Puppet Repairer Ansel - IV

"So, you're going to determine my value now?"

Ravenna's tone didn't fluctuate at all: "Determine the meaning of my existence in this domineering way, to make me doubt myself, or to provoke me?"

She would not step into the same trap a second time, the current Ravenna, had already realized one thing —

Ansel of Hydral, still came with the purpose of making her completely submit to him, he still did not want to become a collaborator with her, he must put his existence above her, to feel at ease.

Ravenna didn't know where this most dangerous guy in the world got this sense of unease, nor did she understand why Ansel would think she was destined to be disloyal to him, why she thought she would definitely betray, Ravenna had never harmed any collaborator, she didn't know where Ansel's vicious prejudice came from.

Ravenna only knew that if she had to find the most important thing in life, it could only be her beliefs and ideals.