A Ballistic Psychopath - II

Seraphina, who had her legs together and slightly curled up, let out a comfortable moan, she murmured and rubbed Ansel's palm, and at the same time, with a red face, she showed Ravenna a very proud victorious smile:

"Ansel is right... uh! You, hehe... you better stay in your mouse hole and move around with puppets every day."

"Old woman!"


The glasses that had just been handed to Ravenna were crushed on the spot. 

"Ansel of Hydral..."

Ravenna slowly rose to her feet, her gaze fixed on Ansel, her immense rage almost materializing into tangible flames, threatening to incinerate both Ansel and her own icy mountain of fury. 


The woman's mouth slightly opened, her lips moved, but it seemed as if her anger had left her at a loss for words. 

"You are... such a disappointment!"