Keep Calm and Prepare for Some Mind-blowing Extraordinary Economics - III

Moreover, raising the purchase price would mean raising the selling price, which carries the risk of buyers refusing to pay the higher rates... And as for increasing the purchase cost while keeping the selling price the same? Such merchants do not exist in this world.

But Reginald could afford to do so, not only because he was the wealthiest in Pelican City but also because he only bought grain from Laurel and James, and immediately sold it to other cities. He did not have a funding gap; on the contrary, he had already made a profit. 

The other cities in the Watson territory, obviously more affluent than Pelican City, and with their demand for this wheat, meant that even at a higher price, there would be plenty of buyers. 

Reginald could effortlessly purchase the farmers' wheat at higher prices.

And when the other farmers truly achieved higher incomes due to Laurel's "negotiations"...