Auction [1]

"My body keeps growing, which should be normal as I'm about to turn eleven..." Gilgamesh observed his body in a large, wide mirror. It was normal to have this physique since the blood in his body had awakened, and divine energy had been on the rise. 

With that in mind, he had now recovered more than half of his maximum abilities, and with this, there was no being in this world that could harm him, or so he hoped, as his knowledge of this place was still quite limited. But he wanted to have fun, to venture into this world and find what would fill his heart. 

During these last few days, an order of knights had been formed called the 'Templar Knights,' a legion of knights who only followed the voice of man and believed in the strength of their sword. There was no religion that touched the heart of every man or woman who joined this legion, and each member received a sword and had to pledge loyalty to the supreme lord of the knights. 

This order of Knights was being led by the Purplehorse family, so everyone suspected that this legion of knights was being sponsored by Prince Gilgamesh. Consequently, several families went to the Purplehorse family residence to seek their help in establishing contact with Prince Gilgamesh, aiming to support his cause and have his backing in the power struggle. 

It was amusing, but Gilgamesh accepted their oath on the condition that they all pledged loyalty to him and did not tarnish his name with acts he would not tolerate in the nobility. Some nobles set aside their vile customs and embraced change, but those who refused were mysteriously killed that night. 

Gilgamesh had spent his time reading history books, learning languages, and educating knights who worked in his mansion. During all this time, no one had interrupted him, not even his father paid attention to his actions in recent weeks. Therefore, Gilgamesh could act as he pleased without anyone getting in his way. 

"My lord, the carriage is ready." Simon's voice echoed from outside, and Gilgamesh, dressed more to his liking, stepped out of his room. 

"Is there anything novel that can pique my interest?" Gilgamesh asked as he boarded the elegant golden carriage he had made available for his people. 

Simon, who was entirely different this time, always looked at Gilgamesh with utmost respect, so he replied, "Nothing that can pique your interest, but the purchase of slaves has been arranged, and the talent division is in progress for the future roles that will require the attention of trustworthy individuals." 

"Everything in this life has value, doesn't it, Simon?" Gilgamesh smiled as he looked at the streets of the city, which seemed a bit livelier than usual. 

Beside him, Ana, the assassin who had attempted on his life, sat eating mint candies. Her appearance had changed completely, and this time, she seemed less innocent, wearing the simplest clothing someone of her stature could wear. 

"Anita, how's the training of my dear assassins going?" Gilgamesh asked, looking at Ana, who was usually silent. 

"It will take years to show results. No one has talent, so they must be strong and train hard," Ana's flat tone was typical, as she seemed to dislike talking to others. 

"It's incredible that I can only converse with you, my lord," Simon said, surprised. He remembered the time Ana scolded him for eating her coffee candies, and that day he realized how terrifying Ana could be despite her tiny stature. 

Before they arrived at the Black Pearls Auction House, Gilgamesh told Simon that he didn't want to engage in tedious conversations with fake nobles, so they wouldn't stop to talk to them. 

Finally, the carriage stopped outside the main entrance of the auction house, and Simon was the first to step out, revealing his enormous frame alongside that impressive black armor that seemed to weigh hundreds of kilograms but meant nothing to him. 

"It's Prince Gilgamesh! I never thought I'd see him in this place!" 

"This is the first time the prince Gilgamesh has appeared at an event outside the Silver Palace!" 

"By God, he'll be quite the handsome man when he grows up." 

Ignoring all the senseless comments, he finally arrived in front of the Black Pearls Auction House's entrance. It was easy to recognize as the largest building among all the facilities in this place. 

Although this auction house was expanding throughout the kingdom of Asura, at this rate, it could become the first auction house to set foot on other continents without any problems. 

But all of this was due to the meticulous moves of the owner, who seemed to have chosen good managers for the respective branches. Maybe she had raised them herself, which is not surprising since her life is so long that ninety years could be just her childhood. 

Although this auction house never interfered in politics, they held great power because of the special items they auctioned. Neither royalty nor nobles dared to touch them, as they had all silently agreed not to lay a hand on the auction items from this house before they were auctioned. 

Upon entering the auction house, Gilgamesh noticed that there were already many people inside. 

The entrance hall of the Black Pearls Auction House was very large and beautifully decorated with heroic paintings depicting different types of creatures and magical races, some of which had delicate poems printed alongside them. 

The entrance hall was divided into three parts. In the front, there was a massive door leading to the auction room. To the right, there were stands leading to private lounges where individuals from prestigious families could attend the auction. Finally, to the left, there were stands leading to reserved rooms for the staff of the place. 

"My lord, I will find someone to guide us," said Simon, who was the only companion of Gilgamesh within this place. 

Gilgamesh nodded and watched as Simon navigated through the crowd toward the counter where the receptionist was stationed. 

After exchanging words, the receptionist looked at him and immediately rushed to the left of the stairs. 

A moment later, a sturdy woman dressed in a fitted men's suit descended the stairs on the left side and approached them. 

"Prince Gilgamesh, welcome to our Black Pearls Auction House! My name is Sarah, and I will take care of you until Elaine comes to visit!" Sarah said with a respectful smile. 

"Where is Elaine?"