The Devil's Inescapable Shadow - I

It had been less than two months since Seraphina had left the village, yet it felt as if two years had passed.

Everything that had transpired since she was captured by the Count of Red Frost felt like a surreal, absurd dream. 

The good, the bad, what angered her, what saddened her, what she longed for, what she abandoned... all of it, due to Ansel's words, had become a heartbreaking void. 

Seraphina Marlowe, toyed with like a jester, yet time and again she had genuinely cared. 

And that man who never lied to her... heh, in the end, he honestly fulfilled his promise. 

But in the days and nights after leaving the Red Frost territory, Seraphina wished countless times that he could deceive her forever. 

Seraphina lost her sister, and also the person who changed her life. 

She pondered over and over again, wondering why Ansel had to say those things. After the rage subsided, all that was left was an unfillable loneliness and emptiness.