An Unexpected Fate

"Let's leave this place; the entity of the black adversity won't appear, so we'll destroy this place directly to ensure nothing can enter here and, consequently, leave."

Gilgamesh, seated on the head of the giant pig, instructed Roxy to manipulate the Vimana as he had taught her, and everyone gathered.


But at that moment, the entire platform lit up with strands of bright, bloody lights. These rays of light intertwined into a network that spread throughout the underground. It seemed to be an endless network of some unknown energy, capable of destroying the entire underground area.


In the center of the bright platform, a bloody ray pierced through the stone layer above their heads and shot into the sky. When this ray touched the sky, the bright platform emitted even more colorful lights. These strands of light were no longer magical; they were more like flowing blood strings. These bloodied strings gathered and turned into a bloody petal that pierced through the entire underground world.

When Gilgamesh saw this, his eyes shone golden, and he murmured, "Once again, the future has changed..."

Seeing the bloody light from the bright platform, Richard said with a cold expression, "The night of blood, the rise of a dark being."

The light that attracted all living beings, the light that made them think there was some kind of treasure here, flickered in this place.

"This is curious..." Gilgamesh seemed to awaken from his thoughts and looked around as he explained, "It seems this is a prison, precisely something to trap those who would want to take the crown."

Gilgamesh, who had stood up, slowly closed his eyes and murmured, "Listen to my words, do not stand in my way."


A loud explosion occurred. The bright platform flew upwards and hit the ceiling. By then, Gilgamesh had told Roxy to prepare, and she created a shield to cover everyone on the back of the giant pig, Killa.

The rays were like an unstoppable waterfall, piercing downwards into the ground.

"What is that...?"

At this moment, many more adventurers who had ventured into the underground world and armies of nations that wanted to investigate the mysteriously opened gates were close to the light. Many of them, through the bright scene, saw a platform rising into the sky. In turn, they noticed the blood-red cascade falling torrentially down, causing them shocking surprise.

"Is that a magical target?" an adventurer murmured.

At the top of the bright platform, Gilgamesh looked around. However, he couldn't find the monster that had escaped from this place anywhere.

"Someone else must have helped him; it's not possible for him to escape my eyes, let alone my perception. If my intuition doesn't fail me, it seems that idiot God is planning something." Gilgamesh released his Enkidu chains and slowly wrapped them around Killa's body, which was shaking from side to side due to the strong blasts.

"Have you been here before?" Seeing Gilgamesh having an answer for absolutely everything, Richard asked with curiosity.

This question was normal; after all, how could he know every answer in just a few seconds?

Upon hearing this question, the group following Gilgamesh couldn't blame Richard. It was as if there was nothing that could be hidden from Gilgamesh's eyes.

"Listen, young lad, everything my eyes can see is nothing compared to what you can see... Just think that I am incredible, so naturally incredible that no man or god can compare to my greatness. This is nothing surprising," Gilgamesh said calmly as he looked towards the sky.

Gilgamesh's words suddenly made Eris and Roxy blush; they weren't as straightforward as to tell a stranger about their greatness. Perhaps Eris might, but she has been behaving more reserved lately.

Just at that moment, many adventurers who had made their way inside the cave hurriedly emerged from beautiful caves.

After the malicious shadows halted their offensive, although all the experts from the new adventurers and small army units of nations rushed forward, they couldn't find anything but blood. That's when they saw the clear and bloody rays spreading everywhere like a river of blood. Everyone got excited, thinking this was the appearance of a magical treasure, so they all sought the origin of the light.

"The treasure of the gods..."

The eyes of many dreamers reddened with excitement. Everyone with a chance climbed mountains and ascended towards the sky where the bright platform was suspended.


At this moment, Richard's old master snorted coldly and took a step forward. Suddenly, the battle aura of a Sword Emperor was released unabashedly forward, hitting many adventurers who wanted to approach and giving them a powerful push.

This was a Sword Emperor; the nearby Sword Kings didn't dare to approach!

But many secretly launched attacks on the bright platform, as if trying to bring it down. Attack after attack reached the platform, and everyone began to surround it.

Without Gilgamesh's command, the old master stepped out as his battle aura roared with killing intent. Anyone who wanted to come would have to pass through his sword first. Since he owed his life to Gilgamesh's group, that debt would be difficult to repay, so at this moment, he was willing to resolve any problems that arose.

"That's a divine treasure!"

The mages rushed in masses from the ground but stopped when they saw the dazzling violent bloody rays from the platform.

At this point, their preconceived notion was that the treasure released by this dungeon was on the bright platform. A treasure that could make them gods—how could they not be excited?!

However, with an old Sword Emperor blocking the front of the attacks, no power dared to go all out. Many gave up and retreated just to watch. If they advanced now, all they would do is die.

At this moment, with a violet aura, a group forcefully emerged from a cave in the ground. Then two powerful battle auras rose from the ground.

"Are those two of the three Emperors of the North?"

Behind them, there was a young man with a huge snake tattoo on his forehead. They stood in front of Gilgamesh and advanced towards the battle aura covering the entire platform.

The one at the front was a nobody; no one knew him. Even if he was powerful, no one had heard of him, but seeing that he wasn't afraid of that distant battle aura made people believe he was powerful.

As the group ascended on what seemed to be a flying platform, the gazes of both groups met. The one at the forefront was a young man, seemingly unremarkable except for his strength.

At this moment, Gilgamesh and the unknown group led by the young man were the most powerful groups daring to confront each other.

Seeing more and more people gathering, and the monster still keeping hidden, Gilgamesh smiled coldly and calmly told Richard's master, "Elder, these are peculiar guests. There's no need to scare them."

The old master looked at Gilgamesh and nodded, then quietly returned to the back of everyone, just by his side. Anyone who wanted to approach, he would be the first to react.

"How about it? Are you all looking for the divine treasure that this platform released?"

Then, the young man in front of the group stepped forward with a piercing look towards Gilgamesh. After a few seconds, he spoke with a highly threatening voice, "Hand over all the treasures you found, and I'll leave immediately."

There was hatred in his gaze, and it was obvious that it was directed at Gilgamesh. However, there was a problem; no one knew him, not even Eris or Roxy.

Everyone here knew their stuff. Seeing the enigmatic golden armor and shining crown on Gilgamesh's head, they immediately speculated that this was what he had found.

However, as the mysterious young man wanted that treasure, no one here dared to say anything.

"There's a small inconvenience; this crown can only be worn by a future Emperor, and a brat like you doesn't have the right to wear it." Gilgamesh narrowed his eyes and smiled. There was no trace of anger in his gaze.

Cunsfiel and Richard on the side were completely stunned by this exchange of words. Divine treasure? They knew there was no such thing. Even the crown that Gilgamesh put on was just an ornament in their eyes, so he was only deceiving these people.

Eris gave them a sympathetic look. They wouldn't even know the way they're going to die. She didn't know if these were just decoys, but asking for something from Gilgamesh is like inviting death.

"As arrogant as the rumors say. I suppose I should kill you..." With a majestic aura, the young man at the forefront of the new group said, "My name is Alexander, and I tell you to give me that crown on your head, and I'll make sure no one harms you."

"I care little about your name; you're a complete stranger in my eyes..."

All the other adventurers saw that look from Gilgamesh and swallowed saliva eagerly.

"Do you think you're the only one with the right to obtain something from this place?"

Gilgamesh observed everyone around him and said in a very calm tone, "It seems that taking this crown has resulted in several unexpected incidents."