Helen·Faust - One - I

"Soil enhancement potion?" 

Within the vast alchemy workshop, Hendrik, who was overseeing the production lines, turned his head towards Ravenna with a hint of surprise, "The completion is nearly there; a few more stability tests should suffice... Ravenna, are you considering launching that item?"

The man hesitated slightly, "Unless Lord Ansel is willing to endorse us, bringing it to the forefront... could easily spiral out of our control."

To say it could "spiral out of control" is an understatement. The Tower of Babel has made numerous efforts over the years, only to see them come to naught. So many, in fact, that even now, with Lord Ansel as their support, Hendrik dares not take any aggressive steps, fearing another misstep.

"It's alright," Ravenna calmly replied, "Lord Ansel will ensure it reaches those it is meant for, without interference from the extraordinary beings."
