An Incident

In the following days, everything seemed very calm. While Eris studied and learned magic from her peculiar teacher, Gilgamesh devised a plan with Sauros and Philip to address the looming issue in the shadows of this region.

According to what Gilgamesh had seen, the explosion would cover a significant part of the Fittoa region, but there was an exception if people were stationed at a specific location during the explosion. The next problem was not how to transport the city's inhabitants to that point, but how to convince them that this was due to a sudden explosion unimaginable in their lives.

But that seemingly minor problem would be addressed last. For now, the focus was on establishing the location where everyone should seek refuge when the explosion began. On the map, a unique place was chosen to build a magical fortress that would be connected to a floating platform that Gilgamesh would summon from his Gate of Babylon.

So, what needed to be done was to find a peaceful place with the capacity for more than a million people, all of whom could enter in an orderly manner with a predetermined program. For this, the newly graduated knights would be responsible for guarding the location, and the workers would handle the construction.

However, even with this plan in place, achieving the construction, which would likely take more than a year to complete, was time-limited. The workforce would take time to arrive, and progress would be slow. Therefore, Gilgamesh would send mages to expedite the construction, helping with whatever was needed.

Once that place was established, Gilgamesh would inaugurate the area with large magical ships considered enormous arks capable of transporting more than twenty thousand people. These magical ships operated with mana stones, which Gilgamesh had in abundance in his inventory, so he could make use of these magical devices that appeared somewhat irregularly in this world.

Having presented all these proposals, Gilgamesh, along with the two lords of this region, knew what lay behind them and what they expected to gain after the explosion occurred. It was not just a matter of politics but also a change, and when Gilgamesh's forces would move to eliminate the Greyrat family.

Once the main family of the city of Ars was left without lords, Philip would rule the family as the new lord and establish absolute control with the help of the expanding Uruk Towers.

The money, resources, and labor needed in this place barely satisfied Gilgamesh, but he was confident that within about five years, a capital twenty times larger, stronger, and brighter would be established here. As for the Ars region, that would be left to the Greyrat family.

At this moment, Gilgamesh's fortune, with all these innovative ideas being implemented by Elaine, had reached unimaginable amounts for any other noble. As a result, he was swiftly and effectively taking control of the slaves in all regions of the Asura Kingdom.

Furthermore, his pigeons, the organization led by knights who had abandoned their titles and men hired through special methods, quietly took control of these organizations without many even realizing it.

In this way, Gilgamesh's power had extended to all regions, ready to conduct a large-scale cleansing within the Asura Kingdom. Whenever he wished, he could ascend to the throne or create chaos.


"My lord, as ordered, an Emperor-class mage and a squadron of twenty knights are heading towards the village of Bonna." The withered old man entered Gilgamesh's room and informed him of all this.

"That's quite excessive, but it's fine. Is there anything new to report about Eris's new tutor?" Gilgamesh asked in a calm tone.

"That boy exhibits certain behaviors when no one is looking that don't correspond to his age, but beyond that, he hasn't done anything out of the ordinary. He teaches Miss Eris, and from time to time, they spend time training with the sword, although his results in this regard are quite poor."

"That's enough. You should return to the Purplehorse family and spend time with your own family; they must miss you greatly. Tell Alastor to take your place as an instructor and take a few months to rest; there won't be much activity during that time." Gilgamesh dismissed the withered old man.

"Thank you very much for your consideration, my lord."

"Oh, by the way, one more thing..."

Having been left alone in the room, Gilgamesh knew that in the coming years, he only had to take good care of his kingdom and eventually find that human God. As long as his body grew to that of an adult, he would be able to make full use of his armor, and there would be no one who could stop him.

"They should arrive before nightfall. Well, it would be interesting to see how that girl, the elf, will respond..." Gilgamesh smiled as he walked to sleep under a tree, much like his friend Enkidu would have done in his leisure time.


Ten kilometers from the village of Banne.

"Can you tell me who this girl is that our lord is so interested in?" A knight with the title of Sword King walked as he gazed out at the landscape from the magical ship flying at a speed five times faster than a conventional carriage.

"Now, is it our job to question our lord's orders by doubting each of his decisions?" Asked the captain of the knights, who was a Sword Emperor recently promoted after months of training in a special chamber.

"Captain Falken, you know perfectly well what my question means. I'm just a curious man." Replied the same knight as he stroked his beautiful black armor.

Captain Falken looked at this young man named Aric and responded calmly, "She's a girl no older than ten who possesses a terrifying amount of magic. We don't usually recruit children at such a young age, but our lord decided to do so due to circumstances I am unaware of. However, knowing the reasons behind the prince's choices, it must be someone who will be useful to him in the future."

"You're very composed, Falken. If it's a very strong girl, then our lord Gilgamesh must be looking to ignite the desire to learn in the young magicians in Ars. Although there are hundreds of young magicians, their abilities to learn and understand the limits of their strength are limited. If a girl her age enters the mage tower, those children will feel the need to study and reach new levels."

Aric nodded and said, "The powerful mage Kaelen is truly wise; of course, it's about fostering competitive spirit. If they have someone stronger as a competitor, those children will strive twice as hard to match those levels."

Kaelen, the mage sent on this mission, smiled strangely. After all, his magical reserves had increased due to that strange potion he had been given in the Tower of Uruk.

"Get ready; I'll be going down alone, but you should be vigilant in case there's any kind of anomaly," Kaelen said as he stood up.

Aric joked, his eyes directed towards his captain, "We are nine Sword Kings, one Sword Emperor, and another mage. Who in this kingdom could pose a threat?"

"Anomalies tend to happen." Kaelen was an experienced warrior, so the last thing he wanted was to fail his lord.