The Ancient Stone Box

Watching Gilgamesh sitting calmly in the chair, the expressions of the people looking down on the sick Killa turned extremely cold.

"Who is that man? He seems to be surrounded by beautiful women, but he doesn't care. I have a huge urge to cut him into pieces; only a human dares to be so shameless in acting that way in this city."

At that moment, Gilgamesh slowly opened his eyes and murmured, "Who do you think you are, anyway? Talking behind my back and pointing your finger. If you have any issues, you can come and address them properly. Your comments don't bother me, but you should mind the language of your mouth, or I will personally take care of ripping it out at the root."

"Young ignorant..."

Gilgamesh's words immediately made the expressions of those people who were talking behind his back look up and furrow their brows. They were all angry, but being discovered, they didn't know what to do.

These words really scared an elderly man who was looking at Killa with great delight. He quickly bowed and said, "I apologize deeply for the character of these inexperienced youngsters. I would like to offer you a sincere apology on their behalf, and I hope you can overlook these minor matters."

"Elder, you should mind your own business and ignore what doesn't concern you... Everyone is born with a tongue to speak properly; the words one chooses are the ones they should be responsible for. You should have a good tone and make sure not to be embarrassed in front of the level of words you use." Gilgamesh's response was very calm, as if he were unaffected by his surroundings.

On his lap, Delia seemed to be asleep... Gilgamesh couldn't help it; she was as clingy as a cat, and her actions reminded him of his cat that should be in the Hidden Paradise being treated as a divine beast.

"Hey, you're in the demonic continent; as a human, you should act with much more respect." Unexpectedly, a man with crocodile skin pointed at Gilgamesh, who was lying on a sunbed.

Killa's culture wasn't much because it was submerged underground, making many see Gilgamesh and the seemingly small house through different eyes. All passersby looked extensively at Gilgamesh because they didn't know this divinely looking man, let alone heard about the women accompanying him.

"Who the hell are you?" Gilgamesh interrupted the demon and looked at him coldly, saying, "If you have any problems, you can try to cross the boundaries of my house and try something. If you're qualified to catch my attention, then your words will come out loud, but for now, none of you have the qualifications to talk to me."

"This bastard doesn't know suffering!" A demon who was watching the beautiful Delia being caressed by Gilgamesh wished to have her due to her divine appearance. She had been attracting a lot of attention from passing demons in front of Gilgamesh's house, so he said, "How dare you speak in that tone to us?"

Gilgamesh sitting in his place slowly replied, "Wait, are you looking for trouble? Will you be able to bear the consequences?"

"How dare you underestimate us!" These words infuriated the trembling demon, and as his rage rose, his aura reached the skies. Finished speaking, his hand immediately pointed at Gilgamesh.

"Enough, children, you'll die if you take a step forward..." At that moment, the voice of the elderly human who had been watching Killa underground immediately stepped forward and held the demon's arm.

"You're smarter than this; settle all your personal issues here and leave. This man is not someone you can confront and survive." The elderly man who had just taken action said in a deep tone while holding the demon's hand.

This elderly man had a tall and strong body that could be perceived only by the keenest observers. The hair of this elderly man was gray, and a diamond could be seen in the center of the elderly man.

Seeing this elderly man, the demons backed off and left, not without looking threateningly at Gilgamesh.

"Shouldn't you have handed me his hand with which he pointed at me?" Gilgamesh asked, looking more interestedly at the elderly man who had directly intervened.

"That would only trigger the deaths of those filthy demons..." The elderly man maintained his disdain in the words directed at the demons.

"Wouldn't that be better? They are alive because you interfered just when things were getting interesting..."

"This matter would trigger a much larger battle if it reaches the ears of humans and demons. Lately, tension is very high between the different races here, so any small excuse is a sign of battle for others. I hope you can understand; I don't want to see the city filled with blood."

"I have no interest in continuing to talk; you should go your way, old man..." Gilgamesh bid farewell to this curious elderly man who prevented the demons from dying.

"Roxy, you are possibly one of the most powerful demon women on this continent and in the world, a powerful mage who can use divine magic and is destined to live for eternity. Don't you feel that you should educate those of your kind?" Gilgamesh asked, looking at Roxy, who had appeared at the door of the house.

Roxy, who was originally listening to the conversation outside, came out after everyone left. She sat on the seats outside the house where she couldn't be easily seen due to the plants and said, "I feel no love for my kind beyond the Migurd, unlike you who want a better future for all humans in general who accept your guidance... Besides turning this continent into a place full of life, there is nothing else."

Roxy's response left Gilgamesh a little pensive, and he nodded after understanding a bit of what she meant.

After saying those words, Roxy reminded him, "Moreover, demons are mostly wild beings who act on instinct because we have survived, not lived, since we were little. No one is willing to certain abrupt changes, and I think that's okay."

"They are just demons. If any of them don't succumb to my woman, then I'll give them a great lesson..." Gilgamesh said this indifferently as he reached his hand towards Roxy's leg.

Roxy sighed softly and continued to advise with a serious and well-intentioned counsel, "Wherever we go, people always die. Although I know it's difficult to avoid an offense, we shouldn't always respond with violence."

"If you're concerned about blood, then I'll make sure you don't see it. I have a sword that freezes people until they become nothing more than death; we could use it against the Mugrels..." Gilgamesh murmured, much more interested in Roxy's attitude.

"You know what I mean, and we shouldn't be doing this outside the house..." Roxy responded, pushing away Gilgamesh's mischievous hand that was getting deeper under her skirt.

"You're right, should we go to our room?" Gilgamesh asked, appearing over Roxy and looking at her very desirefully.

"Shouldn't we be attentive to other matters?"

"You're right, and we should have children until the fruits of immortality are ready to be consumed..." Gilgamesh gently kissed Roxy's neck, smelling that sweet aroma. Then he stood up and said, "Take care of your cat, Delia; she must learn magic from you."

"Oh, yes..." Roxy blushed a bit and nodded.

In the room, Gilgamesh took out an ancient stone box he had obtained from that sale house and examined it with absolute attention. "Now, this is a box full of surprises..."