Chapter 28 - Cursed no more

My eyes fluttered open, and I could see through the windows the morning sun had not yet risen. I hadn't slept this well in months, and I had no nightmares. I looked down to find a tanned, muscular arm hanging loosely over my waist. Sebastian. I slowly turned over to face him on my other side, where he was still in a deep sleep. My movement caused him to retract his arm and he was now laying on his back. His breathing was steady, and I watched his naked chest as it rose and sank. I stared at his beautiful features, I was tempted to run my fingers along his smooth jaw and over those freckled cheeks. Last night was incredible. The feeling of Sebastian in my arms, inside of me. The mere thought made my cheeks flush and my toes curl. I wondered if that was Sebastian's first time. He seemed so confident in what he was doing, so I doubted it. My mind immediately shifted to my first time with Ominis. It was so different to what I had experienced last night. Oh gods. It hadn't even been a day since Ominis ended things with me and here I was already in the arms of another. What kind of person does that make me? Guilt trickled into my heart, and I could feel the redness in my cheeks start to fade.

I didn't plan for this to happen with Sebastian. If things had gone according to plan I would be alone now, and my friends would be safe and far away from The Blackhand. Images of Poppy's dead body being engulfed in green light invaded my mind once more and my body shuddered, I shut my eyes tight. I couldn't handle any more death. I couldn't handle losing any more people that I cared about.

"Death is inevitable. Don't fear it." The voice whispered in my head.

I was so lost in my own thoughts I didn't realise the warm body next to me started to shift awake and I felt tender fingers stroking my arm. Sebastian had rolled over onto his side, and I opened my eyes to find hazel ones staring back at me.

"Good morning beautiful." A small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he spoke, and I couldn't help but return the gesture. The voice quietened inside of me.

"Good morning Sallow," I whispered.

His smile grew and he wrapped an arm around my waist pulling me closer to him as I felt his leg slide in between my own. He nestled himself into the groove of my neck and held me tightly as I wrapped my own leg over him. We lay there for a few minutes just breathing in one another. It was a moment of tranquillity, with only the sounds of the birds outside awakening for their day. I could've laid there for eternity in his arms, it just felt so right, and my mind switched off from all the hurt, from all the fear. His hand tickled a small spot on my back, and it made my skin goosebump. I could feel his breath on my collar bone as I twirled his brown locks in between my fingers. I could see the sun starting to rise through the windows and I knew we would soon to have leave this heavenly moment.

"Sebastian. We should get up."

He responded by squeezing me tighter in his arms.

"Not yet." His protest made me smile and I kissed the top of his head.

"Thank you for last night. Not just for, well, you know. But also, for staying when I was about to lose control. I don't know what would've happened if you hadn't stayed."

He slowly pulled his head back so that he was looking at me now.

"I meant what I said last night Riley. I've made the mistake once of leaving you and it was the stupidest thing I've ever done in my life. I'm not going anywhere."

His promise swelled my heart, and I tried not to let the sadness seep into my face. As much as those were the words I had been waiting so long to hear, I knew that a future with Sebastian was not going to happen. This time, I was going to be the one to leave. I could see him studying my face, so I decided to change the subject.

"You've done plenty of stupid things Sebastian, none of which surprise me anymore." He chuckled at my response.

"What were you thinking about earlier?" His question took me by surprise. "I could feel your body shivering." I took a while to respond while he continued to tickle my back.

"I was thinking about Poppy." It wasn't a lie. Saying her name out loud brought tears to my eyes. Was it ever going to get easier? Sebastian stroked a finger across my cheek and the tears trickled down.

"It will get easier." Answering my unspoken concern. "I promise it will. Not because we start to care any less about those that we have loved and lost. Not because we stop missing them. I miss my parents every day. Over time it gets easier, because I know that I will see them again one day, perhaps even in the next life. It helps me on the tough days where I don't feel like I can carry on without them. But when I see them again, I want to tell them of the extraordinary life I've lived. I'd want them to be proud of me."

Sebastian's words worked their way somewhere deep within me. I would make Poppy proud. I would make Fig proud. I would make myself proud. I didn't say anything, and I held back the tears as he smiled at me. He placed a soft kiss on my brow, and I could feel a sense of relief ease through my shoulders. "Come on, we better get dressed. We need to find Anne and Ominis." He said with such determination. I pushed my feelings of guilt further down.

