Ansel’s Gift - Six (I)

Evora, who had long appeared disinterested, suddenly had a spark in her eyes.

"This object..."

She gazed intently at the grey bracelet on Ravenna's wrist, an unmasked flame of greed burning in her pupils.


The Elder Princess chuckled softly, "Is this the inspiration you provided her?"

"Yet, the creation is a testament to Ravenna's own abilities."

Ansel observed that lovely yet aloof visage, a slight smile playing on his lips, "I certainly lack the skill to craft such an item."

"Skill, hmph... Your little puppet indeed possesses a unique and remarkable talent in this regard."

As the conversation turned to this, Evora sneered for reasons unknown, "But she always harbors impractically foolish delusions."

Ansel's brows lifted slightly, "...Has she mentioned anything to you?"

"What else could it be but an upgraded version of her mad grandfather's ideals?"