Chapter 7 - Confessions

For once my dreams were not plagued with the recurring nightmare. I dreamt that I was flying over the ocean near a cliffside, it felt freeing as the wind brushed through my hair. The peace turned to panic as I started to fall, and I was heading straight towards the sharp rocks by the cliffside. I awoke with a fright, gasping for air. Where was I? I looked around and saw the familiar walls of the Room of Requirement. How long had I slept? I looked at the clock on the wall. It was noon. It was the next day. Had I slept that long?

"Shit, the game!" I said aloud to myself.

The practice game between Slytherin and Ravenclaw was happening right now. Imelda was going to kill me. Quidditch was not the most important thing right now. I needed to find Ominis.

I hurried towards the Slytherin common room as fast as I could, hoping that I would find Ominis there. When I arrived, the common room seemed deserted. Everyone was apparently at the game. Would he be down at the pitch watching the game? It's not like he can actually watch the game, Riley. I reminded myself. Where would he be? It was the weekend after all, we had no classes. Then it occurred to me. The Undercroft. Sebastian had introduced me to the Undercroft during our fifth year. Ominis was not pleased at all that Sebastian had shared their secret room with me, it was not a great start to our friendship.

As I made my way down into the Undercroft, I remembered how Ominis, and I eventually became friends. I first met him in our common room on my first day at Hogwarts. He was teasing some first year about mermaids in the black lake that you could see from the windows. Ominis had made it quite clear then that his family was obsessed with the idea of blood status, something he was obviously ashamed of. Apparently, him, Sebastian and Anne were all very close and they used to spend a lot of time together in the Undercroft, before she was cursed. Both Sebastian and Ominis took it hard when Anne didn't return to Hogwarts during fifth year.

When Sebastian and I started spending more time together it didn't sit well with Ominis. I still remember when he had found out that Sebastian had shared the Undercroft with me and how he threatened me. It didn't help thereafter that I was encouraging Sebastian to keep pursing his goal to find a cure for Anne, even if it meant going down a dangerous path. I still remember confronting Ominis saying that Sebastian needed to do this, "I don't need you to tell me about my oldest friend. Sebastian gets himself into enough trouble, he doesn't need your help." I always remember those words from Ominis, how right he was. It was only after the ordeal with Sebastian and killing his uncle that Ominis and I became close and dare I say friends.

As the steel gates closed behind me, I scanned the room. There he was, pacing between the pillars with a very concerned look on his face. He looked up upon hearing the gates close.

"Riley? Is that you?"

He made a beeline straight for me as I spoke.

"Yes, it's me Ominis. I've been looking for you. I need to talk to-"

Ominis followed the sound of my voice and pulled me into a tight hug. He towered over me, and my head rested upon his chest while his arms wrapped around my shoulders. I could feel his heaving breathing. I had never hugged Ominis before, he was always so reserved and composed.

"Uh-what's going on?" I asked.

He released me from his grip.

"Where have you been? Imelda said you didn't return to your dormitory last night. I've been searching for you all around the castle. I thought you might've been here in the Undercroft. When you didn't join the others for the practice game today, I thought you had left Hogwarts altogether."

His face started to relax, but I could hear in his voice he was still upset.

"Why would you think that I would leave Hogwarts?"

Then it hit me.

He thought I had left to go after Sebastian.

"Oh" I said.

"Oh." He repeated in a sarcastic manner.

I don't think I'd ever heard Ominis use sarcasm before, he was always so serious.

"We haven't spoken of Sebastian since before the summer, one mention of his name yesterday and it sends you off the rails. Don't think I don't take notice of these things. Next thing I hear, you're planning on trying out for the Quidditch team. That's when I knew something was afoot. As fair a flyer as you are Riley, you don't know the first thing about Quidditch. What on earth would possess you to consider trying out?" He asked in frustrated voice.

"I'll have you know after my first lesson I've already learnt a fair bit." I teased.

"Like how not to avoid a Bludger?" He teased back.

We both smiled, it was good to break some of the tension.

"Ominis, can we sit please? There is much I need to tell you."

We sat on the cushions on the floor near one of the pillars and I told him all the details of my adventures for the past year. From wielding ancient magic, to the Keepers and the trials, the fight against, Rookwood, Ranrok and his loyalists. As I went on, I could feel a weight releasing from my shoulders. It felt so good to talk to someone about all that had been weighing on my mind. He just sat there and listened intently as I told my story. As I got to the tougher parts, I spoke slower. I told him about the truth of Fig's death and the repository of power that was hidden beneath the school. I stopped to take a breath, not sure if I could continue. Ominis reached out and found my hand on my lap. He held it and gave a reassuring squeeze. It gave me the strength to continue. I told him about the nightmares, even the gruesome details including the unbearable pain I felt in the dreams. Finally, I told him about the voice I had been hearing.

"For some reason Ominis, no one else can hear this voice. It whispers to me, calling me to it."

Ominis sat there for a few moments taking in all that I had said.

