What I Want 

Tristina was nervous. She never expected this to happen and didn't know how to look at her parents after everything that had happened. Her childhood was shattered, her will to move forward was weak, and all she could think about was repaying her debt to Prince Gilgamesh. 

However, when she heard that her family had arrived at this mansion, her whole body froze, and she even forgot how to breathe properly. A panic attack filled her chest, and everything seemed to be engulfed in oppressive darkness. 

"What am I doing..." Tristina murmured, not wanting her family to see her in such a pitiful state. 

At the same time, in the mansion's hallway leading to the main hall, Simon spoke, "Go and greet the guests, tell them to be discreet with their words so as not to disrupt Tristina's stability." 

Simon placed a hand on his chest and nodded. He wasn't so useless as to not understand what Gilgamesh meant, so he nodded, grasping his lord's point. 

"After bringing them in, anyone from the Purplehorse family should ensure that the guards outside see no prying eyes in this place. They can kill anyone causing disorder in my name, no matter who they are." Gilgamesh immediately commanded according to his own conjectures. 

Simon readily accepted the order and refrained from saying anything irrelevant. If this had been before, Simon might have thought that Gilgamesh was forging his first alliance to seize the throne, like everyone else, and would have valued this encounter. But due to the words Gilgamesh had spoken about this realm, he knew that the prince's interests were quite peculiar. 

"You should appear strong in front of your family; that way, you'll make them feel a bit calmer." Gilgamesh said as he walked over to where Tristina was and settled into an individual armchair near a fireplace. 

"I apologize for giving you this image; I simply couldn't contain my emotions." Tristina wiped away her tears and sat up in one of the side chairs. 

"In situations like these, which are difficult to handle, you should think about what you want from now on, not what others want from you. I've told you before, if you don't believe that your family is the path for you, then you can serve me." Someone like Gilgamesh had never had emotional problems, so things like pain or guilt were not emotions he felt too frequently. 

What mattered was having a life; what you could achieve afterward could drastically change what you felt in that moment. 

Gilgamesh, of course, had a grand plan behind all of this. That very reason would change the normal course of this world and stir the tides of the future. 

In his previous moves, Gilgamesh had set up a board large enough for everyone to participate, even if they were not directly related to the Asura kingdom. For others, the movements on the board represented their future and the destruction of their entire history. Regardless of what happened, as long as Gilgamesh moved the board, everyone had to adapt to the circumstances if they didn't want to be consumed by the tide's waves. 

This would be Gilgamesh's grand step, even if he had to resort to desperate situations. If he could secure the loyalty of the Purplehorse family, he would have the board in motion in his hands. 

According to the records from the central database, they had all experienced years of peace, but the technology of this world remained lamentable. Compared to his realm, this country could be considered poor in values, what people felt for it, and what they were willing to give to protect it. 

"Right this way, please!" 

Simon's voice echoed in the distance, and a few seconds later, three unfamiliar individuals with the Purplehorse family emblems marked on their chests hurriedly entered. 

"My child!" 

"Parents... I'm sorry." Those were Tristina's only words before being embraced by her two parents. 

Gilgamesh smiled at the scene. He was correct in reaching out to this family as they truly cared for their kin. Without showing any courtesy, he remained silently observing this scene until an elderly man took a few steps towards him and bowed respectfully. 

"Prince Gilgamesh, I am the current head of the Purplehorse family, Percival Purplehorse! On behalf of myself and my family, we are deeply grateful that you were able to keep the youngest of our family safe." Percival said, completely ignoring his family's emotions. As the family head, if he displayed weakness in front of Prince Gilgamesh, he would appear weak in the prince's eyes. 

When Gilgamesh saw this elder, he nodded in response and examined his appearance. Percival Purplehorse had the appearance of an elderly man, dressed elegantly in his traditional black uniform. His hair was completely white, as was his immaculate beard. He had visible wrinkles on his hollowed face, which gave him a soft appearance, but his eyes were as sharp as an eagle's. 

"I didn't expect much from your family, but you have surprised me. Only now can I say that you have my attention." 

"Your attention? What do you mean?" 

"Well, I'd classify all the nobility of this kingdom as trash that needs to be cleaned up. Honestly, there's not a single family in this group that's exempt, but I can sense that your family is different, so we can continue this conversation in a more private setting while Tristina's parents catch up." Gilgamesh said. 

Gilgamesh got up and walked towards an office within the mansion. Percival looked at his granddaughter and, without any expression on his face, followed the prince Gilgamesh through the hallways. 

As he watched Gilgamesh's figure, his keen senses could perceive that this young man was indeed as he was described. Arrogance was evident in every one of his movements, so he knew it would be challenging to deal with someone like this. 

"You must be quite intrigued by this situation, aren't you?" Gilgamesh entered the office, and Percival closed the door behind him. 

"That... you're correct. I have many questions that I require answers to." Percival dropped the respectful and cautious demeanor, shifting to a more direct posture. 

"That's better. You may take a seat as I'd like to have a closer conversation," Gilgamesh extended his hand towards a chair and then continued, "For some time, many have tried to take my life. After the attempt that came closest, I sent them a message that wasn't heard by killing that Sword King." 

Percival gave Gilgamesh a meaningful look and said, "It's surprising to hear that a child no older than a few years would kill a Sword King. I suppose it's not surprising that they thought it was some kind of fabricated joke." 

Gilgamesh smiled and said, "That makes more sense for your explanation, but not for mine. They knew of my strength, but they wanted to kill me because there would be no second chance after that day. They knew that as time passes, my strength will become invincible across all continents, and let me tell you, they are right." 

"After that day, at night, some assassins visited my mansion, and to my surprise, they were all led by the Prime Minister who supports my eldest brother in inheriting my father's throne." Gilgamesh said as he held a red rose matching the color of his eyes. 

"So, what did you do?" Percival asked, feeling a chilling sensation. 

"I killed that swine by impaling him with the swords of his personal guards. If you compare the pigs and that Prime Minister, I can confidently say that Darius Silva Ganius shed many more tears." Gilgamesh said with a calm expression, looked at Percival, and asked, "Do you know how I found out?" 

"Did one of the assassins make a deal with you?" Percival asked in a doubtful tone. 

It was possible but highly unlikely, as assassins were trained not to reveal their employer if captured. 

"Exactly. I made a deal, and this assassin asked me to kill everyone except the slaves of that swine. So that's what I did, and in that place, I found your granddaughter." Gilgamesh explained. 

Percival clenched his fists, and his indifferent expression couldn't contain the murderous intent he sensed in the surroundings. However, Gilgamesh, as if unaffected by this, continued, "Now you understand me when I say that this kingdom is rotten to its core, so I'm requesting your help." 

"I understand your point, but becoming king with just the support of the Purplehorse family won't secure the throne for you." Percival wouldn't lead his family into a clear defeat against other factions, but Gilgamesh's next words left him speechless. 

"Who said I want to be king?"