All Blue

"Have you heard about it?"

"The Notos family thing? Yeah, it was a damn tragedy..."

"Now that I think about it, maybe what happened in Fittoa has a lot to do with what happened just a few days later in this place. Doesn't it all seem very connected? The Greyrat family are the feudal lords in the Fittoa region. Days after the explosion, the Notos family in Ars is attacked with clear intentions of extermination."

"You're just drunk; what happened here is a mere coincidence..."

It had only been one night, and the news of the attack on the Notos family had spread throughout the capital. This news even reached Sauros, who was in Fittoa, organizing people so that the city's reconstruction could be done as Gilgamesh had requested.

In the Tower of Uruk, Elaine watched attentively as the Asura Kingdom stirred due to all the various problems that had occurred. She had personally revived the assassins to clear the way for Philip to regain leadership of the Notos family, thus giving full support to Gilgamesh's ascent to the throne.

There was no doubt that now, with two candidates to become King and Queen of this kingdom, the only obstacle for the nobility could be Gilgamesh's brother Halfus, but as is well known, he has no interest in ruling. Therefore, the fight for the throne had ended long before it began.

"There's no doubt that no one could even oppose Gilgamesh's reign, but we still have to consider different factors to make everything perfect." Elaine spoke these words as she returned to her room, but at that moment, Sylphy appeared in her sight.

Elaine looked at her and said, "I had reminded you not to come back until you were well. Have you not followed my advice, or have you recovered in just one day?"

"I'm well, Mistress." Sylphy touched her chest and said, "Regretting a loss I'm not aware of happening is absurd for my training. With all these things happening in the kingdom, I'm sure the least I can do is work hard to protect those closest to me, and those are my parents."

Elaine looked sternly at her student, who seemed to have awakened from the glass bubble she was in, so she smiled with satisfaction. "Then go prepare yourself; I will train you much harder than before."

"Yes!" Sylphy showed determination in her gaze for the first time, although that still had to be proven.

Since she arrived at the Tower of Uruk, Elaine, who had picked her up from the mage tower, knew immediately that her personality would become a problem. Sylphy had many insecurities; she was a shy girl and didn't seem convinced of how much she was worth. Things like what she could achieve were something she constantly questioned, so before fixing that, Elaine couldn't help but be harder on her.

"At least it will be worth it. She must be useful enough to Gilgamesh, so I'll make sure she suffers enough to be strong enough to defend herself." Elaine muttered as she entered a special training room.


A few days ago...

Right after the mana disaster, in an unknown location, a figure that could fly suddenly appeared in the uninhabited area.

"Wow, where has that thing taken me?"


The sound of the rushing air was very loud, catching his attention. When he finally managed to open his eyes, he found himself in a completely different place from where he had been, and he was amazed by the views.

There was nothing around him...

In fact, he had appeared among the clouds, and if it weren't for the fact that he was practically flying, he would have died a long time ago along with Eris. But fortunately, that was not the case, so he descended slowly to the altitude where he felt a salty touch in the humid air.

"It seems that somehow that big explosion made Eris lose consciousness, which is normal considering her weak body..." Gilgamesh, as he descended through the clouds, saw a vast sea stretching as far as the eye could see.

A sea so vast that it was astonishing he had never been here before. Having seen the map, he could be anywhere in the world, and if he was here, it meant that the people who were teleported should be in a similar or worse situation depending on the cases.

For anyone else in his situation, it would have been risky, but as long as Gilgamesh had a need to occupy himself, there would always be interesting things at his doorstep in Babylon.

"Well, at least I managed to avoid half of the great disaster..." Gilgamesh sheathed his sword, EA, and snapped his fingers to summon Vinama. After sitting on his throne next to the sleeping Eris, he thought it would be best for her to return to her family once they reached a point of civilization, not knowing where they were.

Not knowing where he was, Gilgamesh decided to go in a completely random direction, and the speed of his Vinama wasn't too fast. After all, he wanted to appreciate the sights, and before leaving this place, he would like Eris to see this place.

"It seems there are monsters under the sea, dangerous enough to make me move my hand..." The presences beneath the water excited Gilgamesh a little.

"Where are we?" At that moment, Eris, who had been unconscious in Gilgamesh's arms, slowly opened her eyes, and the first thing she saw was the smile of the person who had carried her into the sky without warning.

"How do you feel after that incredible adventure?" Gilgamesh cast a glance at Eris, who seemed dazed.

"I'm fine, just a little confused..." Eris sat up, holding her head, and when she saw that they were sitting in what appeared to be the middle of the sea, she grabbed Gilgamesh's clothes tightly, with an impression so great that she remained silent for a long time.

"You must be impressed. It turns out we're in an unknown place after the explosion, so..." Gilgamesh couldn't help but explain to Eris what had happened. In addition to that, knowing the many things that could happen, he had prepared in advance.

It was then that Eris understood what was happening. It turned out she had been protected by Gilgamesh when all that happened. Now that she thought about it, looking around, she wasn't scared; on the contrary, she felt very excited about embarking on this adventure.

She was relieved that her parents were okay, so Ghislaine was likely fine, knowing that a powerful Spirit summoned by Gilgamesh was protecting him. Now, without those worries, she stretched her body and said, "I'm ready to travel the world!"

Gilgamesh turned his head, thinking, "Who invited you?"