An Unfulfilled Promise - II

"You see, you know it very well in your heart," the youthful Hydral said softly, "Extraordinary beings like you, like your grandfather, are always a minority within a minority."

"In the eyes of most extraordinary beings, ordinary people are... not on the same level as them. The gap between the two is like that between humans and uncivilized animals. The stronger the extraordinary beings, the greater this gap, equivalent to... humans and ants."

"Why? Because the power has alienated their personalities? This is just one of the reasons, one of the most superficial reasons."

"The root cause is that this world is distorted, Venna."

Ansel lowered his eyes slightly, "The extraordinary makes the soul chase and crave for further progress, making extraordinary beings eternally pursue the possibility of life's ascension, but the nature of the abyss makes all extraordinary beings unable to realize this desire, stepping into madness in repeated torment."