Hydral's Dilemma - III

It was not a forceful seizure, it was not a sinister deception... even Ravenna didn't know how he did it, but anyway, the empress gave the Tower of Babel to Ansel. And Ansel? He didn't even ask for it, he probably didn't even make a subtle hint, and he easily took the entire Tower of Babel from that self-righteous Evora. 

This is a good thing, a great thing in the eyes of all members of the Tower of Babel. 

But only Ravenna knew... Ansel's vision and future never included the era she was looking forward to. 

Even so, she could only bow her head slightly and respond with a calm voice: "Yes, this is my choice." 

Rather than witnessing the collapse of the Tower of Babel in the storm, it is better to bet on the process of advancing smoothly under the protection of Hydral... and develop a power that can completely change the world. 

If even now is lost, what future is there to talk about?