The Flow of Fate - II

The Tower of Babel no longer required her oversight—though it might seem absurd, an academic organization boasting several fifth-stage extraordinary beings needing the concern of a mere third-stage being. Yet, the truth was, without Ravenna's several interventions, the Tower would have dissolved long ago. 

… Or rather, without Ansel repeatedly acting as the unseen mover, enabling Ravenna to step forward at critical moments, the Tower would have disintegrated.

Now, Ravenna could concentrate on her own affairs: Ansel's covert schemes, her grandfather's demise, and how to assist Ansel—these three aspects could proceed concurrently under her planning. 

Ansel does not trust me now... No, he probably will never trust me again, unless his plan succeeds. And should Ansel's plan come to fruition, it signifies that I will... lose my unwavering pursuit of that future.