A Tower

Not many years had passed since Tristina was kidnapped and treated as a slave, but she needed to go through a long and rigorous process of recovery. 

For Gilgamesh, this was very irrelevant because if she was strong enough to survive that ordeal, it meant her will to live was strong. Now, with the loyalty of the Purplehorse family, he was about to embark on the next plan he had in mind to further strengthen his forces. 

Today, he didn't necessarily need an army, but he was merely preparing in case someone attempted to harm his treasures. There was nothing more to it, and the fact that he was using his swords to give the slaves an opportunity to better themselves alongside him was much better than mercy. 

This world was dark, like any other, and he couldn't change that even if he wished to. But what he could do was protect those who needed it as a leader to follow. 

Gilgamesh cast a cold, icy glare at all those who watched him from a distance. None of them had the slightest clue about the power concealed within his small frame, but that was alright. To them, he was just a weak prince who had been fortunate, and to some extent, this benefited him. 

"Should I kill them?" Alastor, standing beside Gilgamesh, asked as if it were a matter of little importance. 

Gilgamesh shook his head and said, "We can't go around killing people. Tarnishing my reputation further is not something I desire." 

"Let's bid farewell to our guests; they must prepare as they have some tasks to carry out for me." Gilgamesh said as he descended the stairs. 

"Yes, my lord." Alastor walked calmly behind Gilgamesh, observing every corner of the hallway. 

Now, Alastor's strength was slowly increasing, strengthening his muscles, bones, and nerves that had worn out over the years. 


Main hall, Gilgamesh's mansion. 

Gilgamesh sighed as he looked at the girl in front of him. 

"Tristina, from now on, and until you can prove otherwise, the only person you should worry about is yourself. You haven't rested well these past few days, which is why I contacted your family as soon as possible." 

Upon hearing the word "rest," Tristina shuddered as if she had been caught committing a punishable offense. However, she restrained herself and took a deep breath. 

"There are no words to describe my gratitude, so I want to make a solemn pledge that I will support you in whatever you require from now on. Perhaps it doesn't seem like it, but my desire is to continue training with the sword to find my inner stability and become someone recognized for my strength." Tristina was resolute in her words, and her parents standing by did not interfere with their daughter's decision. 

"Then become strong, and when you are powerful enough, come to me." Gilgamesh extended his hand, and with a golden gleam, a beautiful sword appeared in his hand. "Tristina, remember that limitations are in the mind, so take this sword and live life on your terms." 

"That is..." 

The eyes of everyone in the room sparkled as they saw the beautiful sword emit a chilling aura. Undoubtedly, that sword was more than valuable in Gilgamesh's treasury. 

"I understand how you feel, but my purpose in this life goes no further than following my own path without being bothered by anyone else. I detest the immoral behavior of humans who call themselves nobles, so before traveling the world, I want to form an impenetrable circle among those who want to continue on the path of being human." 

Listening to Gilgamesh speak with a calm and indifferent tone, a feeling of reverence arose in the hearts of all present, and even Tristina's father, Cedric, stepped forward and said, "I heard the decision my daughter made, and I agree. If you believe that my assistance will be needed on the path you are about to take, I am willing to pledge my loyalty." 

"No one will regret making that decision, so I entrust my people to your care, and I hope that the Purplehorse family creates good knights who truly protect the people and not the nobility's swine." Gilgamesh said as he handed a sword to Cedric, who regarded it with pride. 

Now, all that remained was to wait. As long as the Purplehorse family could create loyal and worthy servants, there would be nothing to worry about, and Gilgamesh would continue his path in peace. 


A few days later... 

Black Pelas Auction House. 

Private room. 

"This is the latest work done by an architect who meets the requirements you need. It can accommodate eight hundred people, a huge tower right next to it as you requested, and the available grounds are ready for renovation." Anderson extended a blueprint in front of Gilgamesh, who nodded. This tower would revolutionize all the structures in the city of Ars, and the best part was that it would only be a place where his people could rest, train, and eat without being bothered by others. 

"This tower must be operational by the end of this year without any delays. Ensure they receive good payment and that the materials are of the highest quality," Gilgamesh said as he looked at the construction, nodding in satisfaction. 

Anderson nodded. He had been working outside his comfort zone because the pay was good. During this time, he had received payment in the form of gold ingots and magical stones destined to be sold in large quantities. 

He had seen many things in his life, but what the prince Gilgamesh was doing with the construction in a poor part of the city was beyond words. Not only did he want to establish a magic tower, as he called it, but also several schools and orphanages. 

Gilgamesh knew that buying all the slaves entering the capital of the Asura Kingdom would cause him significant problems when it came to placing them, so there was no better way than creating special areas to house all these people. 

He knew this would upset the nobles, but eventually the city would be taken over by his innovative constructions, and he would be able to reform parts of this kingdom according to his interests. 

In addition to this, by controlling the slaves entering this kingdom, he could not only improve his servants but also forge important ties with tribes, noble families, and villages that would be grateful for having their children returned to their respective families. 

Of course, there were families that sold their children, and such slaves would be sent to the Purplehorse family to be trained in swordsmanship, while those who wanted to study magic would have the magic tower that was about to be built for that purpose. 

Furthermore, he needed a place that would be protected by his treasures where not just anyone could enter. This way, that so-called human god could not exert his influence within his tower. 

"By the way, Prince Gilgamesh, since many of the resources you've purchased are filling up the warehouses, do you have any special plans beyond all this?" Anderson, despite appearing manipulable, was very observant and well-informed. 

Gilgamesh, who heard this, smiled and said, "I already told you I don't care about the throne, but if my brothers' factions continue to bother me, I wouldn't mind being a king in this world just to teach them a good lesson." 

"I've heard that many families that haven't taken a faction in the throne struggle are interested in contacting you. Even many of the families supporting your brother were interested in you." 

"As you know well, only knight families are of interest to me. Others wouldn't be of any use since the Purplehorse family handles everything, isn't that enough?" Gilgamesh tasted a delicious strawberry pastry and said, "Isn't this world very vast?" 

"It is, so vast that no normal person could explore it all," Anderson said with a nostalgic expression. 

At that moment, a series of footsteps could be heard from outside the room, and soon a sound came from the door. 

"Who is it?" Anderson asked, furrowing his brow. 

"She's waiting for Prince Gilgamesh in his office!" Said a childish voice. 

"It seems they're looking for you. Remember not to be too assertive with your words; she has a certain hatred for nobles." Anderson advised as he leaned towards Gilgamesh. 

"At last, she has arrived. I wonder what kind of woman owns this auction house." Gilgamesh smiled innocently, but there was a dangerous aura in his eyes.