Meeting and Wedding

Months after arriving in the city, Gilgamesh continued to keep himself hidden from the people, and this continued for the next three months upon his return to the Asura Kingdom. During this time, he ordered his generals to prepare the armies for an immediate defensive countermeasure, where they would eventually take the kingdoms that had raised their swords against his country.

As time passed, Gilgamesh finished crafting five elixirs of immortality, each one for his wives and one exclusively for himself. This new capital had been created with the purpose of being invincible, an extremely secure place where Gilgamesh could rest without worrying about anything in the world. Magical cannons from his Babylonian vault were placed around the walls that covered the city, ensuring every part of it was protected.

In this way, it slowly became known as the City of Gold, a place where the Divine Lion himself rested and the king who would soon ascend to the throne would live.

Looking at the landscape in the distance from a floating castle beyond the reach of the human eye, Gilgamesh, with a beautiful woman with pointed ears at his back, smiled upon seeing his visitor.

"How many years has it been since we last saw each other in person?" Gilgamesh casually asked with a calm tone.

Elaine, who had come to this city, smiled serenely and said, "A few years, is that something to be surprised about? For elves, that time is as small as a few months for humans. But even if it's a short time, I'm happy to see you up close."

"Now that I'm back, I plan to get married before going after that Human God. Because you are the first woman to help me and who has made many of my goals possible, I want you to be one of my first wives, as I proposed to you years ago. What is your answer to this?" Gilgamesh asked, staring at Elaine.

She was surprised by his sudden question, but having lived for many years, she smiled for a brief moment and said, "Will your wives agree to me being one more of your women?"

Gilgamesh shook his head and said, "The life I will live is long, so it doesn't matter. They know of your existence, so there won't be any problem with this. I just need your answer."

"Then, what woman wouldn't want to be married to a God?" Elaine asked briefly, making her answer clear.

"The wedding will be in a few months before I am crowned King of this realm... Once that happens, I will take a two-year vacation and then personally go after that Human God," Gilgamesh said as he sighed in a measured tone.

"I will wait as long as necessary," Elaine said as she disappeared from where she was, as there wasn't much more to talk about.


The news that Prince Gilgamesh was marrying three beautiful wives shook the entire Asura Kingdom. Many didn't understand how it would happen so quickly, but many knew it was because he would need descendants when he ascended to the throne.

It's not surprising that princes before ascending to the throne have children, as their death could be related to any kind of tragedy with those enemies who didn't want to see them in power.

But Gilgamesh didn't care about this; his main goal in getting married is because he doesn't know how long it will take to find his Human God, and by then, he wants to be married.

During the preparations, Gilgamesh was not inferior to his greatness. On the day of his wedding, hundreds of thousands of gold coins rained down on the nearest towns and cities, while the distant ones were blessed with fertility, health, and riches they could never have dreamed of before.

In the brief hours before the marriage, Gilgamesh had ordered all these preparations to be made since everyone had to recognize this day as the one on which he got married.

During the preparation, Gilgamesh was simple with his wedding, and the one in charge of witnessing his marriage was not a simple person, but the Dragon God whom everyone had feared.

Gilgamesh himself had taken care of breaking many of his curses, giving him, so to speak, a new feeling for anyone who saw him and didn't fear him.

Now, he had an ability instead of a curse, so everything turned into something simpler.

"Let's start this ceremony!" As Orsted's words echoed through the enormous ceremony hall, three beautiful women walked to the platform where Gilgamesh stood in golden clothes.

Each woman radiated a different aura, making them stand out in different ways and giving those present the feeling of being in the presence of goddesses.

Gilgamesh, looking at this scene, smiled. He never thought he would ever get married, but now, being in this situation, he knew that a part of his wishes had come true.