After a short while we were both freshened up and dressed in our usual attire. Our clothing was clean from any dirt from the night before, and I was standing near the foot of the bed tightening the laces on my boots whilst Sebastian was throwing on his cloak. I kept fidgeting with the knot on my one boot, it had kept coming loose lately and I tried to do a double knot to keep it in place.

"Let me help you." Sebastian made his way over to me as I rose.

"I'm quite capable of tying my own laces." Sebastian kneeled in front of me as he tugged at the laces. "I know you're more than capable. Maybe I just wanted an excuse to touch you."

His words made my blush, and he tied the knots tightly over my boots. I let my hands hang by my sides, ignoring the temptation to run my fingers through his hair once more. Once he was done with my laces, he remained kneeling and looked up at me, his hands now resting at the back of my thighs. It was quite an image to see this beautiful man kneeling in front of me and heat radiated through my body. He slowly rose to stand in front of me, his hands moving with him until they rested on my waist. My gaze kept darting between those hazel eyes and his lips.

"Don't look at me like that Riley. Otherwise, we'll never leave this bed." I bit my lip at his words, I knew he was right, but I couldn't help it. I heard a grumble somewhere deep in Sebastian's throat and I pressed my waist against his.

"I could say the same thing to you." He grinned at my response, and he gently brushed his lips along my jawline. I could smell his familiar scent of sandalwood and I closed my eyes as he explored with those soft lips. I could feel a familiar pulling sensation within me, and my body heated. I felt feral. Was this normal? I couldn't stand the teasing anymore and I grabbed Sebastian by his shirt and pulled him and kissed him. I could feel his smile against my mouth as our tongues explored.

Our passionate moment was interrupted. The front door of the cottage was blasted from its hinges and landed in the kitchen. We retracted from our kiss and stood frozen in that small cottage as hooded figures flooded in, black masks upon their face. Before either of us could react one of the members of The Blackhand yelled, "Incarcerous!"

Both Sebastian and I were bound and gagged by the ropes that erupted out of the wizard's wand. Losing balance, we both fell, and my head hit the wooden floor so hard that my sight started to go fuzzy. My head was pounding, but I recognised the dark wizard as he knelt in front of me, he was there the night we rescued Sebastian, and he reeked of whiskey. How did they manage to find us? I realised then that we hadn't placed any protective charms over the cottage like we usually did with our campsites. How had we been so stupid?

"You have been a real pain in my backside. This was a result of your little rescue attempt," he said as he pointed to a fresh cut above is eyebrow, one that wasn't there when I had first met him. The Blackhand don't appear to react well to failure.

"I'm going to enjoy watching our master hurt you. He commanded us to bring you back in one piece. But I think we'll just mention that you accidently slipped."

Before I could react, I felt his boot connect with my stomach and my breathing staggered. I could hear Sebastian protesting, but before I could look back up, my face was met with a fist, and I blacked out.


I awoke still bound in the ropes, but my gag had been removed. My head was throbbing, and I could barely open my left eye, it felt swollen after that bastard punched me. I groaned as I struggled at the rope, and I felt movement behind me.

"Riley! Are you ok?" Sebastian was behind me, and we were sitting back-to-back tied to a beam in a large tent. I could just turn to see his face and he appeared to have a split lip where blood had dried over his face.

"I'm ok Sebastian. Are you? You look awful."

He smirked at me, "You should the state of yourself. Between the two of us I think you got the raw end of the deal."

I tried to smile but pain ruptured through my face, it felt as if my cheekbone was broken. I took a moment to take in my surroundings, the tent looked like the one I had rescued Sebastian from, only larger, and alarm rung through my body.

"They've brought us back to their main camp, haven't they?" I realised that they had taken my shoulder bag with my belongings, as well as my wand. Sebastian was struggling against the ropes, but with each tug I could feel he was only tightening our bounds.

"Yes. After you got knocked out, they grabbed both of us and Dissapparated us here. It's not the same campsite where you rescued me from. This one is much larger and there were hundreds of The Blackhand members waiting once we arrived. They tied us up in this tent and have been guarding the entrance since. You've been unconscious for a few hours."

"Did you see their leader? Rookwood? And what about that Towe woman?"

Sebastian finally gave up at the restraints and sighed.

"No, I haven't seen either of them yet. But I heard some of the members say that they have called for them both. I expect we will see them soon enough."

