Chapter 26.

The appetizer sat untouched for several minutes, until Ren's hunger managed to get the better of him, even if he wasn't willing to try anything he didn't recognize, steering clear of the foie gras as he munched down a cracker. However, Ren's willingness to take the first bite, prompted Mr. Dodge to get involved.

"You'll have to forgive my ignorance," he said, shifting and leaning over the table as he lowered his voice, "but how do you suggest that this be eaten?"

Celina seemed delighted in being asked, and she was kind in her directions, offering them up as suggestions rather than staunch instructions. It appeared that she understood not everyone would have a taste for every component of the dish, saying, "You should only eat what you like, but try everything at least once to know if you'll like it." It was sound advice. And while Ren found the foie gras less than appetizing, and Mr. Dodge masked the small amounts he dabbed on his crackers with bits of the cheeses and slices of the jelly, it was shared in good spirit and slowly devoured.

To Hutch their dislike of the foie gras was understandable. To the majority of those on earth it probably seemed as an odd sort of delicacy, but to Hutch, it wasn't a delicacy at all. He had come to enjoy the taste of nearly every edible part of the animals he ate on Illimev, as no useable part ever went to waste. The foie gras, despite the unusual spices used to season it, was familiar, even enjoyable to him.

For the most part, Hutch remained out of the conversation that the other three were engaged in. Rod continued to make him uneasy, and he kept expecting to see Casimir walk around the corner to join them at any moment. No matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't understand the reason behind sending his wife, and still wasn't entirely certain that her reason for being there wasn't a ruse.

There was plenty he wanted to ask her, mostly about Casimir, like where he was, and why the runaround, but the timing was off and the company less than ideal. Ren may have been willing to accept his truth at face value, with little evidence, the possibility of other life out there somewhere being too much for him to pass on, but Mr. Dodge was a different matter, and Hutch thought it unkind to drag him into anything abnormal. He had already seen enough change in his lifetime, and lived through enough tragedy, that it would be unfair to destroy the comfortable world view he currently held.

Whatever the purpose this trap was supposed to serve, Hutch knew he was firmly caught within, knowing all he could do was act as if he believed what Celina had said, and taking everything else as coincidence, even if they were far too convenient for his liking, as he tried to appear as if he was enjoying himself.

The salads arrived with impeccable timing, the foie gras appetizer near gone, and the crisp fresh greens and sweet dressings were refreshing to the palate.

Once their plates were empty, Enzo returned to the table with a busser who cleared away the plates, as he topped up their water glasses, before unexpectedly removing the silverware from Hutch's and Celina's place settings, setting a two-prong fork just to the left of their chargers in return.

Departing from the room momentarily, Enzo reappeared, setting a basket of fresh baked bread and a plate of softened butter on the table, between Mr. Dodge and Ren, as he informed everyone that their meals would be arriving shortly, before taking his leave once more.

"Eating here feels like a marathon," Mr. Dodge remarked, grabbing a slice of the bread.

"Meals like these should be enjoyed at a slower pace. They're best when you like the company and aren't in a hurry to get anywhere," Hutch commented, keeping his eyes on Celina to watch for her reaction.

"That's precisely right." She smiled blissfully, setting her elbows on the edge of the table, and resting her temple against her knuckles as she positioned herself to look at him. "Meals with family and friends should be enjoyed for hours. I know it's not always practical, but its why dinners should be served later in the evening when all you need think about is going to sleep." Straightening herself up she returned her attention to the table. "People are in such a hurry these days, we've considered warning guests at the dinner service, going so far as to change the menu so it reads, each course is allotted twenty minutes, forty for entrées, at the top, just so they know what they're getting into. The manager couldn't decide if it would be good for business or detrimental."

"It would certainly take away from the mystique of the experience if you give away the secret."

"You've a rather mature outlook for your age," she remarked, shifting her eyes to meet his, "Mr. Hutchinson."

Hutch immediately diverted his gaze. His cheeks taking on a subtle warmth. It sounded weird being called Mr. Hutchinson by her, and he hated that he couldn't do a better job at keeping his emotions in check.

"Just call me Hutch, if you wouldn't mind."

"As you wish, as long as you agree to call me Celina. I think it would be nice if we were on a first name basis. Don't you agree?"

"Certainly, Celina," he replied, before taking a drink of his ginger ale to wash down the odd sensation speaking her name left in the back of his throat.

"Wonderful!" she exclaimed, the pleasantness of her smile brightening the room once more. "Then tell me, Hutch, if your friend is doing his project on Cascel Tower, have you given any thought to what you'll be doing yours on?"

Ren snorted, slapping his hand over his mouth to hold back his laughter.

"Ren," Mr. Dodge scolded.

"Sorry. I'm really sorry. It's just the thought of him preparing ahead of time…"

Hutch groaned, as he glared at Ren from the corner of his eye. "I doubt I will be in any of the same classes as Ren. I haven't had the best track record when it comes to attendance. I'm a bit behind."

"He dropped out for one semester," Ren blurted out with no regards for the situation, "but he's returning in January. If he puts in the extra work, he'd be able to make the credits and graduate with the rest of us."

"Let me guess, more interested in trades over academia?" Celina asked, not a hint of judgment in her voice or expression.

"You should see the deck he just put on his house. It only took him three days. The boys a real natural for that sort of work," Mr. Dodge commented.

"Well, yes. I do prefer labor to reading," Hutch admitted, with a sigh.

"Then I suspect I have the perfect opportunity for you to earn those extra credits. Rod, card," she said, holding out her hand to the bodyguard.

"Ma'am," he replied, pulling a business card from his inside jacket pocket, and giving it to her.

"Not many people are aware that Cascel works as a contact for a wide selection of co-op positions available every year. Surprisingly we only manage to fill about half of them. Normally the more academically inclined ones at that. Which means, we always have an abundance of trade and labor positions available, some that can even be completed during after school hours. Many of the younger employees here were once co-op students and even those who went on to work elsewhere found the experience invaluable. It will have to be agreed upon with your high school, but I'm certain I can make the appropriate arrangements for you. If you're interested, of course." Setting the card face down on the table, she slid it over to him. "Take some time to think about it, and call this number when you're ready."

Picking up the card, Hutch stared at its face.

"As for you, Ren, if you still need to complete your co-op hours, you can go through your school. I will make a note of your name to ensure that you're guaranteed whatever position you're interested in. Given the scope of your project, I'm thinking a position with Nobellan Architecture on the seventeenth floor or maybe Sampson Engineering in the east building. Both companies are excellent and allow both their co-ops and interns to take advantage of the Cascel Tower amenities, including a food allowance for the employee cafeteria."

"My word, Mrs. Salvador, that is an incredibly generous opportunity for them both," Mr. Dodge remarked, flabbergasted by the potential.

"I… I'm at a loss for words," Ren muttered before bowing his head, "Thank you for this opportunity."

"Yes," Hutch said as he slipped the card into the pocket of his pants, "Thank you for the offer. I will have to think about it, but I will thoroughly consider it."

"That is all I can ask," she replied, as Enzo returned, parking a trolley with a number of cloche covered dishes at the entryway.