No Better Choice - II

And what's more ingenious is that Ravenna, who had no choice at that time, believed that she did the right thing; and now she, who has no choice...

She has no doubts about herself either.

"I'm going to the Alchemy Association, Hendrick."

Ravenna, who has made up her mind, said so.


Hendrick is somewhat incomprehensible: "Your current situation is too dangerous, why go to the Alchemy Association?"

How heavy the Etheric Academy's killing intent towards Ravenna is, can be seen from her caution to create fifty-six puppets. Plus, although the Alchemy Association is considered neutral, it is still closer to the Etheric Academy. If you want to bet that the Etheric Academy cares about the face of the Alchemy Association and does not kill people in the Alchemy Association's residence, it is rather risky.

"There are things that must be done."