"I had no idea about any of this Riley. I can't begin to fathom what you've been going through." he was rubbing his thumb over the top of my hand, and it was a comforting feeling.

"The whole summer I bottled up my feelings about S-Sebastian leaving." I struggled to say his name out loud. I noticed Ominis' shoulders tighten at this point. "I tried to block it all out, tried to distract myself. Returning to Hogwarts has stirred up so many memories and emotions. I've never felt these sorts of things before, and I've not been dealing with them in the healthiest manner."

"Have you told the professors of this voice you've been hearing?" He asked, and I put both my hands over his and looked into those glazed grey eyes of his.

"No, and I don't want to. I just want to have a normal year at Hogwarts. Besides, Professor Weasley has already arranged for me to take Occlumency lessons with Professor Sharp. Word obviously got out about my disturbing nightmares, and she suggested taking a Sleeping Draught and the lessons may prove to be useful. She thinks the nightmares are a traumatic response of the goblin invasion and Fig's death, which is probably the case."

Ominis nodded in agreement.

"Perhaps the voice you've been hearing is also some form of post-traumatic stress disorder? From what you described about Ranrok, it might be his voice that you're hearing in your head, which is understandable all things considered. I think the Occlumency lessons will prove to helpful to you."

It felt so good to talk to someone about all of this. Ominis always had a logical way of thinking, and it was putting my mind at ease, perhaps I wasn't going mad after all.

"I also need to start coming to terms with some of my feelings. Ominis, we need to talk about Sebastian." I paused to read his expression, but his face was still. "I'm not the only one who is hurting, I can see that. Perhaps talking about him will help both of us."

The three of us had become inseparable towards the end of fifth year "Three heads are better than one." I remember Sebastian saying.

Ominis took a deep breath and sighed.

"He was my best friend, Riley. As much as he was a pain in my backside, he was a loyal friend. He was there for me in the darkest times and never judged me because of my family name. I won't lie, seeing you two become close last year, it made me feel very alone and I became jealous, because I had no one. Not even Anne anymore."

Tears had started to form in my eyes, I could hear the hurt in his voice.

"Then Sebastian kept going down that dark path, it brought back memories of all the times my family tried to push me to the dark arts. I struggled to support him, struggled to remain loyal to him, despite his noble intentions. If it wasn't for you Riley, I would've abandoned my friend and turned in him to the authorities after he killed his uncle. I still feel guilty that I even considered it." He bowed his head in defeat. "I miss him. I know he needed to leave and somehow deal with the consequences of his actions, but I still miss him, every day."

A tear slowly ran down my cheek.

"Oh Ominis, I am so sorry. I never meant to make you feel alone. I was so wrapped up in my own problems that I didn't even notice. For that I am truly sorry." I removed one of my hands to wipe away the tear. "I miss him too. He was our friend, and as much trouble as he brought us, it's hard to say goodbye to someone we care about." I placed my hand back on top of his. "I promise I will never abandon you Ominis, I will always be here for you."

He smiled. "And I for you, Riley." He started to rise and continued to hold my hands as he did, forcing me to stand in front of him. "Thank you for opening up to me, I know it wasn't easy for you. You're right, it's important that we are honest with one another."

I was silent for a moment. I felt so much relief in sharing with Ominis, he squeezed my hands, "Thinking back on it now, I remember in the Scriptorium when I spoke Parseltongue, Sebastian had said something like between the two of you I'm starting to feel left out. Now it makes sense, and no doubt Sebastian thought your magic could heal Anne. I'm sorry that he took advantage of you Riley."

The thought made me sad, but it was probably true, and I let my head drop with a sigh.

"In the end, Sebastian knew of the power I was keeping secret under the school, and he did not pressurise me to use it. For once I think Sebastian had finally realised the risks at stake when you are dealing with unknown power, albeit it too late."

Ominis raised his hand to my chin and lifted my head up so that I was looking up at him.

"Things without all remedy should be without regard. What's done cannot be undone. All that you can do now is try to move on, both of us in fact."

His encouraging words made me feel better.

"Did you just quote from Macbeth?" I asked in a quirky tone.

He released me from his hands, and he just smiled. I could still feel the warmth of his hands on my fingertips.

As we stood there taking in all that was said, I couldn't help but stare at Ominis. He had pale skin, similar to mine and a slight point to his nose. His blond hair looked almost white as the torches flickered with fire behind his head. Being this close to him I could see now that his jawline was definitely sharper than what was last year. Having been this close to Ominis for the first time I picked up he had a musky scent.

"Riley I-" he whispered.

"Yes?" I answered in an even smaller whisper.

He swallowed.

"We should probably head back. the game is likely over by now. Everyone will be wondering where we are."

He cleared his throat.

"Yes, you're right. Let's go." I said as I led the way to towards the exit. "I don't think I'll take up Quidditch this year now that I've thought about it, it's just not for me. How do you think Imelda will take the news?"

"I suggest you tell her in a public setting, so that there can be witnesses to your murder."

We laughed and I started to feel like there was light back in my life.