Devil’s Companion - Three (III)

And so, a light began to twinkle on the horizon. 

Ravenna and Hendrik both looked toward Spirity Lake territory, where the massive ether fluctuations were impossible to ignore.

"The final stage," Ravenna observed, her gaze fixed on the streaks of light shooting from the ground to the sky, "It's time to decide the victor."

At that moment, all the extraordinary beings on the battlefield ceased their combat almost simultaneously. 

Instinctively, they all looked up, only to see… two streaks of light that seemed to tear the sky asunder.

The steel knight, racing from the horizon, grew larger and larger in everyone's view. Its pitch-black, icy armor, with jets unfolding at the shoulders, spewed forth a dragon's breath of dazzling, searing light.

The knight, having charged to the skies above the battlefield, descended slowly, and in the stunned gaze of all, this sixty-meter-tall steel behemoth stood erect in the center of the battlefield.