I Don't Need an Answer

Gilgamesh's group became serious as they wanted to know the answer to that question. They knew that this Human God was the enemy he was seeking in every place they went. According to his words, he had given up searching for him in the Demon Continent, and this search would begin elsewhere to somehow find him.

They knew of many Gods like the Dragon God, the God of War, the God of the Sword, and many other powers that held the title of a God. However, no one besides Gilgamesh knew about the Human God, so they considered that this being had remained hidden since ancient times.

If something is known, they could find the answer at this very moment. But Gilgamesh didn't need their answer; he just wanted to see him for a few seconds before knowing exactly what he wanted to know.

Meanwhile, the old centaur sat on the ground as his breathing became heavier. After a long silence, the old centaur finally took out an object and placed it slowly on the ground.

"It was many years ago; my race can live at least 600 years, and for that same reason, we were perfect warriors for the Demon God at that time. If you ask me if I know about that Human God, I know some things, an ancient temple that idolized an ominous figure. It had no face, but they all worshiped it. My family pledged loyalty to him, our goal in the early years of being in this era is to dominate the world. Still, we failed..."

At this moment, it was evident to everyone that this centaur was talking about a temple where supposedly Hitogami or, better said, the Human God was idolized. Although those words were weak and meant nothing, they still gave them some answers to their questions.

"Where is that temple?" Gilgamesh asked, and the deeper the centaur went into his memories, the more blurry they became.

"A story about a tale of a divine tree, our goal, besides ruling the world, was to use that tree to make him descend... That God is only resentful of his situation, but we had to kill him, and when discovered, those Apostles annihilated, those Apostles annihilated my entire race." The centaur opened his eyes and looked at Gilgamesh, then said, "That temple is closer than you think; many of those you know may know its whereabouts."

"What is this place?" Gilgamesh asked again.

"The result of a rebellion and the extermination of many stars..."

"What are those stars?"

"Reincarnated from other worlds, those who were tempted by the Human God and ended up dead with each other... I know what you're looking for; I entered this demon place because we knew that a powerful being would come to this place." The centaur looked at Gilgamesh and whispered, "He's afraid of you..."

Upon hearing the name of those words, the hearts of all the people following Gilgamesh suddenly tightened. It's obvious what they mean, but it would be imprudent to simply trust those words.

"What do I do to find my answer?"

"You already have the answer; you just don't open where it will come from... Just remember, your path may be preparing a new trial that only you can overcome that obstacle without millions of living beings dying."

"I don't need your recommendations, and clearly, I don't require your words." Gilgamesh didn't say much more before finishing what he wanted to know. If this place is a result of a battle, it means that what happened here is something simple to interpret.

Everyone behind Gilgamesh was extremely confused. How is it that this place is the result of a battle between people from another world? They knew that Gilgamesh was one, but they didn't exactly understand when there could be more at once.

It wasn't common, but it seems that it used to be. The old centaur smiled slightly and said, "What exactly are you looking for them? If he dies, this world may be destroyed."

"You don't need to worry about that. Gods can be replaced, and their divinities extinguished. The world belongs to humans, not to a God who is just for show. Why do we need that god if we don't need anything from him?"

Gilgamesh was secretly surprised; he didn't know exactly how the world would collapse if the Human God dies. It's true that this world would undergo some changes, but if they can indeed, they must be prepared.

"Do you know what the end of this place is?" Gilgamesh focused his gaze on the centaur.

"Isn't it just to destroy it?" The centaur asked as he looked at the fruit on the ground.

"You make your decisions, I'll make mine... I've fulfilled my mission of warning you." The centaur said as the traces of life in his body diminished. After that, the coffin closed, and he ended up being swallowed by the earth.

After the old coffin sank into the earth, Roxy quickly seized this opportunity and eagerly asked, "Why didn't you ask him more?"

"There's no need to know more; he's dead..." Gilgamesh was quite perplexed. He couldn't analyze any hint of falsehood in a corpse, so now he was trapped in an alley for the first time since coming to this world.

"Could you see anything?" Cusnfiel knew Gilgamesh better than anyone, so he asked first.

"The past was blurry, and I couldn't see anything in the future..." Gilgamesh shook his head as he said this.

"So, is this place only the result of a battle between reincarnated beings?"

Just at that moment, he didn't answer any more questions because the undead approached them again.


Watching Gilgamesh's attacks, the group didn't stand still, and when they saw him move forward, they walked naturally behind him.

They set off once again to find a second target. Gilgamesh stepped on swampy ground, and this time Roxy took care of freezing the path, making it solid.

It was obvious that Gilgamesh understood to some extent what had been told to him in this place, but he needed more time to understand, so he wanted time to think.

On the way, Gilgamesh's group didn't say a single word because they were not interested at the moment in asking questions. If for some reason they neglect again, things could get out of control.

Now they knew that things in this place were not simple, and it would be better to keep their eyes wide open.

Death is a dimension of life. For the current Gilgamesh, death is the essential event in human adventure. Death is a mystery; we consider it as the moment of saying goodbye to everything; it is the journey of going and not coming back. However, now that resolution had changed.

He wanted to spend peaceful times, but that tranquility was not something he was feeling now. Until he eliminates that Human God, he won't be able to rest comfortably.