In a New Place

"Lift your waist a bit more, grip your sword tighter, and focus on using teleportation magic more effectively, combining your long-range magic with close combat!"

Gilgamesh was observing the battle between Eris and Roxy, who were absolutely brutal in their every move. At this rate, they would become as powerful as the named gods of this world, something truly worthy of admiration for him. After all, not many are willing to become so strong just because.

But deep down, Gilgamesh knows that this is due to his presence. Knowing how strong he is, they should feel pressured to be of some help in a dangerous situation. And as they are aware of the God he wants to defeat, they know perfectly well that they only need strength to achieve everything in this world.

Gilgamesh was very aware of this, and the only way to solve it is to train his women. They must be unreachable and incredibly powerful goddesses so that no evil in this world can harm them. Children, friends, and acquaintances all feel the pressure of having someone extraordinary by their side, but knowing the source of the problem is the first step to addressing it.

"Eris, improve the speed of your feet and flow with your battle instinct! You've been getting better by training with powerful opponents, so have more confidence in yourself!"


Eris, who used a special sword movement, appeared near Roxy, wearing armor that covered most of her body. Along with her sword, she was as dazzling as a valkyrie. As she moved her sword, the ground sank hundreds of meters around, creating a massive crater that expanded along with a shockwave.

However, Roxy, who had been learning teleportation magic, used her spell to disappear and reappear a kilometer away. She was dressed in a blue outfit with a lack of armor, her characteristic mage hat, and an upper garment that covered from her sleeves to her shoulders. These armors they wore were extremely special, as they once belonged to extremely powerful women who died at the hands of Gilgamesh in the last war against the gods.

"Emerging Water!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Having established a significantly advantageous distance, Roxy didn't hesitate and used spells to damage the ground in front of her, making it difficult for Eris to advance. After that, raising her staff, magic flowed, and she attacked with fiery waves.

"Burning Fury!"


Eris, who was advancing at an unimaginable speed, even for an Emperor of the Sword, had some difficulties moving forward due to the damaged ground. Sensing the distant heat, she frowned, and her sword erupted in powerful flames.

Using her Noble Phantasm, Eris counterattacked with the powerful flames bursting from her sword, and a massive wave of fire immediately engulfed the surroundings, causing the already damaged area to ignite.

However, at that very moment, ice attacks came like powerful spears. Eris, who wanted a sword fight, was overwhelmed by the sheer number of spells Roxy was whispering in seconds. In normal circumstances, she would have already lost, but she managed to hold her ground thanks to her sword and armor.

"This is cheating; you said you wouldn't abuse magic!" Eris thought with growing anger. Then, after establishing a distant distance on the damaged ground, she charged forward, and her speed increased as a golden aura surrounded her body.


As she soared through the sky, she felt traces of electric currents heading toward her body, so she used a defensive move in the style of the Golden Lion. At that moment, a golden aura enveloped her body, and a powerful pressure even caused the clouds in the sky to part.

"Too much to control..." Roxy changed her strategy and began to concentrate a powerful attack, forming large water whales that danced around her.


After launching, Roxy used an electric spell, and the whales heading towards Eris suffered an electric boost, turning into a brutal attack in an instant.

"It's not enough!"

Attacking from a considerable height, Eris swung her sword towards Roxy, and a long-range attack wave was about to impact her body when she disappeared. In that moment, Eris, who was still in the air, searched for the target.

"I've got you!"

Upon finding Roxy, Eris flashed with a powerful battle aura and impacted the ground. The surroundings were destroyed, and at that moment, Gilgamesh, who had not moved since the battle began, took a moment to stop it.

"This is enough for today."

Interrupted by Gilgamesh, both of them, who were sweating, fell silent. Roxy's white hair began to return to its natural state along with her blue lines, while Eris's battle aura disappeared from the surroundings.

Eris, exhausted by the pressure Roxy had exerted during the battle, asked, "Did we go too far with the strength we were using?"

Roxy looked around and said in a somewhat flat tone, "I think we did, but our clashes are becoming more impressive and intense."

Gilgamesh smiled as he handed each of them a water bottle and said in the meantime, "Eris, you need to calculate the battle minutes after making a move. You focus too much on the moment and not on what will happen afterward. If you improve in that aspect, you'll never feel overwhelmed in battle."

"I will do that!" Eris exclaimed, filled with excitement, knowing that her strength was still increasing to the point where even Gilgamesh could only mention a few small aspects for her to improve.

After talking to Eris, Gilgamesh turned to Roxy and said, "You need to apply more feints and set up a unique battle spell system in tiers. This means classifying combinations of spells from weaker to stronger to gauge your opponent before going all out with more powerful combinations."

Roxy had adapted to both melee combat and magic, two completely different styles combined into one. It still felt strange for her to engage in melee combat against Eris, knowing that Eris excelled in swordplay. However, when she combined that style with magic, the result was very satisfying.

"Get ready, we will go to the Fittoa border today before heading to the demon continent," Gilgamesh said as he allowed them to rest and left to attend to something important.


"Have you heard any rumors in the neighboring realms?" Gilgamesh asked as he took a seat in a large room.

Simon, seated in front of him, replied, "It's still strange, but for some reason, I feel that attention is being directed towards the Asura Kingdom, and I can't understand why."

"Do you think there's a possibility that this Human God might try to manipulate the monarchs to make me appear as a public enemy? I've thought about that for a long time, but I don't see the point," Gilgamesh calmly sipped a glass of wine and shared some of his thoughts.

Simon nodded in understanding and said, "It won't matter much as long as we don't strike first; we'll have the support of the civilians, and with that, we'll win the war."

"What about the apostles?"

"We're looking for the God of Combat, the Demon Queen, but we haven't found any leads yet... It would be much easier to locate the Dragon God, who has recently been seen with a girl," Simon shared this information, which had not yet been fully processed.

"A human girl?" Gilgamesh this time felt curious.

"Yes, they seem to be traveling, but like pigeons, they have a strange sensation of terror when they get near the Dragon God. Only Sword Emperors can stand firm in front of him."

"Perhaps it's some kind of curse..."

"Perhaps it is..."