Gilgamesh relaxed his expression and said, "Finally, someone with a brain spoke in this place, and as the master of my own decisions, I want to challenge someone with the title Sword King, and if I desire, we can have a duel to the death, Lord Elion."

Concluding his words, he walked outside and said, "The fight will be today, but I'd like many to witness the death of a man who couldn't properly educate his son."

Everyone, regardless of who they were, looked at Gilgamesh with horror. A ten-year-old facing a death duel with a man roughly in his forties with the title of Sword King?

The young prince is definitely completely mad!

Simon, who glanced at Elion, shook his head and followed Gilgamesh, who had already left without notice.

"Young prince, if you want to die, please don't drag him down with you."

"Come on, Simon, I'm very satisfied with your behavior. You didn't back down no matter what the situation was. Your will overcame your fears, something that's hard to achieve as a man." Gilgamesh, not wanting to be taken back to the carriage, removed Simon's hands and looked up at the sky.

"You... You... You..." Simon couldn't contain his emotions at this moment. "Prince, don't you know that Elion is known for shattering his enemies' bones with his sword before killing them? He's a warrior who very possibly, in about ten years, can reach a level that very few in this world attain."

"Is he that incredible? It's too late now, and I've challenged him to a death duel. Besides, I prefer to judge men on the battlefield." Of course, Gilgamesh couldn't reveal his secrets.

If he wished, he could have wiped out the entire Water God Style academy, but he had promised himself to be more human and seek a new purpose in life. If he was now causing havoc, it was for a reason, and that reason was to obtain a title by killing another, so they would stop bothering him.

Simon didn't say anything more; he had grown tired and no longer tried to convince Gilgamesh. After all, all he could do was protect him, and if he died today, he would too. "You better be strong enough to at least hold your ground. You should know I've already sent a letter to the king to take charge of this matter."

"The old man who calls himself my father? I don't remember his face, so I don't care." Gilgamesh walked toward the distant building to wait while he looked for something to eat.

The battle would take place in the Coliseum, which would be set up specifically for those who would face off and for those who wanted to watch. This news spread like wildfire throughout the city, and within a few minutes, hundreds of people gathered out of sheer curiosity.

"Have you heard? The mysterious prince Gilgamesh is going to face off against the Sword King, the bone breaker, in a death match."

"How old is the fourth prince?"

"About ten?"


The Coliseum began to fill up, all the disciples of the Water God Style academy appeared and filled the closest rows.

Their expectations were high, as Gilgamesh didn't seem to be weak at all when they saw him easily defeat Arturo.