A Certain Enemy

"You have a terrifying look..." Falken raised his sword and pointed it at the figure in front of him.

Facing him, a scrawny but incredibly tall man wore an armor covered in dull scarlet, and several chains hung from various parts of his body. His weapon was a long spear, covered in blood and not revealing his face due to the helmet he carried. He stood still, looking directly into Falken's eyes.

"You are all just a nuisance, call your lord to face me like a man..." The figure slightly opened his mouth, and words were uttered in a grating tone.

"How dare you summon my lord with your filthy mouth, beast?! I will tear your head from your body, open so many holes in your heart that the last sensation as you die will be watching me finish mutilating your corpse."

"Hahaha... Very well, first I'll finish off the infants so that the father who created them appears before me. I will prove to my enlightenment that I am more than enough to eliminate that annoying ant who dared to defy my lord."

The man in the red armor said, "By the way, you can be proud to die at the hands of the Dark Bear."

"It seems his power surpasses that of an ordinary Sword King, but we are not ordinary!"

"Yes, first I'll cut his pride, but before that, we need to find out how skilled the enemy is and if he poses any real threat."

Falken, determined to eliminate the enemy, said, "Attack formation, eliminate the enemy in a coordinated strike."

"Yes, sir!"

At that moment, ten battle auras burst forth in a golden tone, and an attack by an Emperor of the Sword and six Kings moved in a coordinated formation.

As they had learned, there is no honor on the battlefield, as the only thing sought is to come out alive. In this way, Falken was leveraging his advantage to finish this without any anomalies.

"Yes, come..." The man known as the Dark Bear lifted his spear and assumed a defensive stance.

In this first attack, Falken took the lead, his body disappeared and reappeared like a phantom behind his enemy. His body radiated a powerful battle aura subtly contained in every part of his body, making his speed akin to that of lightning.

However, unlike his subordinates who were Sword Kings, his steps were silent and steady. As he moved towards the enemy, his feet didn't seem to be touching the ground. He barely grazed the surface as he moved at lightning speed, only to test what the enemy was made of.

The red bear-man moved forward to meet him, matching his speed. He had released a completely different dark energy, unrelated to any form of magic.

A powerful and bloodthirsty enemy was on the verge of making his first move!

In just a few seconds, seven figures had already begun to test their speed, which was vastly superior to that of any ordinary human. There was no comparison; Gilgamesh's knights had mastered their abilities, making them extremely powerful, and they were not chasing what seemed to be an apostle.

Cutting through the dense forest, they reappeared in a clear landscape in mere seconds, moving from one place to another, only to return to a position similar to where they had been before. If you were to ask someone else, they might say this was unnecessary, but others would argue that they were studying their opponent during this time.


Falken spun his body, momentarily increasing his speed, and the edge of his sword aimed for his enemy's head. The dark bear-man turned his body, and his sword received Falken's strike, generating a wave of brute force clashes.

"Sword Art: Lion's Roar!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Three sword arts of the same technique were launched at Falken's back, but he had disappeared seconds before these attacks reached him, causing these sword techniques to hit the enemy directly.

An enormous crater appeared at the site, but the figure of the dark bear-man had vanished. Following the trail of his aura, a Sword King who felt a presence to his left immediately expelled an abnormal amount of battle aura and brandished his sword.


Acting instinctively, his sword collided with the strike of a crimson lance that would have decapitated him if he hadn't responded to the attack. However, due to his poor posture, his body was sent flying like an uncontrolled comet.


"Sword Art: Golden Slash!"

A knight swung his sword as he appeared in front of his enemy and precisely slashed across the chest, causing a wound from which blood spurted. However, Falken, who had a better perception of the battle, knew that this cut was not deep enough.

"Defend yourself!"

"Eh?" The knight felt a black aura approaching, so instinctively, he raised his sword over his chest in an attempt to protect his most vital organ. Seconds later, the blade of the lance struck his sword, but miraculously, this last defensive move fulfilled its task, and the attack only pierced his shoulder.


The wounded knight was sent flying by the attack and crashed into a thick tree, temporarily taken out of the fight.