Uncovering the mystery of Robin P Matthew

Larette stepped out of the cab and onto the pavement in front of Creekwood College. She knew that this was the place to find the information she needed, so she walked hurried her way through the gates and into the main building. Inside, she headed straight for the library, her destination the college information archives section. There, she hoped to find what she was looking for: the student yearbook.

Larette searched through the shelves of books until she found the yearbook for the present year and the previous year. She quickly flipped through the pages until she found the name she was looking for: Robin P Matthew. 

"Yes… I knew it" Larette shouts out of happiness.

"Keep quiet miss" the old librarian lady ordered.


Larette saw an image of a young brunette girl. Below her name: Robin Persely Matthew, it was written Computer Science Major, Journalism Major. 

"Ooh… She's a smart girl" She whispered to herself.

Larette sat at a table in the library, surrounded by books and papers as she tried to make sense of the information she had found about Robin P Matthew. Despite having found Robin's name in the student yearbook, Larette still couldn't understand how this person could be connected to their current situation: being trapped in the bracelets.

As she thought about it, one possibility occurred to her: Robin knew something that she shouldn't have known. It was a slender thread to hang a theory on, but it was all Larette had to go on for the moment. She made a note to try and find out more about Robin and see if there was any way to determine what this mysterious person might have known that could have led to Larette and her friends being trapped in the bracelets.

As soon as she pulled out her phone to tell the whole story to the other girls. She got the task message. 

"THIS IS THE LAST TASK". There are some pictures of boxes and a video of Robin...