The Essence of [Beast] -III

Seraphina didn't speak, just gnawed at the roasted rabbit in her hand that was obviously a bit burnt. Her face, illuminated by the bonfire, was tinged with a blush of satisfaction from a girl's heart. 


Ansel suddenly spoke, "As a hunter, what is your perception of beasts?"

"...Uh?" Seraphina, who was chewing on rabbit meat, tilted her head, "What do you mean by …'perception of beasts?"

"What I mean is—" Ansel bit into his rabbit meat, looking at Seraphina, the flames reflected in his azure eyes flickered due to the cold wind.

"In your eyes, what exactly are beasts and animals? What is their… essence?"

"Why are you suddenly asking me such profound questions, Ansel?"

The young girl licked her greasy lips in confusion, "You should be asking these questions to Marli."

"Because you are the best hunter," Ansel said with a smile, "So, I believe you can provide the most accurate answer."