I can't believe we had been stupid enough to get captured. And now fear was pulsing through my veins at the thought of meeting Ulric Rookwood. From what Sebastian had described of him I was frightened.

"I'm sorry Sebastian. It's my fault we got caught. I forgot to place protective charms at the cottage." I could feel his fingers trying to find my own at the base of the beam.

"You have nothing to be sorry about Riley. I should've also remembered. I think we were both distracted." Distracted. That was indeed the right word.

"No matter what happens from here Sebastian, I'm glad we met." I felt his fingers trace along my own at our bound hands.

"First of all, don't go using my own words. Secondly don't talk like that Riley. We're going to get out of here. We've been in sticky situations before."

I shook my head, "This isn't like fifth year Sebastian. This is deadly serious, and I can never forgive myself if something were to happen to you because of me. I'm sorry you've been dragged into all of this."

"When are you going to learn that you haven't dragged me into anything. I'm here because I want to be, because I want to support you and be there for you. And I will continue to do so for the rest of my life Riley."

His declaration brought tears to my eyes, and I squeezed his finger behind us. Despite my plans to do this on my own, I felt a sense of relief knowing that I wasn't going to die here tonight alone.

"We make a good team."

A moment passed before he responded, "We do at that."

I could hear footsteps approaching from outside and I looked up to see that familiar scarred face of Towe looking down at me with a smirk on her face. Her auburn hair was in the same braid as when I saw her last, but she looked thinner, and she had bags under eyes. She kneeled in front of me and roughly grabbed my face in her hand as she inspected me closer.

"Antiqua potentia," She sneered. "After months of planning, you are finally here. I'll admit you look a little worse for wear, but alive, that's all that matters. Oliver Wright described you as a pretty one, I tend to disagree." I glared at her as she held my jaw within her clenches.

"Then again, he also described that Poppy girl as resilient and yet he managed to control her without so much as breaking a sweat, so I suppose we shouldn't have taken his words at face value."

I spat in her face at the mention of Poppy. Towe released her grip from my face and wiped her face.

"You're lucky our master wants you unharmed, otherwise I would be accompanying a broken nose with that black eye of yours." She rose and extended her wand to my face, "Episkey."

I yelped in pain as her spell healed my black eye and the swelling reduced where I was now able to see fully out of my left eye again.

"This woman shall be the first to die." The voice echoed in my head.

Towe surveyed my face again, "Not much of an improvement, but it will suffice. Definitely not one I would describe as pretty."

"Have you looked in a mirror lately Towe? I think you'll find the word pretty is not one you'd be remotely familiar with."

Towe barely took notice of Sebastian's words as she continued to stare at me. She stalked around the beam to the other side where Sebastian sat, and her eyes eventually landed on him.

"I've missed you my little pet. We'll have to resume our little games once the ceremony is over." I could feel Sebastian's' hands shiver at her threat.

"If you so much as touch him, you'll have me to deal with."

Towe chuckled at my threat. "Save your energy for the ceremony Dagworth, you're going to need it."

At this point the dark wizard who captured us came rushing into the tent.

"Madam Towe, our master has arrived." Towe straightened and smoothed out her black cloak.

"Good. Bring these two prisoners to the fire McDowell. Shaw will bring the other prisoners from her tent."

Panic crept into my throat, "Others? What others?"

Towe ignored me and made her way to the exit. McDowell scowled at me and used his wand to unbound Sebastian and me from the beam, but he kept the ropes restraining our hands at our backs. "Move!" He gestured to us to exit the tent. We struggled to our feet, and I looked at Sebastian. His face was serious, and I could see the flicker of fear in his eyes. I was about to meet Ulric Rookwood and if it weren't for my hands being restrained, my shaking hands would've displayed my fear.

We walked slowly to the exit of the tent and came into a clearing where the largest fire I'd ever seen pulsated in centre of the campsite. The flames of black and green were over three metres high. Sebastian wasn't lying when he said there were hundreds of witches and wizards here. Their faces were all hidden by those masks, and they were chanting in a language I didn't understand. As they saw me, they cleared a path for us to follow towards the fire. I walked closely next to Sebastian, afraid to not have his body heat near me. I kept glancing at the different masked faces although I couldn't see the faces behind them, I could feel their mania seeping through those masks. As we neared the fire the chanting intensified, and fear turned in my stomach.

