Chapter 18 - The Undercroft

As the metal gates closed behind us, the clang echoed around the Undercroft. The torches on the walls flickered with the flames and the shadows danced around the floors. I immediately removed my shoes as we entered as my feet were killing me after wearing heels for so long. Ominis just laughed at me.

"Bet you've been wanting to take those things off all night." When I was wearing my heels, I was nearly the same height as Ominis, but standing barefoot now in front of him, I was a good head shorter than him.

"You have no idea." He held my hands and brushed a hair out of my face with his finger.

"You are magnificent Riley, your beauty takes my breath away. You should wear your hair down more often."

I felt shy at his compliments.

"It's too much of a fuss, I prefer to tie it up and have it out of my face." He placed a hand under my chin and raised it to his face.

"It would be a pity to hide such a beautiful face from the world."

He leaned in slowly and our lips softly connected. I could taste the sweet nectar on him, and his scent filled my nostrils. I breathed him in, which only made our embrace tighter. His hands moved from my chin to my waist as our kiss deepened. My hands found his neck and moved up to twist his hair in between my fingers. Ominis pulled me in tightly as our kiss became more passionate. Our lips parted for a moment as we caught our breath, breathing in one another.

"Riley, what I wanted to say upstairs, is that I care for you deeply. You are the most caring and kind person I have ever met. The lengths you go to for others is inspiring." His sweet words made my heart soften and tears formed in my eyes. "I know I said I wanted to take things slow, but right now I need to feel you, all of you."

I looked up into his eyes trying to read his expression.

"Are you sure?" I gulped, realising what was about to happen, I was now very nervous.

I was about to lose my virginity in the Undercroft.

I was about to lose my virginity to Ominis.

A tinge of guilt was brought to the surface at that exact moment. It was Sebastian that first showed me the Undercroft, and, in all honesty, it was him I thought I would have my first time with. I shouldn't be thinking of Sebastian right now.

"I've never been surer of anything in my life. Just say the word and I'm yours Riley." Ominis was scanning my face as he spoke. I shoved those guilty thoughts deep down inside of me as I looked into those beautiful green eyes. Here was this gorgeous man who cared for me, who respected me. And I wanted him. I took a moment to answer and barely in a whisper I answered.


The word was barely out of my mouth when his lips meant mine and his hands were on my hips pulling me in close to him again. This side of Ominis was new to me and I liked it. His tongue was deep in my mouth, and it felt amazing. I slid one of my hands down in between his legs and he groaned at my touch, the sound made me feel warm underneath my dress. His hands slid down to around my bum, and he lifted me up so that I had to wrap my legs around his waist. I was grateful for the slit in my dress which made the movement easier. Our kisses continued and our tongues entwined as Ominis walked us towards the sofa.

He gracefully sat down on the sofa with me straddling him, I don't know how he had the strength to do so. I removed my gloves as our kisses continued, I was now able to feel his soft skin. Our lips parted as Ominis removed his jacket and I undid his bow tie and threw it to the ground. There was a glint in his green eyes, and it only made me want him more. Our lips met once again and this time I grinded my hips against his, I could feel his hardness beneath me, and I pushed against it even harder, the sensation was so good that I let out a small moan. That was enough for Ominis to flip me over onto my back so that he was now on top of me, he was gentle as he did so. I began to unbutton his shirt while he pulled off his belt. After those items of clothing were also tossed aside, he paused sitting above me now shirtless. We were both breathing hard, and I stared at his naked torso. My hands wandered of their own accord up his abs and over his chest. He was a slender man, but still muscular, his skin was pale and soft. My hands explored his blonde hairs near the top of his trousers, and I moved them downwards to feel him. The hardness almost scared me, my heart was now racing, I'd never done this before, and I could feel the nerves building in my stomach. Ominis must've sensed my tenseness as he leaned down and placed a very soft kiss on my lips.

"We can stop if you want to?" I placed my hands around his face.

"I don't want to stop. Just-just be gentle?" Ominis smiled and placed another soft kiss on my lips.

"Yes, my lady." I smiled at him, and he kissed me more deeply this time.

He moved his hands underneath my dress and found my knickers with ease. I was starting to think the slit in this dress was designed so on purpose. Slowly he pulled them down past my thighs and over my knees followed by ankles. He leaned above me and undid his zipper and slid his trousers down until I saw him in his wonderful glory. I didn't mean to stare at it, but I had never seen one before and it was bigger than I thought it would be. Ominis put his hand under my chin again forcing me to look away and stare into his eyes.

"Are you ready?" I nodded and he slowly lowered himself onto me. I could feel his tip at my entrance, and he moved very slowly into me. It felt tight and as he pushed through, I felt pressure. I let out a tiny gasp as he fully entered me.

"Is it painful?" He was regarding my expression as I spoke.

"A little, but not as bad as I thought." He placed his lips onto my own and he just lay there for a few moments letting me take it all in.

He eventually moved his kisses to my neck, and I let out another moan at the feeling. With this Ominis started to thrust slowly, he was gentle just as he had promised. The first couple of thrusts weren't comfortable, I was still getting used to the sensation. After a while it felt easier, and I started to enjoy the feeling of him inside of me. My legs even relaxed so that they started to wrap around him, pushing him deeper inside of me. I could feel his breath on my collar bone as he continued. His grinding was slow, and he started to build a rhythm. He changed his angle slightly so that one of his hands was pushing down on my hip and I felt a tugging within me, and it started to build. I squeezed my legs tighter around him and my hands scratched at his back. Ominis picked up the pace. He was gently pounding into me now, but at a much faster pace. His breath quickened each time I squeezed as the sensation built. My back began to arch as he continued, and he started to moan.

"Riley," my eyes were closed as he whispered my name in my ear. "I love you..."

My eyes shot open at the words as Ominis finished and he poured himself inside of me as he let out a deep groan.

We didn't move for a few moments, and I just held him in my arms as he panted. It was over sooner than I had wanted, a sensation had started to build in my abdomen, and I wanted to release it so badly. Ominis whispering my name nearly tipped me over the edge, but his last three words took me by surprise. After what felt like a few minutes Ominis' breathing steadied and he lifted himself from me slowly pulling out of me. I felt tender as he did so, and I could feel liquid dripping out of me. I knew it was a combination of my blood and Ominis' release. He sat upright on the sofa and did up his trousers, I followed and lowered my dress back down below my knees so that I was covered again. He pulled me close in so that I was cuddled up next to him and he planted a small kiss on my forehead. I wrapped my one around his chest and snuggled into him as we sat there in silence, only our breaths breaking the silence. Something had awakened in me, I wanted more of what ever that was, but I didn't know how I felt about Ominis' confession. I suppose it's the natural thing to say in the throes of passion, but then why didn't I say it back?


Ominis brought me back from my own thoughts.


I didn't look up at him, worried that he was going to bring up the inevitable awkward question.

"Just so you know, that was my first time too." His confession brought a smile to my face.

"I'm glad we were one another's firsts then." I looked up at him smiling and planted a swift kiss on his lips. He was smiling back at me, and his finger was caressing my cheek.

"About what I said-"

Before Ominis could finish his sentence, we heard a loud BANG! There was massive explosion from upstairs and the whole of the Undercroft shook.

"What in Merlin's beard was that?" Ominis let out as we stared at the ceiling for any signs of cracks. Silence ensued, followed by horrified screams from students that echoed through the walls.

"We need to go. Now Ominis!"

We quickly redressed and cleaned ourselves up, I left my shoes as I couldn't run in heels. We sprinted through the gates of the Undercroft and emerged into the halls bolting towards the Great Hall.