Geniuses and Gods are Equal

For others, a man like Aleksander, who is like a legend, was rare to see in such a lamentable state. It wasn't easy for common people to come across such an ancient figure, and many, including demons, didn't want to see someone like him being killed.

Aleksander gritted his teeth and gathered all his battle aura around his body to resist Gilgamesh's suppression. However, no matter how many times he tried, it wasn't enough to counteract Gilgamesh's strength.

"You can't even resist my killing intent before being injured, let alone now that you're as pitiful as a pig before being killed. Unless you were a true God, you might have caused me some minor annoyances. But now, either you apologize, or I'll destroy your muscles, bones, and make you regret encountering me." Gilgamesh said nonchalantly with a smile.


At this moment, Gilgamesh's hand was placed on Aleksander's neck. Under his pressure, air stopped entering his lungs, and the sounds of strangulation made others think that his neck could be broken at any moment.

Aleksander spewed a mouthful of blood. At that moment, even his eyes were dripping blood. It felt like a man fighting against the heavens, a mere human going against an almighty God!

"Forgive me..." Aleksander muttered; he chose mercy over dying in this place forgotten by the world. He clenched his teeth tightly and finally said, "I wanted to confront you since rumors say you are extremely powerful. If you are as incredible as you claim to be, then you will understand my true purpose in facing you. The methods used by my disciple were not correct, so I apologize for that."

After those words came out, Aleksander's body couldn't help but tremble. For a powerful being like him, surrendering was the greatest humiliation of his life! Today, in front of so many people, forced to kneel on the ground and admit his mistakes to someone who wanted to be recognized as a hero was the worst thing that could have happened to him.

"It's not so difficult to bow down, is it? There is a great difference between men and you. For someone who has lived like me, bowing is worse than death, and I would prefer to die standing a thousand times than live kneeling. But accepting death is believing in the path you have chosen without regrets. Do you want advice? Redirect your life, and when the time comes, the doors of death will be just another path." Gilgamesh released Aleksander's neck and casually said, "Although you are still far from achieving something like that."

Aleksander's words left everyone in silent contemplation. The words didn't need to be spoken; everyone could more or less guess the intentions of someone like him in facing Gilgamesh, and that might be related to the rumors of the holy church of Millis.

Aleksander was still sitting there with a vacant mind. At that moment, he couldn't hear any sound. He couldn't forget the pain of this humiliation imprinted on his mind today. He was a man proud of his strength, and wherever he went, he would be praised by anyone, regardless of race.

As a descendant of an Immortal clan, he sat at the top of any kind of race. Whether it was elves or demons, none could live as long as them. No matter where he was, his aura was brilliant, and his arrogant smile. But today, he was suppressed by a man much younger than him in front of everyone. This was an unforgettable humiliation for a lifetime!

Meanwhile, Roxy, who saw this with a cold expression, remained impassive. After accepting Gilgamesh as her man in this and the following lives, she had stopped feeling many of the weak emotions that could be forgotten over time. For someone like her, being at the top of the world was as simple as wanting it.

Gilgamesh looked around at everyone and at the descendants of many races who had been following Aleksander. Then, he smiled and said, "You are all free to live your lives as you wish, but the moment you insulted my wife, all of you who spoke better fall to your knees and offer your hands. If you don't, you will die instantly."

At this point, there was a deathly silence, and many sweated cold due to fear of what might happen. Could someone like him really follow through on this? However, at that moment, a demon fell to his knees and extended his left hand.

"I offer my left hand as an apology. I didn't mean to speak with the intention of insulting your wife..." The demon had a strong sense and knew perfectly well that Gilgamesh would start an unparalleled massacre at this moment.

"Well, I always stay true to my words, so I'll start..." When Gilgamesh said this, two double-edged swords appeared in his hands and disappeared instantly.


With a burst of blood, the demon who had fallen to his knees before had been cut, and his left hand that was completely torn screamed in extreme pain as he saw his hand being completely disintegrated.

In an instant, bursts of blood flooded the surroundings, but instead of the hands of those who had spoken ill of Roxy, their heads had been cleanly severed without any problem.

Before many could react, corpses began to appear around, and those who were packing were instantly killed by the swords that shot out from the ripples.

Those who hadn't spoken ill of Roxy simply closed their eyes in fear; none dared to open them for fear of death. The massacre spreading around alerted many, but none could resist.

In less than two minutes, thousands had died, and Gilgamesh, covered in blood, returned to his initial position and murmured, "Remember, even if you've lived a thousand years, I am the King of Heroes, Gilgamesh, who lived and died for humanity. I, a simple man, fought against gods and won. I'll do the same in this world; I'll seek out the human God and kill him. If any of the gods of this world dare to stand in my way, I'll crush them too."

Looking at all that blood, the corpses on the ground, and the heads still floating, Aleksander lifted his head and saw Gilgamesh's face; only now could he understand the difference between them.

"I'm so sorry, so sorry..."

Roxy looked at Gilgamesh with a gentle but impassive gaze over what had happened. She felt nothing at seeing those deaths and strangely felt happy seeing her man's fury. In the end, she said nothing and just sighed while tightly clenching her fists. Words weren't as powerful as improving herself so that, in the future, she could wield her power against those who opposed her man.

After everyone had left, a man approached Gilgamesh and said, "This massacre will only increase your bad reputation, is that what you want?"

Gilgamesh looked at the dragon and said, "I don't care. Those tainted by the human God will die by my hands. No matter what happens in the end. I will always emerge victorious."