As we approached the other side of the fire, my stomach sank. Ominis and Anne were kneeling in front of the fire, hugging each other tightly. The wizard known as Shaw stood behind them wand at the ready. Ominis was consoling Anne as tears ran down from her face. I had never seen her so frightened. Even Ominis was pale, and I could see he was trying to be brave for Anne. Those green eyes locked on mine as we rounded the fire.

"Anne! Are you hurt?" Sebastian ran towards them, nobody stopped him, and Anne put her arms around him and continued crying. Ominis was still looking at me, he gave me a look of I'm sorry we got caught. I was no longer scared for myself, but for what The Blackhand would do to my friends.

The chanting stopped and only the crackling fire could be heard. I felt a chill run up my spine as the air became cold. I turned to the left to see the crowd of masks part and a tall man walked gracefully through them, his silver hair glistening in the moonlight. Towe followed closed behind him. They were both masked, but I could see bright blue eyes shining through the man's mask. I knew immediately that this man was Ulric Rookwood, by the fact that everyone bowed to him as he strode past them. He also commanded the space as he walked. He was an intimidating man.

Rookwood stopped a few feet from me suddenly. His eyes scanned my face and his mouth opened and closed. I wasn't sure what had made him stop and stare at me like that. But I swallowed my fear and forced myself not to buckle under his stare. I glared at the man responsible for so much pain and suffering. The man responsible for Poppy's death.

"Release her from her bounds immediately." He spoke with a deep voice and an Eastern European accent. Towe tensed but immediately obeyed his instruction.

I rubbed at my wrists after being so tightly bound but I didn't once remove my eyes from his. He slowly raised his hand to his mask and removed it, tossing it aside. If I wasn't terrified, I might've thought him a handsome man. He looked to be in his forties, with wrinkles forming around those blue eyes.

He continued to watch me and slowly started walking towards me. It took all my courage not to step away, but I held my ground. He was in front of me now, and he was a tall man that towered over me as I had to raise my head to look at him. He raised a hand to brush against my cheek, but I slapped it away. The crowd gasped at my outburst.

"Don't you dare touch me." I managed to say without my voice cracking with the fear that run through my heart.

He smirked at me, almost as if he was impressed by my actions.

"My fellow brothers and sisters!" He exclaimed to the crowd. "I present to you the Antiqua potentia. That's the Ancient power for those of you not well versed in Latin." He barely took notice of my friends kneeling by the fire, all of whom had a look of terror in their eyes. "We have searched for many years, and now the power is within our grasp. With it we will reshape the world." The crowd cheered at him.

"This man has smart ideas." The voice chuckled inside of me, and it made my skin crawl.

"Riley Dagworth." He addressed me now. "You are a difficult one to get a hold of. From our contacts in the Ministry of Magic we have learnt that repository of ancient magic is no longer beneath Hogwarts. The fact that you fled that night makes me think that you have that resource of power with you now. From what some of my members have described, you have demonstrated power beyond their wildest beliefs. I can smell it on you. You do not deserve to possess such power. All members of The Blackhand have gathered here tonight to bear witness to the ceremony. To restore the ancient magic to its rightful owner."

He raised his hands and all the Blackhand members followed suit. They were all brainwashed by this lunatic. I don't know if it was the nerves, or if I had somehow managed to find some courage within me, but I just scoffed.

Ulric Rookwood paused and slowly turned to face me. "You dare mock me?"

"I just wonder what makes you think that you're the rightful owner of this ancient magic. You don't seem to have been born with it like I was. If anything, I think that reveals you are fraud amongst your own kind." My words hit their mark. I could see in the corner of my eyes some of the crowd started whispering. Rookwood started to nervously glance around the crowd. I took the moment to glance over to my friends. Anne had her head buried in her hands, whilst Sebastian held her. Ominis was looking at me with a look that said what the hell are you doing.

Before I could move, Rookwood stormed over to me and slapped me across the face. "She lies! She was not born of this magic, she stole it. Why else did it only manifest itself once she turned fifteen?"

The crowd seemed to nod in agreement. "All who know of your story Riley Dagworth know that you only joined Hogwarts last year when your magic apparently manifested. You stole that which does not belong to you. But tonight, we shall restore the balance. The ancient magic belongs in the Rookwood family."

