You are Born for This - III

He gave resources to the Tower of Babel, he supported the Tower of Babel... what does that represent?

These resources, these supports, to Ansel, are they very laborious things?

No, never, he just needs to leak some micro-resources from his fingertips, which can make the Tower of Babel enjoy endlessly. There is nothing to prove that Ansel of Hydral values the Tower of Babel very much.

To him, the Tower of Babel may just be an interesting and useful toy. But his good attitude towards the people of the Tower of Babel and Evora formed a too sharp contrast, making them have the illusion that "Mr. Ansel values us very much", making them think that Ansel will always stand on their side.

And the fact? The fact is... Ansel doesn't care much about the Tower of Babel. The organization with a deep foundation, the old and powerful fifth-stage strong, which of them is not more valuable than the uncertain future of the Tower of Babel?