Helen·Faust - Three - I

James was a robust young man, summoned for his generational expertise in agriculture. At the age of twenty-five, he had already dedicated fifteen years to the fields.

Yet, even as a farmer, his vigorous constitution was evident, a testament to the fertile lands of the Empire's southern region. 

The plight of the southern farmers was enviable compared to their northern counterparts, who faced meager harvests and the extortion of tax officials.

Now, James stood in line outside the lord's manor with his fellow villagers, all bewildered by their summons from various domains. James couldn't fathom what use the nobility might have for people like them. 

"Laurel," he said, his anxiety growing as the line inched forward, "what do you think… they want with us?"

Laurel seemed unconcerned. "They probably just need to make use of us... though I'm not sure what those high and mighty could want with folks who only know how to toil in the mud."