I rubbed my cheek where his hand had landed as it throbbed with pain. I didn't know how Ulric knew the details about my magic's origin, but my curiosity was stirred. I thought only the Keepers knew. I was confident that Ulric Rookwood was lying to his followers. I didn't steal this magic. I was born with it. Even Niamh Fitzgerald had said that the ancient magic was passed down through lineage.

"And tonight, that which was stolen shall be restored with the ceremony. Which brings me to the next order of events."

Rookwood nodded at Towe and an evil smile spread over her thin lips. She stomped over to Sebastian and grabbed him by the hair, ripping him from Anne's grasp. Sebastian tried to fight it, but his hands were still bound behind his back. Anne tried to protest but Ominis held her back. Towe threw Sebastian in front of the fire onto the ground. He knees buckled and he was kneeling in front of me now as Rookwood circled us.

"Riley Dagworth, for this ceremony to work, you will need to be a willing participant. Otherwise, the extraction process will not work. That's were Mr. Sallow here comes in very handy. And if he doesn't succeed at the task, then we have two other options to work with." He glanced over at Ominis and Anne and I knew where this was going. This man was going to torture my friends to get me to comply.

"If you so much as touch a hair on any of them I will destroy you." Rookwood just laughed at me. Before he could say anything, further Anne screamed out and clutched her belly in pain. Ominis wrapped his hands over her shoulders as she shivered.

Ulric Rookwood looked over at Anne squirming in pain and a slow grin appeared on his face. "I recognise that curse. Looks like my fallen brother left the lovely Rookwood curse on your little friend here. I must say it's still one of my favourites to use. A constant reminder of the strength and power behind the Rookwood name."

Both Sebastian and I just stared with distressed looks on our faces as Anne's curse started to die down and her breathing became heavy.

Rookwood was studying my face now and he let out a small chuckle.

"Oh, this is going to be fun. Let's do things a little different than the standard torture threat. Let's expose your greatness weakness, Riley Dagworth."

Rookwood was now circling me like a vulture, eyeing out its next meal. He stood next to me and whispered so that only I and Sebastian could hear what I was saying.

"Based on the state of your friend there, I'd say she doesn't have much longer before my brother's curse consumes the little life she has left. So, I have a proposition for you. One that doesn't involve me torturing your friends." I turned my head to look at him and he smiled, knowing that he had my interest.

"I can cure the curse from your friend. It's a blood curse, that can only be cured by a Rookwood." Sebastian's eyes widened at this news and my breathing slowed. "I will cure her, let your friends go and they will live a happy life. Isn't that what you want for your friends Riley?"

My mouth felt dry, but I managed to speak.

"And in return?"

Rookwood almost hummed with excitement. "You will formally announce in front of all my members here that you stole your ancient magic from the Rookwood family. You will then also willingly comply in the ceremony to extract the magic from you." He wanted to solidify his lie amongst his cult. Coward.

"What happens after the ceremony? You kill me anyways?" He stalked over to the other side of me, bending down and whispered so softly that only I could hear his next words.

"You will serve at my side as a member of The Blackhand." I scoffed at his words. "And I know you'll do this because if you do, I will tell you the origins of your ancient magic. I will also tell you of your birth parents." I turned my head swiftly to him so that we were face to face now.

"You're lying. You know nothing of my birth parents. You're just trying to bait me." My hands were clenched into fists. There was no way Rookwood knew anything. He didn't even know who I was until this year. How did he even know what I was adopted?

He chuckled at my defiance. "To prove that I do know, I will make this deal with an Unbreakable vow. You know how an Unbreakable Vow works I assume? If I don't uphold my end of the bargain, I'll die. That should be assurance enough to you that I speak the truth."

My heart was beating fast. This deal was tempting. My friends wouldn't be hurt, they would be freed. I would learn of the origins of my magic and my birth parents. But in doing so I would unleash this power within me to the most awful and cruel man to walk the earth. He could potentially destroy the world with it. I would be breaking my oath to protect the ancient magic. The ancient magic that was now corrupted within me.

"Do not agree to this. To extract the power I have fused into you will come at a price. It is not natural." The voice within me spoke and it sounded frightened. What will happen when they try to extract the power? I argued with the voice inside of me.

