In Depth

There were many hidden things Gilgamesh needed to be cautious about if he didn't want to be taken by surprise. He was undoubtedly strong, but that wasn't everything on the battlefield. Gilgamesh knew this from experience, as he had perfected all his capabilities to be invincible.

Being strong was the first step. The second was to be ruthless against your enemies, and the third was never to underestimate an opponent. With these three characteristics, one would be an unbeatable force on the battlefield.

Roxy walked alongside Gilgamesh, holding her magical weapon, and said, "Unexplored places like these often harbor deadly traps over the years. After all, nobody wants their home or tomb to be visited by outsiders once they're gone from this world."

"Then, will we encounter wild beasts?" Eris's eyes gleamed with excitement. This was the first time she would have the chance to fight formidable enemies in dungeons. She had heard stories told by Ghislaine from her adventurer days, and they were all incredible.

After advancing what seemed like kilometers, they arrived at what looked like an underground world. The path they had taken had led them to a place entirely different from where they had started. At the end of the tunnel, a desolate scene unfolded before their eyes.

What they saw was an underground world, with towering mountains teeming with life and long rivers stretching across the ground. Taking in the entire view, this environment was no different from an enormous island that was devoid of human life.

In this place, jagged mountains interlocked from top to bottom like slumbering giants. Here, the vegetation was so lush that thick roots seemed to reach the sky, while gigantic trees provided comforting shade.

Faint animal voices were everywhere one could see. Each of their roars, growls, and songs seemed to announce their presence. It was as though this place had been spared any human intrusion, a unique sanctuary where life's most exotic creatures found refuge, sending shivers down the spines of many.

Everyone who arrived in this place could feel the rich energy of nature. The sense of freedom here surpassed any other place many had visited. All of nature in this place was very dense, as if something magical caused this kind of sensation.

After the first group of adventurers entered, another group arrived from a completely different direction. They were all thrilled to have discovered this place and to see in the sky the kinds of creatures they had never encountered before. If they could live here, this place would be an incredible one to die in.

"A hollow world beneath the sea…" As he set foot in this place, even Gilgamesh was struck by how beautiful it was. It inexplicably reminded him of his friend Enkidu.

There were many legends about the hollow world, and everyone inevitably thought they had found the marvelous place from the legends. But this place might have been created by a powerful being to separate this world from the outside, suppressing space and creating its own ecosystem. Some said this was the place where a god resided, which was why even dragons flew through the sky. However, in this place, the feeling of death was something that could be perceived as much as its nature.

For Gilgamesh, this place could easily be another location where a higher being might live. This was another reason why he chose to enter, and he had no regrets about it. If he could find any traces of a god and it turned out to have some connection to Hitogami, he would take it upon himself to pulverize this place along with its enemies.

"Do not venture more than a thousand meters from this entrance; the beasts in the sky and on the ground would surely kill us if we go further!" said an experienced adventurer after seeing this area.

Smart people were aware of their own strengths. Although there were many treasures and medicinal plants that could close their eyes to, it was extremely dangerous. When venturing into an unknown territory, the deeper one went, the more dangerous the creatures they would encounter. Some of these creatures might be powerful enough to kill even mighty sword kings.

In truth, many powerful beings had entered mysterious places, and from their experiences, rules had been established that adventurous souls could not break. One of those rules was not to venture into an unknown place without first assessing the strength of the traps, beasts, and the nature of the area they were invading.

Many had perished, even mighty sword kings, because they had not followed this rule. This is why many recognized their strength and dared not invade places from which they might not emerge later.

No one knew how deep this unknown place went, but there were many places one could visit with the required skills.

"Let's go," Gilgamesh told his two companions. Afterward, he conjured a magic carpet on which he, along with the others, sat and slowly flew around the area.

Any creature strong enough that entered this land would feel observed by ferocious beasts hidden in this enormous forest. However, the moment Gilgamesh produced his magic carpet and sat at the front, all those watchful gazes vanished without a trace.

One had to know that Gilgamesh had a very perceptible divine aura. No one in this place could oppose his path, let alone challenge him.

Seated on the magic carpet, Gilgamesh, accompanied by Eris and Roxy, were the first to venture into the forest. "This carpet is truly magnificent."

With Gilgamesh's aura exposed, even the dragons avoided them, making their path smooth into the depths of the forest. Many people who saw him felt envious, but there was nothing they could do about it.

However, some beasts were more curious than others, so they eventually approached slowly toward where Gilgamesh was heading.

"If you want to step forward, then come and give me a bite. I will make sure to draw all your blood and prepare a rich blood ritual."

Hearing Gilgamesh's words, many beasts bared their teeth, indicating they understood the meaning of the words they had heard.

"Later, I will prepare a true blood ritual to enhance all the qualities of your bodies. The only problem is that your bodies can mature much faster while your age remains the same. The side effects would also be eternal youth, increased physical strength, and the reconstruction of your internal bones." Gilgamesh shared these words with Eris and Roxy, who had been silent for a long time.

For them, there was nothing more to admire about what they were seeing. Sharing their thoughts could cause some kind of disaster that they would rather avoid, but Gilgamesh understood it was due to many other factors.

"After remembering my past in this world, I knew that in a way, my younger self knew things about my past life. It's complicated to explain, but somehow even before awakening in this world, my younger self knew about my future self, which is quite confusing when I think about it calmly," Gilgamesh said openly about his life without any problem.

"Come on, you can ask me any questions you're curious about," Gilgamesh said with a slight smile.

Eris was the first to ask: "Why do you seek wives as if it were a problem for you to find someone to marry?"