The plan begins

"During my free time in this place, I created a new sword style that only my knights can learn. Its name is the Golden Lion Sword Style, which currently has nine sword techniques perfectly balanced for any type of enemy attack." Gilgamesh raised his sword, emphasizing the importance it held for Eris.

This battle meant a lot to Eris because she would demonstrate her sword talent to the public eye, a talent that would make her shine like a beautiful red ruby. Fantastic like flames and with a character as strong as the pain from burns.

The duel arena was silent, all of them watching as Eris's crimson sword gleamed in a golden hue. It must be said that manifesting a battle aura is not easy unless you are a Sword King, and even in the early stages, it's challenging. Perhaps a Sword Saint could do it for a brief moment, but not more than that.

As for Eris, she struck a beautiful pose while holding her sword and gazing at Gilgamesh with an expression befitting a real duel. Only she knows that out of the more than three hundred times they have fought, she has never even touched her fiancé's skin with her sword, not even once.

Well, it would have been too disappointing if things had been different. Only when Gilgamesh is strong, she, Eris Greyrat, is always ready to be stronger than him.

When Gilgamesh proposed this duel, he wanted others to be his rivals, but Eris's response was very simple. She only has one rival in this lifetime, and that's the person she will marry in the future. In her eyes, there was no man more worthy in swordsmanship than Gilgamesh. She wanted to defeat him, not out of competition, but to demonstrate that in the future, she could protect him.

Once Eris assumed her position, the golden aura concentrated on the edge of her sword became more abundant, spreading a virtuous sense of oppression. The dignity in her eyes was unique, special, transparent, and something only she could emit.

"No restrictions, my dear Eris..."

As soon as Gilgamesh finished speaking, he immediately closed the distance between them, moving like a ghost across the combat arena. He planned to dominate Eris with his physical strength, just as he always had.


Suddenly, the golden aura from Eris's sword was shot towards Gilgamesh from a distance. He recognized this sword technique; it was called the Thunderous Claw. It involved charging energy into the sword and, with a swift motion, releasing a slash of golden energy towards the target from a long distance, cutting through anything depending on the strength used.

The damage of this technique increased depending on who used it. Eris, who had just turned ten, was bordering on the Sword Saint rank with the special training Gilgamesh had instilled in her, as well as the sword he had gifted her.

Gilgamesh could see that golden energy heading in his direction, so he could only respond to the attack with a simple sword movement.


Gilgamesh's sword clashed against that attack, and in a matter of seconds, Eris had appeared by his side like a curtain of smoke, moving her sword towards his shoulder. However, Gilgamesh shifted a few degrees to the left, and his sword countered Eris's.

If Gilgamesh hadn't blocked that attack, he would have received a severe wound on his left hand.

'Your strength has certainly increased a lot with that sword,' Gilgamesh thought as he looked at Eris's serious face.

Most people would have become distracted after receiving this combination of attacks, but that wasn't the case with Gilgamesh.


Gilgamesh decided to keep dodging and defending his weak points, giving Eris the impression that she was still weak and needed to be more aggressive using the Golden Lion Style.

While Gilgamesh continued to evade, Eris's face showed a smile, and she thought, "I'll force you to attack!"

But he wasn't so sure. He could have defeated Eris if he had wanted to, but he didn't want to do so because it wouldn't end well. After all, they were putting on a show.

"I've got you!" Eris swung her sword with all her might once more.

There are many cases where a weaker warrior defeats a stronger one. Of course, such things often happen in a life-or-death battle where experience reigns supreme. Therefore, if Eris gains more experience in intensive combat, as she was doing with Gilgamesh, she would become unstoppable.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Each time Eris swung her sword, the ground suffered significant damage.

The Golden Lion Sword Style was a highly dangerous one. In fact, Gilgamesh had created it to be aggressive and to inflict real damage on the enemy.

"Sword Art, Golden Lion Charge!" Eris retreated a significant distance, and her sword, as well as her body, emitted an aura three times stronger than before.

Gilgamesh became serious and said, "I didn't expect you to use that technique, knowing how powerful it is and how little control you have over it. But I'm sure this time it will be a success."

"Of course!" Eris shouted as she covered dozens of meters in a second, and her sword clashed forcefully with Gilgamesh's.


The spectators were paralyzed by the fight Eris Greyrat was putting up. This girl who seemed to only know how to swing a sword was as strong as a Sword Saint.

This sword style completely surpassed any they had seen before; there was no comparison. If a child could unleash that power in each of her attacks, they couldn't imagine what an adult could do.

"That's impressive..."