"Not only would the process being excruciatingly painful, but I require a host of some form or another. One that has the ability to wield ancient magic. Ranrok had the ability. You have the ability. This scary man does not. It will likely destroy all three of us in the process. We can kill him now. End this. Your loyalty to your friends makes you weak and will be your downfall if you do this."

The words made something in me snap. And I knew what needed to be done. I looked down at Sebastian who was studying me intently. His face sunk as we stared at each other. He knew I had made my decision.

"Riley don't do this" Sebastian eyes were wide with panic.

"What's it to be? I'm an impatient man." I turned back to Ulric and took a deep breath.

"So long as you first tell me about my birth parents before the ceremony, then I agree. I agree to an Unbreakable Vow."

Rookwood grinned his teeth at me, "So be it." He turned from me and gestured for Towe to approach.

"Brothers and sisters! The young one has agreed to volunteer in the ceremony! Bear witness to the Unbreakable vow we shall now make."

Towe approached us and eyed me cautiously.

"Master an Unbreakable Vow? Surely it is simpler to torture the others to get her to volunteer?" Rookwood eyes were ablaze with hunger, and he was already rolling up his sleeve.

"Towe do as you're told. I grow tired of the sound of your voice."

I turned to look back at Ominis and Anne. She was lying on the floor now and her breathing was shallow. I knew by the look on Ominis' face that she was dying. Her frail body couldn't handle any more attacks from the Rookwood curse. I turned back to look at Sebastian as I also rolled up my sleeve.

"Riley, you don't have to do this. We can find another way." His voice was a whisper, and I could hear the hurt through each word. It took all my might to turn away from Sebastian and face Ulric again. His right hand was already extended and waiting for me to grasp it.

"Don't do this young one." The voice was begging inside of me, but I shut it down to the farthest corners of my mind. I took a deep breath and grasped Ulric Rookwood's hand. It was large and callused, and it engulfed my own.

"Any foul play and Towe will stop the Vow immediately and she will personally torture your friends one by one." I glared up at Rookwood. Hatred boiled inside my veins. I slowly nodded at him. Towe placed her wand at the tip of our linked hands and Rookwood began with his vows loud enough so that all of the members of the Blackhand could hear.

"I Ulric Rookwood, vow to remove the curse my brother has placed on Anne Sallow. I vow to let Anne Sallow, Ominis Gaunt and Sebastian Sallow go free and never to pursue them again. I vow to reveal the origins of the ancient magic and the lineage of Riley Dagworth before the ceremony."

I listened to his words carefully, making sure there were loopholes that he could use to his advantage. I could find none.

"I accept the terms of your vows." With that three thin tongues of brilliant flame issued from Towe's wand and wound its way around our hands like a red-hot wire. One for each of Rookwood's vows.

"I Riley Dagworth, vow to willingly partake in said ceremony. I vow to all that bare witness, that I have taken the ancient magic within from the Rookwood family. I vow to serve The Blackhand for its reign."

I could hear Sebastian let out a sob behind Rookwood, but I didn't dare look his way. I couldn't. Rookwood considered my terms for a moment. He accepted them. I wasn't sure what would happen if you lied during an Unbreakable Vow, as I had about stealing the ancient magic. But for each of my three vows, including that one, the same thin tongue of magic wrapped itself around our hands. Rookwood dropped my hand I could see the marks of our magical contract marked on my wrist as a permanent reminder.

Rookwood took no time to adhere to his vows. He immediately strode over to Anne where she now lay unconscious on the floor. He aimed his wand at her chest and his non-verbal spell got to work immediately. Flickers of black oozed out of Anne's skin and into the tip of Rookwood's wand. The colour returned to her, and her face was full and no longer sunken. She gasped for air as her eyes opened. Ominis was stroking her hair out of her face.

"Anne how do you feel? he asked.

"I feel normal. The pain is gone." Rookwood didn't even bother to examine her, but I could see the curse was no longer within her. With a flick of his wand, he had released Sebastian from his bounds.

"You are free to go. Say your goodbyes and get out of my sight." Rookwood stalked over to some of his members who were now bestowing kisses upon his hands. Towe following closely behind him.

Sebastian raised himself from his knees and walked immediately over to me. I was surprised he hadn't gone to inspect Anne. Our eyes met and it took everything within me not to break down and cry right there in front of Sebastian.

"Riley, I can't believe you did that for Anne."

"I did it for you Sebastian."

