The Figure in the Sky

"Sword Style, Thousand Pillar Attack!" Using one of the last techniques he had learned from the combat style created by Gilgamesh especially for his people, several swords made of golden battle aura materialized behind him, forming a powerful attack slowly.

Finally, creating a powerful disturbance in the surroundings and increasing the concentration of power more and more, Falken launched himself forward. In an instant, two powerful impact sounds were heard. However, the golden light swords were launched at the chest and various parts of his enemy, piercing through him and causing horrible fatal wounds.

When the dust cleared, there was a large crater in the ground, and the Dark Bear Man was kneeling while continuously spitting out blood. His helmet fell off, and Falken, who was sure it was a man, was pleasantly surprised, as in front of him was the face of a beautiful woman who was slowly losing her life.

"You have released me, knight. My curse was to live as a man hated and repudiated by all humans. This is your victory." The Dark Bear Man, or rather, the woman imprisoned within, was freed as death began to embrace her.

She lifted her head and gazed at the beautiful blue sky that had cleared earlier due to Kaelen's attack, with a certain sadness on her face. However, even though she knew she was dying, there was no regret, and she accepted her death with open arms.

"Tell me, is the human God your lord?" Kaelen asked as he sheathed his sword and walked slowly towards his enemy.

"My name is Carla. The human God was the only one who saw my true face and promised to return my body to its original state. Although I knew he was lying, that feeling of trust and kindness was something I had never felt from any other human after leaving that labyrinth. You can think whatever you want, each of us serves a different God, we are just simple pawns..."

"No, my lord is not a God, and he has never considered himself one, even though we all happily declare him our God. He is just a human, a human with the same flaws, mistakes, and desires to protect what he can within his abilities. As for yours, it's just a simple God who hides and sends only his apostles to a lost battle."

In the end, although his enemy was similar in strength to a Sword Emperor, Falken's final attack ended up destroying his enemy. Without any consideration, he watched as the enemy bled out and slowly died.

In a life or death battle, Falken saw how his men enriched themselves with experience, and those wounds he now had on his body were more than enough for them to learn how much they lacked to be strong.


At that moment, Kaelen, who was facing an unknown figure in the air, began using increasingly powerful spells, shaking the earth and creating powerful gusts of wind due to the impacts in the air.

"It's a pity she died so pitifully. Well, she was just a simple pawn." A voice interrupted Falken's thoughts as he guarded Kaelen's back.

In front of them, an incredibly ordinary-looking being appeared, but in its hands, it held a silvery metallic sword. However, when they least expected it, that sword in its hand pierced its own chest, and every part of its body began to expand at an alarmingly abnormal rate.

"What kind of demon is that?" Kaelen shouted as he prepared to cast an Emperor-Class fire spell.

"I don't know, but we'd better attack!" Falken didn't want to waste time, so he instructed Kaelen to unleash his best and most powerful spell to eliminate this new enemy in an instant.

"Understood!" Kaelen raised his magical staff and said in a cold tone, "Meteor Shower of the Yellow Abyss, shine and embrace all my enemies!"

The instant he spoke those words, a powerful concentration of magic was directed towards a single attack, and in an instant, the attack was formed and launched seconds after being created. The powerful wave of the attack caused even the ground to split open, generating powerful waves of heat.

Falken's eyes widened in surprise; this magical attack was truly terrifying, and he was sure that even if the enemy was stronger than the previous one, this attack was more than enough to win and defeat the enemy.


When the explosion swept over the enemy, disaster spread over several hundred meters, creating a powerful shockwave that raised a thick curtain of smoke. The fire used in this attack formed into several powerful circles that were launched continuously like meteorites. When one hit, two more followed and further devastated the battlefield.

Boom! Boom!

However, just as everyone believed they had won, a charred figure shot out of the flame curtain, heading towards Kaelen, who had just released a powerful spell.

This... How is this possible?

The putrid Emperor-Class spell should have pulverized his body! So why is the enemy still moving? When Kaelen wanted to cast a defensive spell, his mind went blank, and he didn't know what to do.

However, right at that moment, Falken appeared with a powerful battle aura and confronted the enemy head-on. One, two, three sword strikes shook the surroundings, and three horrible wounds appeared on the enemy's chest.

"Is he dead?"

"No, he's not!" shouted one of the Sword Emperors who was still standing nearby, as he saw a powerful punch break through the dust and strike his captain.

Falken felt his body being shaken with great force, then he was sent flying, and his body sank into the earth due to the strong impact.
