'.....'= Thoughts 

"....."= Conversations 


"John," Wanda screamed as she rushed to his side, using her magic to create a protective shield around him as she checked for any serious injuries. John groaned in pain as blood seeped out of his mouth but pushed himself to stand back up, refusing to let the Juggernaut get the better of him.

The Juggernaut charged at John again, but this time, Wanda used her magic to create a barrier between them, buying John some time to recover and prepare for the next attack. John took a deep breath and focused his Haki, feeling the energy coursing through his body. With a determined look in his eyes, he gripped his Naginata tightly and prepared to face the Juggernaut head-on.

As the Juggernaut crashed through Wanda's barrier, John leaped into action, using his Quake Quake abilities to create shockwaves that disrupted the Juggernaut's movements. Wanda joined in, using her magic to attack and confuse the Juggernaut and give John openings to strike.

Despite his exhaustion, John fought with all his might, his Naginata spinning and slashing with incredible speed and precision. The Juggernaut roared in frustration, unable to land a solid blow on John as he weaved and dodged the attacks with the help of Wanda's illusions.

Their combined efforts slowly began to wear the Juggernaut down, and John could see that they were making progress. With a final, powerful strike, he managed to knock the Juggernaut off balance, giving Wanda the opportunity to unleash a blast of magic that sent the villain crashing into a nearby cliff, disappearing from their view.

Exhausted but victorious, John and Wanda allowed themselves a moment to catch their breath. They may have been tired, but they were not about to let their guard down, knowing that the toughest challenge still lay ahead of them.

'I definitely need to train my abilities,' John wondered as since the time he had the battle with Hulk he never got any time to train. Well it was partly his fault too. But he decided that after the scuffle with Magneto was over he would stay home all day and do nothing else but train.

As John tried to recover his stamina, he wondered how Logan and the others were holding up against the group of mutants Magneto had brought with him.

The seven of them would definitely have it hard while fighting against the group of Brotherhood mutants.

He wanted to help them, but Charles's fight with Magneto was not going in the direction he wanted it to. So he decided to wait for a minute, recover his stamina and assist Charles in defeating Magento.

Just then he sensed another a ship coming in their direction. As it appeared within his eyesight, he found out that it was a Quinjet.

He sensed about four people aboard the jet and before he could react, a person jumped out of it.

John was quite familiar with the person who had jumped out of the Quinjet. Not only he fought an enemy along with that person; the person was also living with him currently.

John saw the person crashing form a great height into the forest clearing near where Magento and Xavier where fighting.

Both Magento and Xavier were already aware of the Quinjet hovering over their heads and also about the person who had jumped from it. Magento frowned a bit after observing the situation however he continued the advantageous fight with Xavier vigorously, wanting to defeat him as quickly as possible.

In contrast Xavier didn't mind the appearance of the jet a bit. He didn't seem to be surprised by it.

John looked at the man who had already fell to the ground creating a man shaped hole. Soon a roar sounded out of the hole and a huge green man appeared, completely widened and destroying the hole.

'Banner,' John sighed but was thankful for his timely appearance.

Banner who had now turned into Hulk looked at John and grinned. Before wasting any time he launched himself towards Magneto.

Magneto tired to manipulate the metal around him to stop Hulk in his tracks. But Hulk was too strong and he broke through the magnetic force, leaping towards Magneto with a thunderous roar.

The two titans clashed in an epic battle, causing destruction all around them. Magneto used all his powers to control the metal around them, but Hulk's sheer brute strength was overpowering.

At the same time another person flew out of the Quinjet, which for some reason couldn't be controlled by Magneto.

'Why is Magento not able to control the jet? Did SHIELD modified it in some way?' John wondered as the second person who flew our of the jet approached him.

"Sup," John greeted as the man landed near him.

Tony opened his helmet and replied," Why do you always surround yourself by problems kid?"

"Hey, I am not responsible for this one," John retorted as he really didn't have any hands in the murder of Magneto's family. "By the way did you find anything about the person behind all this shit?"

"No, not a clue," Tony replied, shaking his head. "But we need to figure it out fast before it gets even more out of hand."

John nodded, feeling the weight of the responsibility on his shoulders. "Yeah, we can't let this go on. We need to stop whoever is behind all this."

Just then, a loud explosion echoed in the distance, making both men turn towards the source of the sound.

Meanwhile, Hulk and Magneto continued to clash, each unleashing their full power in a relentless struggle. But as Xavier focused his telepathic abilities on disrupting Magneto's powers, a glimmer of hope began to emerge.

Suddenly, Magneto grunted in pain as his control over the metal around them began to waver. Hulk, sensing an opportunity, delivered a crushing blow that sent Magneto sprawling to the ground.

Hulk rushed towards the fallen Magneto and quickly removed the helmet over his head. The current Hulk was a bit different than before and was acting like a human rather than a furious monster.


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