He swept me up his arms so that my feet dangled in the air. I held onto him tightly, knowing that this would be the last time I would hold him in my arms. I took a deep breath of his sandalwood scent, hoping that I would never forget it.

"I love you, Riley."

Tears formed in my eyes, and I pulled away from our embrace and kissed him deeply. I didn't care who was watching. After what felt like not long enough, Sebastian pulled away and he held my face in his hands as he wiped away the tears.

"I will find a way. I will return for you. I swear it." I tried not let more tears fall at his inane promise. If my planned worked out, I was not going to survive the night. But neither was Ulric Rookwood. I felt a gently hand on my shoulder and turned to find a more youthful Anne staring at me.

"Riley, I don't know how to repay you for what you have sacrificed."

I reluctantly let go of Sebastian and hugged Anne tightly.

"You can live the life you deserved Anne. Promise me you'll look after your brother?" She nodded and her hug tightened around me.

Ominis stood behind her and he watched us as we hugged. I released Anne and gave her a reassuring smile before I stood in front of Ominis.

"Riley, what have you done? I know you wanted to save Anne, but this power cannot fall into the wrong hands." I wrapped my hands around his neck and hugged him tightly. I felt Ominis go stiff at first, but then relax as he placed his arms around my waist.

"I need you to trust me Ominis." I whispered so that only he could hear. He released me from our embrace and nodded. I placed a kiss on his cheek and gave him a small smile. He took Anne's hand and left me standing with Sebastian once more. I took in his hazel eyes and freckled face. Soaking in the memory of him.

"I can't say goodbye Riley."

I held his hand and placed a kiss on his fingers. I looked up at him and tried to muster a smile. I wanted to tell him that I loved him too. I wanted to tell him that I had fallen in love with him in fifth year. But something stopped me.

"It's not goodbye. It's until we meet in again in the next life, where I will forever be yours." Sebastian caressed my cheek with his hand, and I leaned into it, closing my eyes at his touch.

"That's enough of that. Riley Dagworth. Join me at my side now."

I took one last look at Sebastian, and I let out a long breath as I released his hands and walked over to Ulric Rookwood and stood next to him. He had a satisfied look on his face as I moped over to him.

I stared at the ground, I couldn't look at my friends as they stood by the fire, holding hands, preparing for Ominis to Dissapparate them. I only looked up once I heard the familiar popping sound and my friends were gone, leaving a gaping hole in my heart.

They were safe. That's all that mattered I reminded myself. I knew this would be hard, but I struggled to hold back the tears as the black and green fire crackled in front of me. My thoughts were interrupted by Rookwood addressing the crowd. I took the opportunity to wipe away my tears.

"Brothers and sisters, we shall conduct the ceremony within the hour. I suggest you prepare yourselves." With that the members of The Blackhand started to scatter amongst the camp to organise whatever preparations were required.

"Riley, join me in my tent. We have much to discuss before the ceremony." He gestured towards an ornate tent near the centre of the camp, and I obeyed. Towe followed behind us.

"Towe, tell my mother to be ready in an hour." Mother? I didn't have a chance to ask questions. Towe nodded begrudgingly but headed off towards the other side of the encampment. Rookwood and I entered his tent. It was enchanted like the other tents, where it was larger than it appeared from the outside. The floor was laid with expensive Persian rugs and a large table in the centre of the tent was covered in books and old documents. I was trying to remain composed, to not let my fear of the upcoming ceremony show on my face.

"Sit, please." Rookwood gestured towards the armchairs in the corner, and I did as he told. I was eager to learn about my parents, and I only had an hour left to live. Rookwood took a seat in the one opposite me and he crossed his leg over his knee as he inspected me. He stared at me for a good minute in silence. I felt awkward under his gaze and decided to take control of the situation.

"Are you going to tell me what you know or not? Might I remind you that if you break our vow you'll die. Not that I wouldn't mind seeing that."

He chuckled at my outburst.

"What's so bloody funny?" I crossed my arms, his relaxed demeanour was unsettling me.

"You have the exact same fiery temper has your mother." I gulped at the mention of my birth mother.

"You knew her then? I want to know everything. What about my father?"

He held his head up against his hand, with his thumb supporting his chin as he chuckled at me.

"Stop fucking about and tell me!"

"Well, I can definitely say you get your impatience from me."

My heart stilled at his comment.


"You heard me, Riley. You are my daughter."