The Letter That Arrived Too Late

"My lord, I implore you to receive this letter sent by the fourth prince in the line of succession, Prince Gilgamesh!"

That letter Gilgamesh had sent before the mana devastation had arrived late into the hands of the King, but those were actually his true intentions, as he wanted to address the future directly, and it was necessary to do so this way.

"[Dear King Asura, I am writing you this letter months before the mana devastation that will ravage the Fittoa region. Although I know you are prone to reckless decisions and might abandon those people, I am taking steps to prevent it in time.

I would have preferred to talk to you earlier, but I confess I don't have high expectations for your decisions, even with my help. I don't expect much from you, but I will do what is within my power for your kingdom. I ask that you hold the throne until my return. During my absence, I will eliminate useless families like the Boreas, parts of the Notos, and other families from different regions. I request that people from my faction take possession of the territories left without feudal lords.

It's possible that the Millis continent will try to spread unpleasant rumors about me, but I hope you take measures to counteract them, such as eliminating the churches that propagate those rumors with the intention of damaging my reputation in your kingdom. If you don't, my people will, just as we have done with corrupt families and nobles.

Consider it an honor that, during these months, I have been clearing your name and eliminating those who harm the population. Lastly, but not least, do not yield to any continent or kingdom. If they seek war, I will return immediately to lead my new reign.

Among all the children you have had, I know I am the most worthy, and although this may be difficult for someone like you, I hope you recognize it.

I have decided to place special guards at the appropriate time, as strong as a Sword God, for your protection. I urge you to behave like a true monarch and not heed the words of the useless Grabell, who will never be king.

With hope for a better future, Gilgamesh.]"

"What does the letter from my useless brother say?! If it's to ask for help, he'd better go to hell; he's been away for more than two years, so his requests outside the kingdom are useless," Grebell said coldly as he looked at his father's expression.

Had he said something wrong?

No, Gilgamesh had been wandering through the continents doing who knows what, and best of all, he had never cared about the kingdom. Maybe he's running away, knowing he could never become king. That was extremely beneficial to him, as it removed one of the competitors he most feared facing.

"Shut up, get out of my sight! How can you speak of your brother with such a hateful tone? You should be ashamed, damn useless, all you do is talk about the throne and the kingdom; you're a piece of garbage. Get out of my damn sight!"

"Father, forgive my words..." Grabell tried to apologize, but at that moment, a shadow appeared behind him.

"What do we do with this young man?" asked the shadow, eventually revealing a tall man with an emotionless expression.

"Just escort him out of this room."

If his son is the one eliminating noble families, that means sooner or later, he'll aim for the heads of his brothers. Exhausted, Gilgamesh's father murmured, "You were never an ordinary child; I suppose that's a blessing for all humans of our time...

After Gilgamesh and the others began their journey, a year had passed. Suddenly, a monumental event occurred in the Great Rift far from Empress Kishirika's palace.

Within the territory of the demonic empress, a malevolent energy suddenly pierced the sky with bright lights. Within the lights were countless ancient coffins that sang sad and painful melodies.

On the distant horizon, many coffins were flying as if they were birds in the sky, and there were many creatures attempting to hunt down these stone coffins but were immediately shattered in a curtain of blood. The feeling of death bloomed over the clouds, saturated with death.

Anyone seeing this scene for the first time would be stunned, but for those who had seen this before, they weren't too surprised.

This sudden change drew the attention of many, and even many old demons began to stir.

At this moment, in the region of Bieyoga, a powerful being opened its eyes. It could be seen from the expression on its face that it was very excited.

Inside Demon King Badigadi's territory palace, a figure with four arms on its body opened its eyes, alerting many demons around it.

Even the demon empress from afar felt the murderous intent of her betrothed as she sensed that energy emanating in the sky with an intense death sensation. Her eyes pierced the sky, and she whispered with a serious voice, "Are those ancients trying to reincarnate?"

At this very moment, a hundred kilometers away, a young man with a magical staff followed by a short-haired woman accompanied by a man with a red pearl on his forehead looked up at the sky. Many old monsters had risen from their places. Some were sighing, others were excited, and some were indifferent and cold...

These coffins belonged to the old monsters in legends, and they were immortals buried underground for countless years. Unless it was an extremely delicate matter, these immortal monsters would not appear. However, due to the sudden turn of events, everyone was alerted!

An eternal old man observed the strange variation in the sky and couldn't help but murmur, "What made them change their minds?"

An old man holding a long sword that glowed with a thirsty killing intent murmured, "The ancient apostles are gathering; that's much more interesting than finding that man in golden armor."

"If they appeared, it means that the ship of death will appear once again in this world; all signs point to that event."

The next day, a message spread across the entire Great Central Territory and the demon continent like a storm. It then spread across the Great Central Sea, the Millis continent, the Hidden Paradise, and hundreds of more cities.

After a long time, the whole world knew about this news.

Within the great influences and powerful nations of the respective continents, even beings that hadn't moved felt tempted.

Near-death old monsters especially couldn't stay still. Suddenly, they rose and excitedly said, "The ship of death will come to this world once again; we must prevent the still-living gods from interfering this time as they did before!"

In ancient times, during the human-demon war, a ship appeared in the middle of the sky. This ship was brought from the underworld because it signaled that someone from antiquity could be reborn.

The Underworld Ship was an extremely mysterious existence. Both now and in ancient times, all kings intended to take the treasures from that place, and inevitably, rumors reached all continents.

It is said that this ship will take all those who manage to board it to a mysterious, cursed, special place full of opportunities. Many have brought back many god-killing treasures from that place.

But something much more interesting is said about that place; it is said that they buried all the dead from the first human-demon war there. Many who died in pain asked the ship to take them to a place full of a sense of quality, so they were inevitably taken to that place.