John, after mulling for a bit, went back to the group.

"Kid, is there a problem?" Logan who heightened senses, asked. It seems that he had heard the conversation between John and Phil.

"Nothing that I can't handle," John answered as he had decided to deal with this matter on his own.

Logan had an unsure expression on his face as he heard John's reply.

"If there's anything, we can hep you," Logan said.

"Well I haven't even joined the Xavier's School and neither I am a part of X-Men. I don't want to bother you," John replied.

"Hey, you are one of us. It doesn't matter whether you join the school or not. That's not the important part," Alex chimed in.

"Yeah, if there's anything troubling you, we can be of help," Jean too sain agreement with Alex.

"Thank you for worrying about me," John said gratefully. "Still I think I can handle it. If I am unable to cope up with, then I would give you a call," John remained firm in his decision.

Logan nodded in understanding, respecting John's wishes. "Alright, but don't hesitate if you need us. We're here for you," he said.

The others voiced their agreement, and John felt a sense of warmth and support from his newfound friends. It gave him confidence that he could handle whatever was troubling him, but also reassurance that he had a group of people he could rely on if needed.

"Thank you, all of you. I really appreciate it," John said sincerely as he knew that these people were not lying. They genuinely wanted to help him without wanting anything back and John definitely appreciated such a sentiment.

They exchanged contact numbers with each other.

"After I come back, why don't we all go watch a movie or something, just hang out here and there," John suggested as he liked this group of people and thought that it was not bad to remain in touch with them.

"Sure," Jean, Scott, Bobby, Laura and Jubilee enthusiastically nodded their heads while Logan and Alex nodded their heads in approval.

"By the way John, even if you do not join the School, you re still welcome here and you can use the training facilities provided by the school," Alex said as John was about to leave.

John just nodded his head as words couldn't signify the gratitude he felt for such a favour.

After exchanging contact numbers and meeting Charles once again, John took his car and raced out of the school.

He had to get ready to go to Russia and deal with the matters regarding the organisation RED. John first decided to go back to his mansion. He also had to inform Bruce Banner who was currently leaving with him that he was going to Russia.

Arriving at his mansion, John stepped out of his car and made his way inside. The house felt empty and cold, a stark contrast to the lively atmosphere of the Xavier School. He walked through the empty hallways, taking in the familiar sights and sounds.

John walked towards room designated to Bruce, only to find that he was not there. John activated his Observation Haki and found out that Bruce was actually in the training room.

As he reached the training room, John found out that Bruce was doing push ups.

"Hey Bruce," John greeted, catching his attention.

Bruce stopped his training temporarily and smiled. "Hey John, how did it go at the school?" he asked.

"It went well," John replied. "What about you? Did you try to talk with Hulk once again?

"Well yeah and there's some progress. He seemed to listen to me a bit more than yesterday, before kicking me out again," Bruce answered.

John nodded, understanding the difficulties Bruce faced in communicating with the Hulk. "That's good to hear, Bruce. It definitely takes time and patience to get through to him. Just keep trying, and eventually, he might start to trust you more."

Bruce sighed, clearly frustrated with the situation. "I know, I know. But it's just... It's hard, you know? Living with this constant struggle. Sometimes I wonder if there will ever be a day when I would be able to completely cooperate with him and use his powers without losing myself."

John could see the pain in Bruce's eyes and empathized with his struggle. He knew that Bruce had been dealing with this internal battle for years, constantly fighting to control the Hulk and prevent any harm from being done.

"I understand, Bruce. It's a tough situation, no doubt about it. But I believe in you. I've seen how strong and determined you are, and I know that eventually, you'll find a way to make peace with the Hulk," John reassured him.

Bruce nodded, a glimmer of hope flickering in his eyes. "Thanks, John. Your support means a lot to me. I'll keep trying, no matter how difficult it gets. Maybe one day, we can find a way to coexist peacefully."

"I have no doubt that you will, Bruce," John said with a smile. "Just remember, you're not alone in this. Also, you don't have to worry about the army chasing you. They have already caused enough trouble as it is. I will speak with Tony about it and see what he can do."

Bruce nodded without saying anything, unable to fully express the gratitude he felt towards John. He was relieved that he wasn't left stranded because of his problem. However, he also didn't want to be a burden to John, but John remained stubborn and insisted on helping him.

John informed Bruce about his upcoming trip to Russia.

Bruce insisted on going along and helping, but John refused. He didn't see a need for Bruce to come with him. Besides, John knew that taking Hulk to Russia would only create more problems.

Bruce, knowing his situation, stopped his persuasion, as he knew that he would be more of a burden than a help to John. Also, considering the ruckus he had caused just yesterday, it would be better for him to remain outside the spotlight.

With that, John headed upstairs to his room, feeling grateful to have someone like Bruce in his corner. As he packed his bags for the trip to Russia, he couldn't help but reflect on the new opportunities and challenges that awaited him.

John found himself in his bedroom, staring at the disarray of clothes and personal belongings scattered across the room. It was a mess, a reflection of his chaotic lifestyle. He sighed, knowing that he needed to gather everything and pack it all up.

As he gathered his clothes and other essentials, John's mind drifted back to his conversation with Logan and the others. The offer to use the training facilities at the school was unexpected but appreciated. It reassured him that, even if he didn't join the school, he still had a place among these people.

Once he had finished packing, John made a call to Tony.

"Tony, I am on my way to Russia," John said, explaining the current situation to him.

"I am coming with you," Tony retorted, an unwavering conviction marking his words as he insisted on accompanying John to Russia.

"There's no need. I am enough to destroy those bastards," John answered firmly.

"Kid, you can't keep me away. They were my friends too, and even though you are powerful, I am not gonna let you go there alone," Tony argued.

John sighed. He couldn't deny Tony's loyalty and determination. And John knew that having Tony with him would make things easier than if he went alone.

"Alright," John finally relented. "But be prepared, Tony. This won't be easy, and it could be dangerous."

"I'm always prepared, kid," Tony replied confidently. "We'll take them down together."


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