The Crown's Stance

Asura Kingdom, City of Ars.

Silver Palace.

Kaunis Freean Asura, with an expression of indifference, said, "Nobles and Crown advisers, we are here today to discuss an urgent and delicate matter. As you all know, the Fittoa incident has resulted in the sudden disappearance of over a hundred thousand citizens of our kingdom. It is imperative that we address this situation with the seriousness and care it deserves."

"So, what stance will we take?"

"What the hell will our stance be in the face of this disaster?"

"A disaster of such magnitude hasn't occurred in over a hundred years; I propose we exercise caution when deciding what to do."

"Either way, we're in deep trouble. Do you have any idea how to handle this situation?"

Everyone was in chaos, not because the citizens had been transported to different parts of the world, but because they feared that the next city to be completely destroyed would be the capital of Ars.

Empathy was lacking among the nobles; their interests and security took precedence in their lives. Even the King himself considered this situation a true nuisance; no one would want to risk creating a big scene for just a mere hundred thousand people.

A noble representing the Notos family said, "Your Majesty, we could consider the option of mobilizing our armies and attempting to forcibly retrieve our citizens. We cannot allow other kingdoms to benefit from our misfortune."

"Have you gone mad? Is all that's in the heads of the Notos just damn women? Listen to what you're saying first and then consider the consequences of those actions."

Percival Purplehorse looked at the mess of these nobles and thought to himself, "These damn pigs deserve to be replaced, just as Prince Gilgamesh said."

After his family increased the number of knights available under his command, his son Cedric Purplehorse had risen significantly in rank in the military, and he was representing his family in this matter.

Kaunis Freean Asura glanced at the silent Percival and asked, "Old Purplehorse, what do you think about this?"

"That is an option we must consider with extreme care. However, we must remember that we do not know who or what has caused this incident in Fittoa. Violence could have even more devastating consequences," Percival replied to the king's question quickly and concisely.

A noble who served as a Crown adviser said in a cold tone, "Your Majesty, why don't we sever our trade ties with Fittoa and let them fend for themselves?"

"Choose your words carefully, adviser; you'd be burned alive if people found out how a heartless animal like you suggested this after thousands of families are currently dying, suffering, enduring cold, and surviving." Percival crushed that adviser with cold words, and everyone fell silent.

"Calm down, old Purplehorse. I understand that your knight's code prevents you from disrespecting people like this, but nothing from here would really come to light, do you agree?" Kaunis Freean Asura asked and continued, "That is also an option we must assess, but we must not forget that Fittoa is still inhabited by humans. Abandoning them completely would be inhumane."

"This old man is swayed by public opinion. If Darius, that pig, were still alive, there's no doubt everything would end up worse given the circumstances," Percival Purplehorse thought as he shook his head. He was surrounded by idiots; it would be good if Sauros were the Prime Minister.

"Your Majesty, we could carry out a thorough investigation to determine the cause of this incident and find ways to prevent it from happening again. If we find the culprit, or rather if we blame someone, the people's anger might subside," another adviser said in a serious tone.

"That is a sensible proposal, and we will consider it seriously. But we must remember that our priority should be to help our citizens who were transported to Fittoa. We cannot allow them to become double victims," Percival intervened more intensively.

With a softer tone, a noble ignored Percival and said, "Your Majesty, perhaps we could organize a fundraiser among the nobles to aid those affected in Fittoa."

Kaunis Freean Asura nodded and said, "That is a noble and generous idea. However, the assistance we can provide must be complementary to any efforts we make to resolve this mystery."

Since the death of his Prime Minister, the King had refrained from giving his opinion and remained neutral in the face of the thoughts of his supporters in the Crown. He believed that by maintaining a middle ground, there would be no further destabilization than what already existed.

A man from the Eurus family proposed, "Your Majesty, what if we simply forget about those citizens and move on? After all, we cannot allow an isolated incident to distract us from our more important affairs."

After over half an hour of the meeting, Kaunis Freean Asura said, "Nobles and advisers, I have heard all your proposals and concerns. However, the Crown has decided not to intervene but also not to abandon them. Instead, we will put all our efforts into helping those who were not transported. This includes investigating the causes of the incident and providing humanitarian assistance."

"Your Majesty, it is a wise and compassionate decision."

"I appreciate your support and understanding. Our kingdom will demonstrate that we are worthy rulers and protectors of all our citizens, no matter where they are. Please, let us unite in solidarity to face this challenge together."

"Cursed nobles," Percival muttered with a somber expression and was the first to leave the place.


Asura Kingdom Borders.

Official Announcement from the Crown of Asura Kingdom.

[To our beloved citizens,

It is with profound respect and concern for the well-being of each and every one of you that the Crown of Asura Kingdom addresses you at this moment. In recent days, we have faced a situation of great complexity and difficulty, one that has affected a significant portion of our population. As leaders of this nation, our unwavering duty is to safeguard the safety and prosperity of our people, no matter the circumstances.

We have witnessed an unusual and unexpected event that has led to the transportation of over a hundred thousand of our fellow citizens to different parts of the world, reducing numbers in Fittoa. This situation has understandably caused anxiety and concern for all of us. However, we want you to know that we are committed to addressing this situation in the wisest and most compassionate way possible.

After careful reflection and consultation with our advisers and experts, the Crown has decided not to aggressively intervene in other realms regarding the events in Fittoa. We recognize that this choice may generate concern among some of you, but we believe it is the most appropriate measure to prevent conflicts that could exacerbate the situation and further endanger our citizens.

Our foremost priority is the well-being and safety of the citizens of Asura, wherever they may be. We call upon all those transported from Fittoa to use all available means to return to our homeland. We are working closely with aid organizations and specialized resources to provide support in this process.

We understand that this situation is distressing, and some of you may feel abandoned, but we want to assure you that we are closely monitoring the situation and continually evaluating our options. We are committed to finding peaceful and diplomatic solutions to address this root problem.

Furthermore, we extend our gratitude to those citizens who have shown solidarity and support for those affected in Fittoa. Your generosity and compassion are examples of the best of our society.

At this time, it is crucial that we stand united as a nation. We must not allow divisions or differences to weaken our resilience. Together, we will overcome this challenge and build a stronger and more united future for all.

On behalf of the Crown of Asura Kingdom, we reaffirm our unwavering commitment to the safety, peace, and well-being of all our citizens.

May peace and hope guide our hearts in these difficult times.

With sincere gratitude and affection,

Kaunis Freean Asura.

Asura Kingdom.]