Plans and Future

The next day, Roxy opened her eyes, and her tired body tormented her with all those memories from the night before. Her dazed face, still sleepy, immediately turned red, and she murmured, "I must have been crazy, how could I have done all those things?"

When she stepped out of the tent, many more figures than there should have been were unloading huge crates from flying ships, and just as she was about to walk to find out what was going on, a voice reached her ears, "My Lady Roxy, my name is Medusa, and I'm here to take you to Lord Gilgamesh."

"Where is he?" Roxy didn't quite understand what was happening, but based on their conversation yesterday, these must be the people who would clean up this place and rebuild it.

Medusa smiled and said, "He is planning everything so that the structures in this place do not conflict with nature. The interior around the ancient tree will be modern and beautiful so that many can train here peacefully. He even requested something special for Gilgamesh just a few moments ago."

"What will be done here?" Roxy was very excited and recalled the conversations she had with Gilgamesh. She had sensed that he wanted to create a kind of mansion separated from the others to live in from time to time, similar to the castle that was under construction in Fittoa, albeit a bit less luxurious.

As they approached the main camp, Roxy couldn't help but think that this is a good place to live. She also thought about Gilgamesh's proposal for her village to move to this place. It's not a bad option, but there's still a possibility that everyone might refuse to move.

"I want this area to be close to the training grounds, and I want several mage towers at these designated points!" Gilgamesh said as he looked at the newly formed map.

"So, what do we do with the wild beasts?" Simon, who stood in front of Gilgamesh, now looked more like a proper subordinate of the prince.

Gilgamesh, about to respond, looked at Roxy and signaled for her to come closer. She, who was at the entrance, walked over and saw a massive map created from the divided areas of this place.

"The wild beasts don't enter the green zones for some reason, but I want you to use the soldiers to train while eliminating the enemy. Everything they kill must be brought back for consumption. We'll need tons of meat to feed the new recruits." Gilgamesh, who had made a decision, was sure that this was the best option.

"So, what about food?"

A man beside Simon said, "We can plant fruit trees and large food crops. This place is very fertile, so there should be no problem with food. We'll use a system to create comfortable bathrooms with automatic drainage, fertile areas for planting, and special areas where buildings for resting will be constructed."

"So that's settled, how is the situation in Fittos?" Gilgamesh was somewhat curious as he had been in this place for over a week without leaving, so he wanted to hear at least some good news.

"The place is under reconstruction as planned following the mass civilian evacuation. Due to the well-executed plans and your intervention that halted half of the destruction that would have occurred, only a few hundred thousand people were teleported out. Search plans were initiated, and all the realms we contacted said they would do their best, but made no promises." Simon formulated a good response in just a few moments.

Simon smiled a little and said, "The Doves have discovered that none of the realms are actually doing anything to help the affected, many slavers are capturing the innocent, and all we can do is buy those people and bring them back to Fittos."

Eris, who had been listening to all of this, had received a letter from her parents, and after reading it, she said with a cold expression, "Then those realms must pay with blood for the actions of their leaders. Is anyone so inhumane as not to help in a situation where everyone could be victims?"

Simon looked at Eris, who had grown more than normal, just like Gilgamesh, and said, "It's not that simple, my lady. Before that, my lord must become a king and marry his wives. By then, we will have control over the Asura kingdom regions, and we will have rebuilt the city defenses."

"We can go directly to the realms and cut off the heads of their rulers; regular soldiers don't have to bleed in vain. We are not their enemies but their inept rulers." Eris had much more knowledge of nobility than many others, so her words were born from her own knowledge.

Gilgamesh thought that would be much better than starting wars and said, "Indeed, by exterminating the royalty, we could rule the realms, but we still need the help of many captains to take new regions and dislodge the capital of the realm we conquer."

Roxy, who hadn't participated in the conversation, walked and sat beside Eris. Her gaze turned to the map, and she said, "Isn't it too hasty? Taking the realms is easy for someone like us. The first thing to do is stabilize the Asura kingdom and start an invasion to liberate the other realms. In ancient times, the central continent belonged only to humans, so there should be no problem with them reuniting under the leadership of an Emperor."

"That's correct; we must wait until the right time. For now, we must tarnish the reputations of those realms and make their people furious about their lack of goodness." Eris nodded as she embraced Roxy and said, "You smell like flowers..."

Gilgamesh, who was discussing some other matters, finally said, "For now, we will evacuate dwarf and elf villages to this land, assist in the reconstruction, and make this place a secret trading point. The distribution of items that leave this place will be sent to Asura for sale and distribution."

"Understood, sir!"

"Then, let's get to work..."