'.....'= Thoughts 

"....."= Conversations 


"What's the matter?" asked Banner, who was walking behind John.

John explained what had happened to him based on the information he had received from Tony.

"Other than the possibility of recreating another Abomination or Hulk, it's hard to think of any other motive behind such a sudden disappearance. It may have been orchestrated by the military itself," pondered Banner out loud. In the next moment, he turned serious and said, "I need to find out what actually happened."

"Don't worry, Tony's on it, and we'll find the culprit in no time," John assured.

Banner nodded with a slightly unsure expression and followed John to the meditation room.

Once inside the meditation room, Banner sat cross-legged on the floor. He closed his eyes and focused on his breathing, allowing his thoughts to settle. He had done this countless times in the past, but it would still take him some time to fully focus due to the raging Hulk inside him.

As he continued to meditate, Banner became increasingly aware of the tension in his body. He realized that the stress and worry were causing his muscles to tighten. Consciously, he began to relax his muscles, starting with his jaw and gradually moving down to his shoulders and back.

However, today was different. Instead of avoiding and suppressing the monster inside him, he was actually attempting to communicate with it.

The more Banner relaxed, the clearer his mind became. He was able to release the thoughts and worries that had been troubling him, and instead, he focused on the serenity and tranquility of the present moment.

After some time, a sense of calm washed over Banner. His racing thoughts had subsided, and he felt more centered and grounded.

As he concentrated, Banner could feel the familiar presence of the Hulk lurking just beneath the surface. He knew that he had to find a way to communicate with him, to prevent it from wreaking havoc on innocent lives.

Slowly, Banner began to detach himself from his thoughts and emotions, entering a state of deep meditation. He visualized a calm, serene landscape, picturing himself standing at the edge of a peaceful lake. The water was still and clear, reflecting the sky above.

In this tranquil space, Banner focused his energy on the task at hand. He could feel a sense of clarity and purpose washing over him, allowing him to tap into the depths of his mind and access information that he wouldn't normally be able to grasp.

As Banner opened his eyes, he found himself beside the edge of the peaceful lake which he had just imagined.

He took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh, crisp air, and felt a surge of calmness wash over him. This serene environment seemed to emanate a soothing energy that resonated with his need for control.

Banner took a few more moments to absorb the tranquility of the surroundings. He could hear the gentle rustle of leaves and the distant chirping of birds. This peaceful symphony helped him block out any external distractions, allowing him to focus solely on the task of communicating with the Hulk.

With each breath, Banner felt his mind and body becoming more aligned. He could sense the Hulk's presence, lurking just beneath the surface, waiting to be unleashed. But this time, Banner was determined to ride the fine line between control and transformation.

As he walked along the edge of the lake, Banner began to speak softly to himself. He addressed the Hulk, acknowledging its strength and power, but also reminding it of the responsibility that came with such abilities. He emphasized the need for temperance and restraint, understanding that unleashing the Hulk would only bring destruction and chaos.

Banner continued his dialogue, speaking words of reassurance and understanding. He urged the Hulk to tap into its strength and power, channeling it towards noble causes.

The more he spoke, the more Banner felt a unique connection forming with the Hulk. It was as if he could sense the inner turmoil and pain that the Hulk experienced, and he empathized with it. He knew that by showing empathy and understanding, he could forge a stronger bond with the Hulk, allowing him to exert more influence over it.

As Banner reached the end of the lake, he turned and faced his reflection. His features were calm and composed, embodying the peace he had found within himself. He saw the Hulk's reflection too, the familiar green eyes staring back at him.

In that moment, Banner realized that he could not completely suppress the Hulk. It was an integral part of who he was, and denying it would only lead to more harm than good. Instead, he accepted the Hulk as a part of himself, embracing its power while maintaining control.

Suddenly the reflection of the Hulk rippled. The reflection became distorted as a face appeared above the surface of the lake where the reflection of Hulk had been there.

'Hulk,' Banner immediately recognised and took a step back as the entire body of the Green Goliath appeared out of the lake.

Banner's heart raced as the massive figure of the Green Goliath emerged from the lake.

The Hulk stood before him, towering and powerful. Banner knew that he had to maintain control, but he also understood that the Hulk was a part of him, not an enemy to be suppressed.

"Hulk," Banner said, his voice steady but filled with a newfound understanding. "We're in this together. Let's find a way to coexist, to use your strength for good when needed."

The Hulk regarded Banner for a moment before he snarled," Banner bad, Banner said Hulk monster."

Banner sighed, realizing the depth of the Hulk's resentment and frustration. He knew that years of trying to suppress the Hulk had led to this internal conflict.

"No, Hulk," Banner said, shaking his head. "I don't see you as a monster. You're a part of me, a part of who I am. I've made mistakes, but together, we can make amends and use your strength for good. We can prove to the world that we're not monsters."

The Hulk's snarl slowly faded, replaced by a contemplative expression, before anger contorted his face once more as he raised his foot and exclaimed, "Banner, get out."

Forcefully, he brought his foot down on Bruce, whose scream was abruptly cut off as he vanished from the tranquil lake.

"Huff, Huff," Banner panted in the Meditation room with his eyes open and a face full of sweat.


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