Devil’s Companion - Three (I)

"Ah, the ravages of war..." 

The empress, perched upon her throne, gazed upon the spectacle of two iron torrents clashing on the screen, chuckling softly, "On a battlefield where transcendence reign supreme, mere mortals are compelled to charge to the forefront with their paltry strength, engaging in desperate combat... My daughter, I now begin to comprehend your childish predilection."

Her fingers tapped lightly on the armrest, "If this drama were solely a clash between the extraordinary, a mere exchange of spells and incantations, it would indeed be dreadfully dull."

"Only when all beings are cast into this colossal crucible..."

The madness twinkling in the aged empress's eyes was chilling, "Can a masterpiece be forged... one that satisfies me!"

The courtiers remained silent, their thoughts no longer on the war at hand.