A Special Ceremony

Turning 10 years old is a special occasion, and according to noble customs, birthdays at ages 5, 10, and 15 should be celebrated with grand parties. Therefore, the mansion's courtyard would be opened to receive gifts from the citizens, and nobles from the city would also be invited to attend.

That's what would have happened if this birthday party were ordinary. However, because the official engagement between Eris Greyrat and Gilgamesh Asura would be announced, additional noble invitations were sent, with some attending merely out of curiosity to find out what the prince had been doing during his year at the Greyrat mansion.

Initially, due to Sauros being a coarse and pragmatic person, the original plan was to have a free buffet-style party with plenty of wine. However, Philip intercepted that plan and changed it to a dance, reasoning that it would make it easier for nobles to attend.

However, Gilgamesh had proposed that instead of a boring, standard dance where everyone followed the same aesthetics, there would be a fight instead.

Who would engage in this combat? Of course, it would be Gilgamesh against Eris, showcasing his new combat style that would surpass any other sword style.

The Golden Lion Sword style, one that combined perfect fighting, defense, movement, and long-range attacks. A style reserved only for members of the Tower of Uruk, as anyone else who used this sword style and did not belong to this organization would be killed immediately.

But concerning the party, in the days leading up to the date, the person facing the most headaches was Eris.

Because she was incapable of dancing, not even the simplest of dances.

"It's a serious problem when the leading actress can't dance." These were the words of the servants in the mansion, which gave Gilgamesh the idea to completely change the boring customs for something much more interesting.

Nobles fear the unknown, which is why Gilgamesh would leave a deep impression on their minds. They would be the voice that spread rumors, so by the time Gilgamesh took over this place's problems, everyone in the kingdom would know about his engagement.

It might sound more normal than it seems, but that engagement would bring certain waves of chaos, considering that the Notos family supports Prince Grabell's faction. What do you think will be the consequences of the fourth prince now being connected to Eris Greyrat? Of course, a clear division of power.

After the preparations had started, five weeks had passed, and finally, the long-awaited party date had arrived.



Eris collided with Gilgamesh, her sword covered in a unique golden aura from the Golden Lion Sword style. Nine powerful techniques, a single combat method to resolve any type of enemy.

On every occasion when Eris swung at Gilgamesh, she was repelled with double the force, causing her small body to stagger back, her sword nearly slipping from her hands.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A beautiful sound of swords clashing echoed in the private training room that had been constructed by one of the spirits Gilgamesh had summoned to this world.

"That's enough; your training with the Golden Lion Sword style ends today. What follows will be done on your own. You've learned all the techniques, so now it's a matter of improving your precision, strength, and battle aura. In a few minutes, you should go prepare to receive the guests."

Although Gilgamesh spoke to Eris in a stern tone, he was actually struggling to hide his surprise. Eris Greyrat was an incredible swordswoman, and her potential was truly formidable.

"She mastered all nine sword techniques, even though she can only execute three of them decently. Within her learning, she has met my expectations. Eris has been blessed with great sword-handling ability; it's in her blood... But whatever happens in the future, her strength is still too weak."

Gilgamesh had seen much of the future, and there was nothing suspicious before the mana explosion. However, he couldn't let his guard down against annoying enemies who, although they couldn't harm him, could potentially harm Eris. At that point, he might take the search for the Human God more seriously.

However, even though he wasn't currently focused on the search for that troublesome God, he was spending his time peacefully, which didn't bother him. In fact, it reminded him of his previous life when he was a king.

What mattered most to him right now was laying the foundation for a peaceful place where anyone could step forward and solve problems without him having to be bothered.

After Eris's birthday was announced, Gilgamesh made a million gifts, all in the city of Roa. They were gold coins with his adult face printed on them. These coins were special, as anyone who possessed one could take a ride on a floating ship and visit a magical place.

Gilgamesh didn't mind losing millions of coins; in fact, this plan was designed so that on the day of the magical catastrophe, most of the citizens living here could at least save their lives.

Gilgamesh had seen a future where he completely eliminated the anomaly in the sky, and half of Fittoa, including the entire city of Roa, was pulverized, leaving those who survived with severe injuries. Everything was chaos, so Gilgamesh at least wanted to prevent that if there were even bigger problems in the future.

There was something special in him that hadn't changed even after living many years here, and that was his love for humans. He knew they only needed a good leader to guide them down the right path. So, Gilgamesh would do that without fail, preparing for everything to be done absolutely right.

Of course, not everyone would receive that coin, as Gilgamesh needed victims to unmask the nobility and let the world see the faces of their rulers.

Eris wiped away the sweat, and her body had grown much more than it would have even without undergoing a blood ritual. She had a figure that would draw the attention of many, but to Gilgamesh, she was just another beautiful girl—a flower that had not yet fully blossomed and would lose its beauty if touched.


"Yes, Gil."

"Remember that from today, you don't need to prove anything to anyone. You don't need to shine for others because in my eyes, you'll be something greater than any diamond. Today, our engagement is announced, so I will take care of you as much as possible."

Eris's ears turned as red as a tomato, but she kept her composure and nodded.

Although she would usually blush or shy away from Gilgamesh's presence, this time, she stayed and showed a completely different expression from her usual self. An expression that matched Gilgamesh's stature, given their respective proportions.

"Today, will our engagement finally be officially announced?" Eris continued to wipe the sweat from her neck with a faint smile.

In Gilgamesh's eyes, she had been influenced by his aura. Although he had kept a certain distance in his interactions with Eris, he knew that this could happen, and he didn't really mind.

Though it might sound harsh, the status a woman can achieve by marrying a king is a direct step to the top. Envy and admiration would surround her, and it was her job to maintain her dignity and prove herself worthy of the man she had married.

Gilgamesh was a natural ruler, the most powerful in the world, and a man who had never experienced these things before. So, in his eyes, the status Eris would receive was unparalleled.

"By the way, I have prepared an unparalleled gift," Gilgamesh said as he approached Eris.

"What do you plan to give me?" Eris's refined voice, without a hint of embarrassment, addressed Gilgamesh, who was getting closer.

Gilgamesh's smile, charisma, and handsome face drew closer and closer to Eris, who remained indifferent, but her heart was beating faster and faster, something Gilgamesh noticed. So, when he was close to her face, he turned slightly and whispered in her ear, "I will give it to you in front of everyone. This gift will be incredibly beautiful, and you'll love it."

After saying that, Gilgamesh left the private training room and said, "Don't be late; the guests are arriving."

When Eris finally heard Gilgamesh leave the room, she let out a long sigh and murmured with a blushing face, "Damn Gilgamesh, how can you do that without getting nervous?"