The Madman Not Yet a Hero - II

"Lord extraordinary, I'm sorry, my daughter didn't mean to offend you..."

As soon as the mother spoke, Ravenna lost interest in listening and turned to leave.

Ronger smiled at the mother and daughter, waved her hand to bestow blessings, cleared the woman's hidden ailments, supplemented the girl's growth nutrients, and quickly caught up with Ravenna.

"How many times has this happened?"

The female scholar couldn't help but laugh, "You rarely go out, but you always run into people who are grateful to you, Ravenna. They must be the relatives of the beneficiaries of that simple treatment device experiment, right?"

"That device." Ravenna's tone was somewhat indifferent, "Because it affected the profits of the healing potions and healing sorcerers, it was killed directly less than a week after it was put on the table."