A Fantasy Tale

This city was full of mysteries with numerous secrets and things happening simultaneously. In a place with qualities like this, what couldn't surprise people?

"This place is extremely intriguing; we could spend days, and there would still be new things we haven't seen." Gilgamesh walked out of the Black Rose shop, which, after being emptied, looked like a place forgotten by people.

"Although I was born on this continent, I never explored it in depth like we did this past year. Compared to other places, this land is extremely difficult to make a living in. When I become more powerful, I will nurture this continent with life." Roxy said these words, perhaps thinking of a distant time. She wanted this land to be as green as other places, and there was only one way to do it—through magic.

"According to what I heard earlier, this place is the result of one of the fragments that fell after the ancient battle where the human race was almost defeated. That battle destroyed and split the continents we now know. Those continents are no longer connected as before."

"That's true; the fight that year between the God of Battle and Leplace was something that left the world in complete silence. Many are grateful not to have lived in that era where everything was destroyed."

"They say the Dragon King finally sealed him and currently waits for him to supposedly resurface." Listening to Eris's words, Roxy and Eris spoke while sharing their knowledge.

"Given that the Dragon King had the strength to seal that enemy, why not just kill him directly?" A man who was walking stopped at a stall selling meat skewers and asked that question suddenly.

The vendor shook his head and said, "I'm afraid no one knows the reason. This has always been a mystery. Even those who wrote the history didn't know that reason."

"But going back to the battle between the God of Battle and the Demon God, who won?" Someone who was eating asked excitedly. A battle between two powerful gods that divided the land. How terrifying could that battle have been?

"It is said that the God of Battle won..."

Gilgamesh's group, who had joined to buy some meat skewers, were surprised to hear that. Roxy and Eris had witnessed powerful battles of Gilgamesh and could confidently say that he was much stronger than those Gods being talked about. The attack he used to destroy the world of ancient enemies was one that this world probably couldn't withstand.

While everyone talked, Gilgamesh said nothing. He stood there, lost in thought.

As his women, Eris and Roxy noticed the difference in Gilgamesh. When the conversations shifted, they dared to ask, "What's wrong?"

"Don't you like them? They say these are meat skewers from a captive beast; it tastes like challenging meat to eat." Eris said with two large meat skewers stuffed in her mouth. She just wanted to make Gilgamesh have a good time, and he smiled.

Gilgamesh, who recovered, maintained his calm smile, looking around. He never expected to share these moments with someone by his side other than his friend Enkidu. This raised a question for him: could he summon the spirit of his friend using the Chains of Heaven?

What happens if you don't remember?

He didn't want to taint the death of his friend, feel that open wound in his heart burn due to his selfishness.

For him, making the decision to let him rest was the best thing he could do. It wasn't necessary to have him close because this life was a new one, and the old Gilgamesh had died long ago. Now, in this life, he was accompanied by sweet wives.

Having managed to have them by his side was more than enough; he had never thought of achieving something like this, and he didn't bother having feelings about his decision. But now, after a year of adventure together, he could say that he loved them more than any treasure in his treasury.

Wouldn't that be embarrassing?

He didn't care.

"It's nothing; it's just that the story is quite amusing because the enemies I eliminated in my past life were far superior to the gods of this world who haven't learned from the two wars they've suffered. Maybe it's cynicism."

"Such an unparalleled confrontation, it's a shame not to have been born in that era to witness the celestial battle with my own eyes," said an idiot who was eating next to them in a cheeky tone, as if he had been able to survive even miles away from that battle.

"You have more experience to give an opinion now that you've heard that; do you think that battle happened for something specific?" Gilgamesh asked after sticking and walking back to where they had parked Killa.

"A fight for human survival, but that sudden hatred towards humans by the Demon God is something we can't understand..." Roxy, who understood more about the topic, responded calmly.

Upon returning to the pig, Cunsfiel was asleep at the entrance of the house while maintaining his dog form that didn't scare even a rabbit.

Looking at this small house that was actually huge now, it had small fruit blankets outside the walls where a cherry tree was growing very slowly and plants that released bright spores.

On the outside, it was very small, but after entering, they found a huge room that was connected to the kitchen. The stairs to the second floor were small but suitable for comfortably going up without any problems.

Undoubtedly, this small house had taken on a very homely appearance where traces of everyone who lived here could be seen. As for Cusnfiel, he had a small circular mattress where he slept in his dog form.

Returning home, Gilgamesh smiled and, checking that all the windows were closed, released all the magic fish that immediately recognized this new place and swam throughout the house.

"The merchant said they eat pink gold; how can we get that type of mineral?" Ris asked, captivated by those beautiful fish.

"Don't worry; I have many pink gold ingots, so you can feed them..." Gilgamesh opened a golden ripple, and as if they smelled a delicious meal, they all approached cautiously. "You can feed them, Eris, remember to give each one a name."

Eris, who received the ingot, was smiling until she heard Gilgamesh's last words and said, "How can I name them all?"

But before she could throw a tantrum, the fish moved to her hand and began to nibble on the pink gold ingot as if it were bread. The fish magically shimmered, and Gilgamesh, seeing that one wasn't enough, took out two more to satisfy the hunger of these fish.

As they watched this scene, Cusnfiel entered and asked, drool dripping from his snout, "When did you guys get back?"