Sense of Life

"Prince Gilgamesh!" 

"Where is he?" 

Simon advanced through the streets with a terrifying aura shrouding his body, but as he made his way through the streets, he discovered that there were more corpses than he could count at a glance. This meant that he had not done his job well and that he was not yet ready to call himself Gilgamesh's right-hand man, not even worthy of protecting him. How could he feel proud to be his right hand? 

Just as he was about to increase his speed, he heard a calm voice calling him from afar, "You look good. I thought you couldn't handle those two ants you were facing." 

Gilgamesh, holding a girl and followed by a boy, appeared in his sight. "My lord, forgive me for not being able to keep your tranquility and making you have to raise a sword." 

"You're growing little by little, Simon. This is not such a big deal. I understand you have your insecurities, but never hold back your sword with any enemy, even if it's a God. If your bones aren't broken and your muscles aren't bleeding, it means you didn't try hard enough, so think about that when you have to defend me." 

Gilgamesh handed the girl in his arms and said, "I can't send them to the Purplehorse family for training. The girl has potential in magic, and the boy in the sword, but they can't be separated until they're at least ten years old..." 

"So, do you plan to keep them by your side?" Simon didn't quite understand what Gilgamesh was thinking about it. He wasn't usually very interested in this kind of thing because he liked tranquility, so he didn't quite grasp the goal of bringing these children back. 

"For the time being, yes, but right now all I want is to get out of this dump," Gilgamesh said as he walked through the mud and puddles due to the heavy rain. 

Simon immediately said in a calm tone, "Don't worry, my lord. a carriage is on its way, and the knights will take care of the corpses. Do you have any special instructions you'd like to give?" 

"None, return with all the wounded directly to the mansion where they will be treated. If anyone asks about my condition, just tell them I am extremely angry due to this fierce act committed against my pardon," said Gilgamesh, who looked into the distance as a simpler carriage arrived at high speed, which was better than expected given the circumstances. 

When Gilgamesh boarded the carriage, it immediately set off for the mansion, followed by the injured guards and new knights who had arrived to control the situation, count the deaths, and identify the suspects. 

The attacks on the princes were becoming increasingly fierce and frequent, which could destabilize the people, so security would be increased just to keep the affected individuals calm in this incident. 


"What a damn waste of time..." 

Gilgamesh secretly frowned, but such activities against him were insignificant because the assassins were so weak that he could have killed them without moving a muscle if he wanted to. But it was true that he had been bored lately. Although this was his new life, he was still too young to appreciate all the flavors he could obtain in this life. 

"At first glance, this world looks very weak, but if gods exist, things can change a little later on. Living in this city is making me sick. At least I should endure this until I create my safe haven here." 

The magical tower, or a tower with the name Uruk, was a simple construction to keep intruders out and create an environment filled with what currently mattered to him. Once he regains the love of the people who benefited from his hand, he will know that the things he once had are returning to this world. 

But no matter how he looked at it, this place was not his previous world. He understood so little about this world that it both intrigued and wearied him. Nevertheless, he knew he was probably overthinking it because he still felt genuinely confused. 

Reviving could be an exciting adventure for any other humble man, but Gilgamesh was not just any man. He couldn't be compared to anyone in this world, and his perspective on this could be seen as either a reward or a mockery of his achievements. 

But he had died honorably and been praised by all. He had defeated the gods and left in men and women a sense of justice that didn't involve any kind of religion. One only needed to believe in the sword and the kingdom, a pure and clean realm where even the poorest had incalculable worth. 

"I doubt really where to direct my path. Of course, the idea of becoming a King is out of the question for now. But with my goal being a certain God, I cannot afford to take over such a weak and fragile kingdom." 

As he passed by a church, Gilgamesh's mouth twisted with disdain. The Milis Religion was the world's largest religious organization, founded by Saint Milis, and it existed on almost every continent where humans lived. 

The first time Gilgamesh heard of this religion, he immediately associated it with a religion that worshipped Hitogami as a God, but what surprised him was that it wasn't like that at all. 

Hitogami couldn't be Milis for a very simple reason: Milis had acted in the human world. It happened because she used a massive sword strike to defeat some demon lord; the Sacred Sword's Road was basically a path that followed the damage from that strike. 

Hitogami couldn't personally appear in the human world; that's what he had been told, and based on his deduction, Gilgamesh suspected that this God wasn't lying. The only way Gilgamesh suspected he could interact in the human world was through his messengers, apostles, or chosen ones to carry out his will. 

"A religion that divided its believers, the psychopaths who cling to their beliefs of expelling demons and exterminating them entirely. And then there are those who see any race as their equal, something quite interesting considering the human-demon war." 

Before he realized it, Gilgamesh had already arrived at his palace, and after reaching the door, a bottle with a strange liquid appeared in his hand, which he handed to one of the servants. 

"One drop for each of the wounded knights. Once they've been cared for, tell them to reflect on the battle they had this afternoon," Gilgamesh said in a cold tone before taking off his clothes and heading straight for the bath to take a shower. 

"Your words are commands, Fourth Prince," the servant bowed respectfully and quickly headed to the infirmary where the wounded knights from the battle were. 


Gilgamesh Asura, currently ten years old, is the fourth prince of the Asura Kingdom. A demon, very powerful, the youngest to receive the title of Sword King, with unknown abilities, perhaps a powerful magician, possessing unimaginable treasures, commanding powerful knights in the Holy Sword Kingdom, and suspected to have one of the elders by his side as a Sword Emperor. 

He is an unmatched genius who could become a Sword God by the age of thirty. From a young age, he was considered the best prince of all due to his talents in both magic and swordsmanship, but his overwhelming talent made him humble himself for four years. 

Being the target of an assassination attempt, it is said that he killed more than thirty assassins in an old tavern and then emerged without a scratch on his body. Everyone suspected that after his mother's death, he secretly trained for the following four years, and after being bothered in this way, he showed his teeth a bit. 

But believing it wasn't enough, the fourth prince visited the main headquarters of the Water God Style and brutally killed one of the most prominent students who was about to become a Sword Saint. On that same day, his father wanted to seek revenge regardless of the consequences, but Gilgamesh challenged him to a death duel in the Coliseum of the city of Ars. 

Thousands of people witnessed their battle, no, it is said that it wasn't a battle but a one-sided beatdown by Gilgamesh and appreciated by all. In that case, the fourth prince should be a powerful Sword Warrior, and from that day on, many called him the Son of the Sword. 

A week ago, another assassination attempt was made against him after the fourth prince left the Black Pearls auction house. It is said that two Sword Kings died, more than eight Sword Saints, and around twenty-four assassination experts. That same night, one of the heirs of a noble family was brutally murdered, and the entire family lost half of their wealth, as well as their most precious relics, including their slaves. It is rumored that all these acts were committed by a Sword Emperor, but it's only speculation. 

After that day, the prince Gilgamesh was not seen again, but it is said that the power of his faction is growing rapidly, and he is winning the love of the people through his deeds in his name. Undoubtedly, Gilgamesh is the most beloved and talked-about figure in the entire Asura Kingdom. 

"Gilgamesh... Only ten years old and already someone incredible. I wish to meet him someday." A girl with scarlet hair looked at her wooden sword with excitement and gripped it tightly. She was definitely going to meet that fourth prince someday. 

"Just wait, someday I'll challenge you to a duel," the girl said as she blew out the candle in her room and closed her eyes.