Serpent's Perfect Partner - IV

Ravenna slowly clenched her fist, the pressure came at her like rolling waves, she wanted to remain unmoved, her will was indeed unmoved, but reality did not allow her to remain unmoved.

"Miss Ravenna."

Ansel's gentle words interrupted Ravenna's thoughts.

"..." Under everyone's gaze, Ravenna was forced to meet Ansel's eyes.

She stared into those sea-blue eyes she had seen countless times, trying to find a hint of mockery or ridicule, but to no avail.

All Ravenna could see in those eyes was an unfathomable gentleness, a gentleness that made her, a person who liked to get to the bottom of things, shudder.

[He is playing the role of a perfect person at this moment.]

Ravenna assured herself inwardly:

[He must be a person person.]

Thus, she relinquished all her incisive assaults and unparalleled cutting remarks, bowing her head to Ansel:

"What can I do for you, Lord Hydral."