Concealing the Divine Aura.

Under countless envious gazes, Gilgamesh enjoyed this feeling and walked calmly with slow steps through the Ancient Street.

The Ancient Street was indeed a good place with very old buildings compared to other places. In this place, people could not only trade but could even find friends to gather and walk down the street together.

This was a highly lively and surprisingly vast place. It couldn't be seen with just a simple glance. Along the way, Gilgamesh's eyes were dazzled by many treasures as he walked with his group.

There was an old adventurer sitting on a balcony near the corner with a large sign that read, "Mana recovery potions!"

Another adventurer in front of them had a silver chest in front of him and said, "Ancient ten-thousand-poisons plant, trade only for a magic sword!"

Gilgamesh walked through the Ancient Street with an interesting smile on his face, even Eris and Roxy, who had somewhat uncommon backgrounds, were surprised by the things they were seeing on this street.

They hadn't walked too far before Gilgamesh was suddenly drawn to an item sold by an adventurer in a corner. This was an old dean, with a look that his head's horns could somehow represent his age.

The item sold by this old dragon was contained in a crystal cylinder. It was not a very large fish. Moreover, at a glance, it was very cute and round like a little ball. There were patches of swelling in five colors patched on its body, giving it a cute appearance.

This was a fish that was not particularly remarkable. In the Ancient Street, with people coming in and out, many did not notice that fish, and at most, some only gave it a glance from time to time. However, most of the looks were drawn by the old dragon. At the end of the day, it was not at all common to see a dragon in human form.

"What a cute little thing..." Gilgamesh took a few steps forward and touched the crystal cylinder placed on a wooden box.

The way Gilgamesh looked at this cylinder was very peculiar, as even the fish itself was alarmed, and its initially adorable body changed to an extremely brutal appearance while a blinding light expanded throughout its body. In a blink, the fish's entire body increased in size several times.

The sudden transformation not only scared Gilgamesh's group but also the nearby adventurers who then came and gathered around.

"What divine creature is this?" Seeing this fish roaring as it tried to bite the crystal cylinder, an old adventurer with a curious expression asked.

"A blessed fish, at least that's what I know..." Gilgamesh, looking at the fish in front of him, thought it would be incredible to have it because this way, he could create a suitable garden to keep the tree of immortal fruits in a magical environment.

The old dragon raised his head, revealing a bright and terrifying light in his eyes. At this moment, he nodded slightly and said, "Right, this is a fish blessed by magic and the world, a little one without peers in the world."

"A magically blessed fish..." An old mage exclaimed alarmingly and said, "Legend has it that the clouds are like magical water, where the most incredible fish in the world live, whose magic can never be extinguished. So, if a magically blessed fish appears, it means it comes from that place."

Suddenly, the hearts of curious adventurers and surrounding mages began to beat faster. Who couldn't be moved by such a treasure? If they could raise a fish like this, it might even take the appearance of a truly brilliant being.

"What are you asking for this fish?" Asked a great mage who couldn't help but contain his curiosity.

The old dragon slowly raised his head with eyes like lightning and looked at the group of people, then said slowly, "A magic potion capable of repelling the darkness of an eternal evil..."

"What did that dragon say?!"

"I don't understand, what is that?"

Gilgamesh looked at the dragon for a few brief moments and said, "We'll see each other another time, go back and give this to your son... For now, you must await my arrival, and when the time comes, I will present myself properly."

"Hey!" The dragon stood up with a slight surprise.

But Gilgamesh said once again, "If you leave now, your son will be able to live. If you don't, he will die, consumed by his curse... I will completely remove it when we meet again; after all, the central continent will be mine."

After a good distance, Eris asked softly, "What just happened?"

"His son was cursed, a truly dark curse that consumes both his life and his magic..." Gilgamesh was brief with his response.

"So, will that save him?"

"Of course not, his son's life is not worth what he has given me... He will have to offer more if he wants his little dragon to survive for more than ten years." Gilgamesh smiled mysteriously and said nothing more.

Eris and Roxy were very calm, even Cusnfiel was very different from before, staying completely silent, watching to ensure that the two twins didn't eat the fish their lord had obtained.

Gilgamesh continued strolling through the Ancient Street with his group. One had to say that, although the items displayed on the Ancient Street were indeed treasures, there weren't many items that he desired.

"A true magical treasure..." When Gilgamesh was walking down a steep street, someone exclaimed from a group ahead. Hearing this shout, many people changed their expressions, and in no time, many people surrounded the area.

"Anyone who can help this old man do one thing, this old man will give the person a treasure." At that moment, a rough old voice echoed among the crowd.

Gilgamesh, who was passing by, was also surprised. The first gesture was to give others a magical treasure, which was truly incredible coming from a person, so he approached.

On a simple plate was an old man dressed in wizard's clothing, a large hat, and a gray cloak that covered his entire body. He wore a calm expression on his face, as if he were an ordinary person.

At that moment, the old man slowly took out a magical fire treasure. Although this treasure seemed to be something simple, it was actually a genuine item that released an adorable magic of manipulation.

"To be honest, this magical treasure was created inside a volcano and is said to have been made by a God. It is made of a very expensive material that cannot be obtained today." The old man placed the magical treasure in the air in a metal box.

Placing a magical treasure with that powerful fire aura was a move that immediately drew everyone's attention. After the old man placed this treasure on the mother box, he then placed a purple seed on the table. This seed seemed common, but in Gilgamesh's eyes, only he could make the most of it.

This seemed to be a seed similar to a bean; it was purple and seemed like it couldn't be planted because it needed a special method of fertilization.

"This is a seed of purple peaches, a magical tree that grants fruits that only the gods can enjoy because it will give anyone who eats it the ability to be a god with just a taste." The old man continued speaking slowly.

Upon hearing this, everyone had to take a deep breath. A magical fruit that only the gods can eat, how terrifying was this existence? It even grants a large amount of magic to everyone who eats it.

Suddenly, the crowd watching looked around in amazement. This old man was too daring; perhaps the request he made would be so significant that common people like them in this place couldn't do much.

What made the people even crazier was that the precious magical item seemed like they wanted to grab it and run away right at this moment.

After taking out the two objects, he reached into his chest again and fumbled as if he were finding another treasure. Suddenly, everyone felt worried and felt anxious inside. They were curious to know what the third object the old man would take out.

"Old man, hurry up and take out the treasure. Don't torture us this way, what will it be?" An adventurer saw that the old man searched inside his chest for half a day but didn't take anything out, so he couldn't help but shout.

"Don't bother me, damn poor!" The old man didn't even raise his head and just blew a flute. It seemed as if he were the lord of the air; with a furious wind noise, this warrior was thrown out of the City of Green Oak at great speed.

Everyone took a cold breath. The adventurer who spoke at this moment was very big and seemed to be very strong, but he was thrown away like trash. This made all the spectators step back as their hearts trembled.

Everyone then realized that this old man in front of them couldn't be intimidated. Otherwise, he wouldn't take out such an impressive magical treasure now.

With this event of interruption, all the spectators in this place didn't dare to speak. Everyone even held their breath while the old man in front of them searched for something inside his chest.

Finally, he found an ancient wooden figure that was so old it looked like trash. But the old man placed it in front of him and said, "Strawberries of eternal forgetfulness, delicious giant strawberries hidden inside this wooden figure."

Gilgamesh, in this crowd as he looked at the purple seed, felt incredibly tempted. Before conquering the central continent, he wanted to create a beautiful magical garden in which he could spend eternity with his wives. Therefore, being adorned with delicious fruits was something that would suit him well.